
Chapter 60 Put More Naruto, I Love It

Soon, Mikoto applied the ointment to Genma and said, "It's almost time. It's time to take the last step."

Genma also learned medical Ninjutsu and knew the next process very clearly, so he immediately lay down on the bed.

Mikoto opened a bag, unpacked the bandaging tools, and bandaged the injured area.

Correct bandaging needs to complete the work of fixing and supporting the body part, both of which Mikoto does very well.

After a long period of hard work, the treatment was finally completed.

Late at night, Genjian lay on the bed, smiled and closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Even though Xuanjian is often fascinated by the ability to exert his power on the battlefield, such a peaceful life still makes him feel happy.


The dazzling sunlight shines into the patriarch's bedroom, turning the ground golden yellow.

"After such a long time, I feel a little hungry."

The room became brighter, Xuanjian sat up, first touched his waist, and then his belly.

Because of his youth and special physique, he has almost recovered from the injury he suffered yesterday.

But now my stomach was protesting.

First, he was immersed in the practice of Eight Gates Dunjia, and then he was treating his injuries. He basically didn't eat anything this whole day and night, and only drank a few water.


Genjian smelled the scent on his body.

He noticed that there were a lot of smells mixed with his body, the strongest smell of sweat.

Eight Gates Dunjia is a physical skill that is extremely demanding on the body. After practicing for a long time, you will definitely sweat.

After all, after working hard all day and not taking a shower, it is normal to have these smells.

"Just take a shower before eating."

Xuanjian took out the clothes from the closet and walked to the bathroom openly wearing a pair of pants without avoiding anyone.

Not long after, the sleeping Mikoto opened his eyes.

Looking at the alarm clock on the bedside, I found that I had fallen asleep for a long time, and my head was aching, so I could only hold my head with my hands.


"This smell..."

Mikoto quickly got dressed and walked out of the room towards the bathroom.



After washing up, Genjian's stomach protested.

"Ah, I almost forgot about eating."

Genjian glanced behind him.

In the patriarch's mansion, he found someone following him.

Not paying attention to the people following behind them, Genma and Mikoto walked out of the clan and came to the Ichiraku Ramen stall.

After more than ten years of hard work, Shou Da finally got rid of his apprenticeship and became his own boss.

Over the years, Handai Ramen has accumulated many regular customers in Nakamura, and now that Ichiraku Ramen has been opened, those old customers will follow suit.

Fortunately, it's not meal time yet, so there are a lot of vacancies on the stalls.

If you come to eat during meal time, not only will the stalls not accommodate you, but you will even have to wait in a long line to eat.

Genma pulled Mikoto and sat down on the empty seat.

"Two bowls of miso ramen, one bowl of salt ramen, and four bowls of tonkotsu ramen. If you want to eat here, please put more minced pork belly and barbecued pork. Two of the tonkotsu ramen also have dried small fish."

"By the way, don't forget the fish plate (Naruto roll), I love it."

"no problem!"

Seeing his old customer, Tejida immediately became energetic, took out the cut ramen and started cooking it.

"Tsunade-nee, I'm so hungry too! But why does Brother Genma order so many bowls of ramen?"

Konan, who was hiding behind the corner, touched his belly and held Tsunade's hand.


The stomachs of Kushina and Shizune next to them made noises, as if to say that they were hungry too.

In the stall, Genma and Mikoto took a bowl of miso ramen and a bowl of tonkotsu ramen from the hands.

"Where are the other guests? The noodles have been prepared for them."

Judging from the bowls of noodles Xuanjian ordered, he could already tell that several other regular customers were already here.

Genma suddenly waved to behind him, where Tsunade and the four were hiding.

Tsunade stuck out her tongue and said cutely: "It seems that we have been discovered, let's go?"

The four girls ran out from the corner and entered Ichiraku Ramen.

Tate placed the salty ramen in front of Kushina, the ramen with dried small fish in front of Konan, and the miso ramen and tonkotsu ramen in front of Tsunade and Shizune respectively.

"When did you discover us?"

"I discovered it last night, and you all worked really hard and waited outside all night." Genma picked off the green onion from the corner of Tsunade's mouth with his hand and put it into his mouth, "I'm sorry, Tsunade."

In fact, he wanted to invite a few people in last night, but after learning from the previous book, the author did not dare to do so.

Tsunade's pretty face turned red, she could only snort, gritted her teeth and said, "Damn it..."

The other little lolita were working diligently on their meals, but their faces were red.

Hand Da then walked up and down the road in a sensible way. He didn't want to inquire about the private affairs of the great hero in the village.


At the same time, Orochimaru was still in the laboratory staring at White Zetsu on the experimental table.

Originally, he had convinced himself not to have high expectations for these two bodies, but the more he conducted research, the less calm he became.

"Where on earth did Genjian get such a thing?"

"If word gets out, it will definitely cause an uproar!"

Orochimaru did not suspect that Genma was conducting experiments behind his back.

After a year of getting along closely, Orochimaru already knows that Genma's talent in scientific research is nothing compared to his talent as a ninja. He blows up the experimental bench not once or twice, but at most he can help him control experimental equipment or record experiments. data.

It would be really difficult for Xuanjian to do his own research.

"No, it must not be discovered by others."

With this idea in mind, Orochimaru found various chemicals and injected them into White Zetsu to ensure that White Zetsu was unable to move.

Then he came outside the laboratory and began to reinforce the Barriers.

Back in the laboratory, looking at Bai Zetsu in front of him, Orochimaru licked his lips.

This thing is simply a deteriorated Senju Hashirama, but it has deteriorated a bit seriously.

But the mere existence of such a thing is already remarkable. You must know that his current research on Hashirama cells has not even established basic theoretical assumptions, and the practical application of Hashirama cells has not yet begun.

Orochimaru rummaged around the lab and found his best equipment.

"Let me get to know you better!" Orochimaru swallowed, his eyes bright, as if he was looking at a rare treasure.

"Where to start?"

"Let's stop the brain for now. Let's start with the body. Maybe the body of these things will recover on its own like First Hokage."

Just as he was told, Orochimaru picked up the tools and began to conduct a more in-depth study of Bai Zetsu's body.