
Chapter 61 Father-In-Law

"You have to stay with me tonight, do you hear me?" Tsunade crossed her arms and snorted coldly.

Xuanjian glanced at Naishan and said expressionlessly: "Why?"

"This is an IOU. I bought you one night. You have to serve me tonight. I owe you ten thousand taels and I will pay you back in the future." Tsunade took out a piece of paper from her chest and threw it at Genma's face arrogantly. .

Who do you think I am? I am the leader of the Senju clan and the future Hokage. Why do you act like I am a cowherd?

What's more, what he took out was not money, but an IOU, which was really too much.

Genjian took a deep breath and sucked the IOU under his nose with his strong physical strength.

Don't get me wrong, he was just afraid that this IOU would be picked up by someone else, causing Tsunade to inexplicably have another debt.

Putting the milk-flavored IOU into his pocket, Xuanjian's expression did not change.

"Then I'll reluctantly agree to it."

"But ten thousand taels doesn't seem like enough. I need to pay more!"

"I wonder how much money Brother Genma needs?" Shizune asked weakly.

Tsunade directly covered Shizune's mouth.

Why don't you think about good things at such a young age? Who did you learn this from?!

Xuanjian touched his chin and said to himself: "It should be at least fifty thousand taels, no, one hundred thousand taels."

Seemingly feeling that fifty thousand taels was not in line with his status, Xuanjian immediately increased the price to one hundred thousand taels.

Mikoto, Kushina, Shizune and Konan moved their eyes slightly, looked at each other, and nodded in unison.

The price is quite reasonable.

"That's fine, here you go." Tsunade gritted her teeth and took out an IOU from the big Yamanaka, and the amount became one hundred thousand taels.

"Can you afford it?"

"It's a big deal!"

Although Tsunade wanted to say that with her reputation as a Hokage disciple, how could she not repay it, but when she thought that Genma knew everything about her, she couldn't help but feel a little guilty.

Got it, I want to have sex for free.

Xuanjian collected the IOU: "That's okay."

The little game between the two lovers ended, but Konan suddenly said: "Brother Genma, I want to be a ninja."

Holding the fragrant and soft little loli in his arms, Genma asked: "Why do you suddenly want to be a ninja?"

Although Genma adopted her and taught her Ninjutsu, she did not enter a ninja school and was not a Konoha ninja, so she did not participate in the last memorial ceremony.

"Brother Genma, you are busy working for the family now, and I also want to make a little contribution. In the future, I will make money as a ninja and then engage in prostitution... ah, no... it is to subsidize the family."

"Oh?" After hearing this, Genjian showed a playful smile: "Okay, I agree. When I have time, I will go to the ninja school to help you enroll."

Then soon, the other four Tsunade girls also realized something was wrong.

Fortunately, the other three girls were all ninjas and it was easy to make money. Shizune was not very happy. She was still a few months short of the minimum age requirement for admission to the ninja school.

"It's so lively."

However, just when everyone in Xuanjian was making a fuss, a familiar voice sounded.

There are two more figures in this ramen stall, one tall and one short.

Yuhi Zhenhong led a little loli into Ichiraku Ramen and said regretfully: "It seems I can't sit down!"

Ichiraku Ramen is not large, with only six seats, which was just filled by Genma and his group.

"It's so red!" Genma said hello to his comrade, "Come in, we've almost finished eating."

Konan and Shizune left their seats, Konan sat on Genma, and Shizune sat on Tsunade, leaving just two seats free for the two of them.

Seeing another customer entering the store, Shou Da also returned to the stall.

"Sorry to trouble you." Yuhi Zhenhong pulled the little girl and sat down next to Genma. The little girl stared at Genma with her eyes, "Two bowls of tonkotsu ramen, eat here."

Genjian has already guessed the identity of the little loli. With this cute face and red pupils, who else could it be if it wasn't Yūhi Kurenai?

Yuhi Mahong regretted: "It's a pity that there is no soju and wasabi octopus."

Yūhi Kurenai pouted cutely: "It's still early before dark, and training isn't over yet. If you drink, mom will talk to you again!"

Yuhi Zhenhong scratched her head and laughed.

Genma coughed and pretended not to care and said, "This is your daughter. I remember her name is Yūhi Kurenai."

"I didn't expect Genma-sama to still remember that it is indeed the little girl Yūhi Kurenai, Kurenai. This is the great hero of the village, called Genma-sama." Yuhi Mako said in surprise.

"There's no need for you, sir. I'm only a few years older than Hong, so just call me brother." Xuanjian said with a smile: "And Zhenhong, you too. We two are close friends of life and death. It's too alienating to call you sir." , just call me Xuanjian!"

You call me sir now, and I will call you father-in-law from now on. It feels a bit strange.

Xiri Zhenhong was moved in her heart and shouted softly: "Xuanjian."

Yūhi Kurenai, who had endured it for a long time, could no longer control it so much, or he wished he could: "Brother Genma!"

Genjian felt comfortable and reached out to touch Yūhi Kurenai's cute little head.

"Good boy."

Feeling the sweat on Yūhi Kurenai's body aroused Genma's curiosity.

"This is what you are doing?"

Yuhi Makoto waved her hand and said happily: "It's just simple training. Kurenai will also enter the ninja school next year, so seize the time to help her lay the foundation."

Even knowing that the other party is a genius who became Jōnin at a young age does not hinder the father's pride in his daughter.

Genjian nodded.

Another involution.

Otherwise, it is not a ninja clan. Even a small ninja clan is not comparable to civilians.

What civilian could accept Jōnin's guidance and training at this age?

"If this child encounters any problems in his cultivation, he can come to see me in the Senju tribe in the future."

"My family is quite big. There is room for her to practice. Tsunade and I can also teach her. When she is tired from practicing, she can just sleep."

Looking at Yūhi Kurenai's big watery eyes, Genma couldn't bear that she had to work so hard at such a young age, so he gave some advice.

Yuhi Zhenhong's face was filled with joy. There were probably not many ninjas in Konoha who could refuse the opportunity to receive guidance from this adult.

He did not refuse and said directly: "Then I'll trouble you."

Yuhi Zhenhong was happy, Xuanjian was even happier than him.

Taking advantage of this hard-won atmosphere, the two had a lively chat.

The future of Yūhi Kurenai soon came to mind.

When Genma asked Yūhi Kurenai about his future husband, Yuhi Kurenai just laughed and said that it would be great if she could find someone like Mr. Genma.

Genjian and Yūhi Kurenai nodded immediately, feeling that there was nothing wrong with what their father-in-law said.

After leaving Ichiraku Ramen, everyone went home.

Genma fulfilled his promise to Tsunade.

Perhaps because several people have the habit of drinking soup when eating ramen, many people felt their bladders swollen that night and got up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet.

When passing the owner's room, I heard a rustling sound.