
Chapter 58 Eight Gates Dunjia

After a year of cooperation with Orochimaru, Genma has become proficient in using all the equipment in the laboratory.

During this year, Genma also used his knowledge reserves from his previous life to popularize some biological knowledge for Orochimaru.

This knowledge is scattered because he can't remember much of it.

However, even just a part of modern biological knowledge was perfectly understood by the genius Orochimaru, and he began his own discovery and application.

Genma now wants to learn from Orochimaru instead.

"After experiments, it was found that the water-based Chakra and earth-based Chakra, which are homologous to Wood Style, not only cannot fuse with the pillar cells, but will be quickly absorbed by the pillar cells."

"Although Chakra with the three attributes of wind, thunder, and fire has certain resistance, it will eventually be absorbed by Hashirama cells."

"The same goes for the yang-type Chakra, which is homologous to Hashirama cells, but it only takes longer to resist."

"The resistance effect of Yin-type Chakra is actually very good."

Speaking of the yin chakra, Orochimaru couldn't help but think of the Uchiha clan.

"Perhaps we can use the Uchiha clan's Sharingan to balance Hashirama Cells."

As soon as Orochimaru finished speaking, Genma entered the laboratory, dragging two humanoid creatures behind him.

"What is this?" The reason why Orochimaru asked was because he was not sure whether that thing was a human being.

"You absolutely love it." Xuanjian said, throwing the two white-skinned and green-haired figures on the ground, "These guys are called Bai Jue, and I managed to catch them with great difficulty."

Although Bai Jue's combat ability is not good, Mayfly's technique is too abnormal. During the use, the breath is cut off and the existence is completely invisible.

If these two guys weren't wandering around on the ground with nothing to do, Xuanjian wouldn't be able to catch them.

"Is this what you said?" Orochimaru asked as he looked at these inhuman things.

"That's right." Xuanjian nodded, "Don't worry, I guarantee that if you use these guys as experimental materials, they will definitely be much better than ordinary people!"

"But you have to take good preservation measures. These guys are hard to find."

Orochimaru took over the two White Zetsus suspiciously. As a rigorous scientific researcher, he was skeptical of Genma's statement before conducting experiments.

After completing what he should do, Xuanjian turned around to leave.

Orochimaru placed the two White Zetsus on the test bench and asked, "Where are you going?"

Xuanjian put one hand on his hip, took out a scroll, and chuckled: "I just got a good thing."

Orochimaru, who was sitting in front of the experimental table, stretched his neck when he heard it. Unfortunately, he had not yet undergone software modification and his neck was not long enough.

"This is?"

"This is the Eight Gates Dunjia. I exchanged it for my military exploits a year ago, and I just handed it out yesterday."

Forbidden techniques such as Eight Gates Dunjia are usually passed down from father to son, master and apprentice, or close friends. This forbidden technique is also collected in the village.

However, the practice of this forbidden technique is very difficult and requires strong physical fitness to reduce the damage to the body caused by the huge energy after use. If it is placed in front of ordinary ninjas, they will not touch it.

Xuanjian has no such concerns.

Good health means being willful!

Genin Matdai in the village is practicing this secret technique, but Xuanjian is too lazy to ask him to learn it. He happens to have military exploits, so if he doesn't use it, it will give the village's senior officials an advantage.

Konoha's official management efficiency is really not very good. Each one of them is more active in collecting Ninjutsu, and the procedure is more cumbersome if they are asked to take out Ninjutsu.

Orochimaru crossed his arms with a smile on his face: "It turns out to be the Eight Gates Armor. I know it is indeed a powerful forbidden technique."

Staring into Orochimaru's eyes, Genma smiled and said, "You don't want to practice such a good forbidden technique?"

Being tempted by Genma with the forbidden technique, Orochimaru shook his head and said a little discouraged: "No need, I've seen this forbidden technique before, and it's not suitable for me. My body can only open the third or fourth gate at most." Door. "

"Furthermore, the Eight Gates Dunjia will cause too much damage to the body and is not in line with my philosophy."

"That's it..." He snorted and Xuanjian said proudly: "Then there's nothing I can do. I don't know why my physical fitness is so good. I can only practice alone."

This kid still deserves a beating as always.

Orochimaru narrowed his eyes and said slowly: "Wait a minute."

"What's wrong?" Xuanjian turned around and asked.

"Here you go!" Orochimaru summoned a scroll, "This is Konoha Steel Fist fluid jutsu, which can be used in conjunction with Eight Gates Dungeon."

"Konoha Taijutsu is divided into Gentle Fist style and Steel Fist style. Gentle Fist style is only available to the Hyuga clan. It needs to be combined with the Byakugan to exert its maximum power, and it is never spread to outsiders."

"It's enough for you to use the Steel Fist style."

Genzen took the scroll and said with exaggerated acting: "Orochimaru, you..."

"Shut up and go practice. I still have to do experiments, so don't bother me." Orochimaru sat on the swivel chair and turned around, turning his back to Genma and waving his hands in disgust, but the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

Genjian grinned, turned around and walked out of the laboratory, closing the door for him.

After arriving at a remote grove with the scrolls of Eight Gates Armor and Goken Style, Genma stopped and said, "Come out."

Nasuki and Namikaze Minato appeared from behind the tree and came to Genma: "Genma, let's start quickly."

Namikaze Minato was filled with energy at the thought of accepting Genma's guidance.

There was nothing he could do. His teacher named Jiraiya was so unreliable. After accepting two disciples in the Land of Rain, he still hadn't come back yet. He didn't take his eldest disciple to heart at all.

This makes Minato often feel sad.

Jiraiya's choice is not incomprehensible. After all, Nagato has the Samsara Eye, and Namikaze Minato is just an ordinary civilian with some talent. It is obviously more likely that Nagato is the son of the prophecy.

But Xuanjian doesn't care about the so-called son of prophecy. Since Minato is willing to follow him, Xuanjian is also willing to treat him well.

Minato's character is impeccable and his abilities are not weak either.

If you treat him well now, won't it be easy to manipulate him later?

I became the Hokage, and then promoted Minato to the top.

I went out to have fun and let Minato help me handle government affairs. It was a pleasure.

Genma adjusted his expression, and separated a Wood Clone with one percent of his own Chakra to help the two of them train, while he began to practice Eight Gates Dunjia.

Senju·Wood Clone·Genma looked indifferent and waved to the two of them, indicating that they could start.

The two stopped talking nonsense, formed a seal of opposition, and turned into afterimages and rushed towards each other.

Genjian did not activate the Sharingan, but based on his eyesight, the movements of the two were not considered fast in his eyes.



In an instant, two figures started fighting fiercely in the forest.

The rope tree that entered the fighting state changed from its usual gentleness and became fierce.

After being trained on the battlefield, he has grown a lot.

A set of continuous physical attacks made it difficult for Minato to parry.

The battle continued, and the rope tree couldn't even use its strange power, so Minato slowly fell into a disadvantage.

After all, there is a four-year age difference between the two of them, and Nao Shu is also a genius. The Senju clan is still famous for their physical fitness and Chakra capacity. This is already the result of Nao Shu's release into the sea.

At this moment, Namikaze Minato naturally discovered this and quickly distanced himself.