
Chapter 59 A First Glimpse Of The Door

Seeing Minato Namikaze retreating, Naoki put his hands on his hips and said, "Minato-kun, you're still far away!"

Minato, who was retreating, immediately lowered his head when he heard this.

Seeing that Minato was a little depressed, Naoki couldn't help but secretly thought: "Did I go too far?"

Just when Naoki was about to beat around the bush and comfort Minato with a few words, Minato suddenly put away his depressed expression and loudly said: "It's not over yet!"

"Not bad kid." Shengshu sighed in his heart, then smiled and said: "Very good, then let me see what you are capable of."

Minato stretched his hand to his waist and took out a kunai: "Brother Naoki, you have to be careful."

Looking at the familiar three-pronged kunai and the words on the handle, Naoki was stunned for a moment and said in astonishment: "I haven't fully learned the flying thunder god technique, but you have already learned it?"

"Did my brother-in-law give you a small chance? He's really partial!"

Minato shook his head and said: "No, Genma has no partiality. Except when I was studying with you, Genma never taught me in private."

"What a genius!" Shengshu sighed in his heart. You must know that he can only sense the space mark now, and he hasn't even started constructing the technique yet!

Just as the rope tree criminal was muttering, Minato took action again.

Fire Style·Fire Dragon Bullet!

Earth Style·Earth Dragon Bomb!

With the rope tree as the center, Minato ran quickly in the forest, harassing him from time to time with the Flying Thunder God Jutsu combined with Taijutsu and Ninjutsu.

But judging from his condition, it seems that there is still a lot of chakra left, which is not the amount of chakra that a Chūnin should have.

Of course, Naoki looked more relaxed. Although he said words like "almost" and "very close" every time, his acting skills were so bad that anyone could tell that he was just encouraging Minato Namikaze. , just deliberately slowed down his evasion speed.

Although Namikaze Minato's use of Ninjutsu is still a bit raw, Naoki still won't underestimate him: "It's my turn to attack next, be careful, Minato."

Before he finished speaking, the blue Chakra began to gather in the rope tree's hand, and soon a round Chakra ball was formed.

Namikaze Minato, who was standing in front of Nezuki, was not to be outdone, he also had a Chakra ball condensed in his hand.

The two men charged forward quickly.


The energy of the two Chakras began to collide, and the resulting smoke and explosion instantly raised a large cloud of dust.

After the smoke and dust dissipated, a large pit appeared on the ground, and at both ends of the pit, Nezuki and Namikaze Minato were still standing.

But Minato had started to pant.

Naoki smiled from the bottom of his heart and said, "Minato, you performed very well."

Although there was no big scene in this fight, it could be said to be intense.

In that blow just now, if the rope tree hadn't deliberately deviated from the thrust path between the lightning and flint, the tree might not have been broken.

Feeling the consumption of Chakra in his body, and looking at Nezuki who seemed to be fine, Namikaze Minato said with disappointment: "I lost."

Xuanjian had already expected this, so he clapped his hands, asked the two to form a seal of reconciliation, and then began to guide their cultivation.


"The first gate, Gate of Opening, open!"

"The second gate, Gate of Healing, open!"

"The third gate, Gate of Life, open!"

Xuanjian's hair stood up, and an air current was generated all over his body. Soon the air flow turned into air waves, and his body began to become congested and turned red, emitting green energy.

Although it was a color he didn't like, Genma still had a smile on his face when he felt the power.

"The fourth gate, Gate of Pain, is open."

Xuanjian shouted loudly, and the green energy emitted from his body became more viscous.

"After practicing for a day, can you only reach this level?" Xuanjian clenched his fists, feeling a little disappointed.

Xuanjian turned into a green lightning and started running in the forest.

After circling the small forest, he returned to the original place, then kicked his feet on the ground, stirring up dust all over the sky, and sprinted forward like a cannonball.


After a burst of sonic boom, dozens of large trees blocking Xuanjian were broken.

After testing the power of the Gate of Pain, Genma exited the Eight Gates Dungeon state and shook his head: "This can be regarded as the first glimpse of the door, entering the Eight Gates Dungeon state in a true sense."

"The damage to the body is also within the acceptable range. To be precise, the damage just appeared and then recovered on its own."

"It's my first time practicing Eight Gates Dunjia, so I've barely passed the test!"

If this kind of words from Versailles fell into the ears of Matt Dai, I wonder what he would think.

Genma said no more. After a day of training, even if his body is fine, he will still feel mentally exhausted and must go home to Tsunade and Mikoto to replenish energy.

After asking Wood Clone to tell Naoki and Namikaze Minato to go back and rest, Senju Genma walked quickly towards home.

Namikaze Minato left the woods with a look of reluctance.

The arrogant rope tree didn't care. The eighteen-year-old Jōnin was still like a child, jumping back to the clan.

However, he did not return to the patriarch's mansion, but returned to the cozy hut where Xuanjian lived before.

After all, Genma and Tsunade are both full of energy and vigor, and potential battle sites are all over the mansion. It is always inconvenient for Naoki to live in the mansion.

Genjian simply gave his former cozy hut to Nao Shu.

Not long after Genma, Minato and Naoki left, a team of Anbu appeared in the grove where Genma was practicing.

After a brief survey of the scene, an Anbu said: "There are no traces of Ninjutsu or ninjutsu, it is just the destructive power of Taijutsu."

"Is this Master Xuanjian? He's really awesome!" Another Anbu said with a smile.

Looking around at the swaying trees and the potholes of various sizes on the ground, Squad Leader Anbu said: "It only took one day to reach this level. Go back and report to Master Hokage. Master Hokage will definitely be very happy."

On Genma's side, when he returned home, he found Mikoto in a maid uniform cleaning his bedroom, and felt bad.

The patriarch's mansion is very large, and it is impossible for the women in the family to clean it, so such chores are usually done by the maids.

Showing secret love for nothing (no typo), either adultery or theft.

Xuanjian prefers the former.

Seeing Genma, Mikoto hurriedly greeted him: "Genma, welcome home."

Xuanjian smiled, stepped forward and hugged her: "Thank you for your hard work."

Although he knew that the other party had evil intentions, Xuanjian still put down all his guard.

At this time, Mikoto noticed Genma's limbs that were congested due to practicing Eight Gates Armor, and said in surprise: "Why are you injured? It's so swollen. Come on, let me bandage it for you."

"It's nothing, I accidentally did it while practicing."

Genma sat on the bed and Mikoto knelt on the ground.

While applying ointment to him, Mikoto said intermittently: "Xuanma, you must be more careful in your future cultivation."

"I'll pay attention." Genma breathed out and held Mikoto's head with both hands.