
Chapter 6 I Want To Learn This

Senju Genjian opened the neat paper in his hand, and it turned out to be a letter expressing his inner feelings.

He turned his head and found Little Pepper standing behind him, her beautiful long red hair floating in the air because of the overflowing Chakra.

With his perception, of course he had already sensed that Kushina was behind him, he just didn't care.

After six months of getting along, he already knows what Kushina likes.

Senju Genjian touched Kushina's little head, and Kushina immediately lowered her head and became silent.

The lunch break ended quickly, and Kato Taka took the students to the training ground.

There are a total of thirty students in Kato Taka's class, and they are divided into five rows and stand on the playground.

Kato Taka held the roster in his hand and stood in front of the students to call their names.

"Very good. No one is late or absent from class. It shows that you take what I say to heart. I hope that you will be able to follow the rules and prohibitions when you become ninjas in the future."

"You can sit down now. I hope you don't have any bad habits of being spoiled. You can't even sit on the open ground."

As soon as Kato Takashi finished speaking, the students all sat down cross-legged.

Senju Genjian didn't care about his image and sat directly on the ground.

He is just a lazy person. In his life, he has always adhered to the principle of never sitting down when he can lie down, and never standing when he can sit down.

Kushina was sitting on his right, while Minato Namikaze was sitting on his left.

Children's friendship is actually very simple. As long as they have a little more contact with strangers in their lives, they can easily play together.

Kato Taka put away the roster and continued: "Very good, then I will tell you how to refine Chakra."

"Let me first talk about what Chakra is. Chakra is a kind of energy produced by the human body's control of the perfect fusion of the energy of each component. It generally refers to the product of an even mixture of mental energy and physical energy."

"The method of refining Chakra is also very simple. You only need to extract the physical energy produced by the 130 trillion cells in the body, and then accumulate spiritual energy through meditation and other methods, and finally..."

"This is the method. Now you can try it on your own. If you don't understand anything, you can raise your hands and ask questions."

As soon as Kato Taka finished talking about Chakra refining technology, many students began to try it.

Namikaze Minato was one of them. It could be seen that he worked very hard and he started to sweat profusely soon.

Senju Genma was not interested in what Kato Taka said at all. He learned the Chakra refining technique in the third year after he came to this world.

He turned around and looked around, and saw a familiar figure not far from the training ground, it was Uchiha Mikoto.

Mikoto entered school three years earlier than Senju Genma, and their class had already started practicing ninja throwing.

"It seems that Senju Genma is very interested in using ninja tools!" At some point, Kato Taka was already squatting next to Senju Genma.

Senju Genma turned his head and asked: "I heard that Mr. Kato seems to have great experience in operating ninja tools?"

Kato Taka stretched out his hands and said confidently: "Although I am just a Chūnin, I am also ranked first in the village in the use of ninja tools. Look at my hands, they are flexible and durable. This is what I want to use." Ninja is specially trained."

Senju Xuanjian's eyes moved slightly, thinking about the development prospects of this technique, he nodded heavily and said: "Teacher, I want to learn this."

Kato Taka was so moved that he almost cried.

Although he is good at playing with ninja tools, he has always been looked down upon by his tribe because he cannot learn the family secrets. Now that he can be recognized by a young master from a rich family, he feels very happy.

Although the relationship between the two was just an ordinary teacher and student, Kato Taka taught Senju Genma his finger training methods.

Kato Taka never thought of accepting Senju Genma as his disciple. He could recognize his identity. If Senju Genma didn't tell him what he thought, the people above him would not agree.

Senju Genma was shocked when he saw Kato Taka's training notes. He didn't expect that there were not only text descriptions, but also illustrations.

The afternoon's training ended quickly. Senju Genma also remembered Kato Takano's training methods by heart, and when he was ready to go home, he trained hard with Tsunade.

After all, practice is the only criterion for testing truth.

Kushina stretched, then hugged Senju Genjian and said: "Brother Genju, I am really tired today!"

Senju Genjian stretched out his index and middle fingers and tapped her forehead, "Don't come here, you already know the Chakra refining technique."

Kushina pouted, "But you are tired after sitting for a long time! How about we go to Nakamura Ramen Restaurant to eat ramen!"

Nakamura Ramen Restaurant was a ramen restaurant that Genma and Kushina discovered when they were shopping. At that time, there was no Ichiraku Ramen, so Mr. Tejada worked as an apprentice in this ramen restaurant.

Now he can't beat the age of twelve, but he has already shown his talent in making ramen, and the ramen he makes is very suitable for Kushina's appetite.

"What about Minato? Do you want to go together?"

Namikaze Minato looked at Senju Genma's eyes as soft as moonlight, thought for a moment and said, "Okay! It just so happens that I am also alone."

"You won't be anymore!"

Senju Genjian grabbed Uzumaki Kushina and Namikaze Minato and walked towards the street.


The three of them quickly ended their dinner party and parted ways at the ramen restaurant.

When Senju Genma and Uzumaki Kushina returned home, Tsunade had been waiting for a long time.

Tsunade crossed her arms and asked, "Kids, where have you been?"

"We went to eat ramen, and I brought this for you."

Senju Genjian pulled Kushina to Tsunade and raised the tonkotsu ramen in his hand.

Tsunade took the ramen and snorted coldly: "You two have some conscience."

"Did you know that I cooked a big meal for you today? You came back so late and the food was cold, so I had to give it to Shengshu."

Senju Genma and Kushina couldn't help but shudder.

"Brother Naoki, are you... okay?" Kushina asked worriedly.

Tsunade started eating ramen, and it was obvious that she hadn't eaten either.

"You just don't believe me? Don't worry, the doctor said he's fine. He'll be fine in a week."

Senju Genma and Kushina looked at each other, feeling sorry for Naoki for two and a half seconds.

"Hurry up and eat, I'll have something good to show you later." Senju Genma came to Tsunade and whispered into his ear.

Seeing Senju Genma's mysterious look, Tsunade suddenly became interested and finished the ramen quickly.

The two put Kushina to bed and returned to the room.

Senju Genma took out Kato Takashi's training notes.

Tsunade said in shock: "There is such magic in this world!"

"Don't worry, I just finished reading this notebook and haven't started practicing yet!" Senju Xuanjian hurriedly explained, "I'll start practicing today, that's all."