
Chapter 56 Kill Them

Xuanjian came outside the house, and together with the third elder, took these ninjas to the personnel department and screened them.

As the clan leader's personal soldiers, naturally not just anyone can join the Guards. At least one must be a Special Jōnin to be qualified.

In the end, Genma left sixteen people to join the escort, including three Jōnin.


"That's great, Yuandao!"

"Yes, that's great. We can follow that adult in the future!"

As the third elder announced the candidates to join the escort team, the ninjas in the personnel department compound also cheered.

Some people are happy and some are sad. Those who are selected are happy, while those who are not selected will naturally be sad, especially when the cheers are still ringing in their ears.

"Those who are not selected don't be discouraged. Go back and train yourself. When you meet the standards, you can sign up again." The third elder has seen too many storms and waves, and such small things will naturally not escape his eyes, so he comforted him.

These are the future of the family. If they are destroyed by a single blow, it will be a loss to the family.

And he also has confidence in these young ninjas.

Although the Senju clan, unlike the Uchiha clan, cannot greatly improve their strength by opening their eyes, their talents are not bad either.

As long as you have the qualifications to become a ninja and practice hard, becoming a Special Jōnin is not a big problem.

Let the third elder settle everyone, Xuanjian returned to the clan leader's mansion and saw Kushina and others who were practicing.

"I can't believe she is so powerful!"

After opening the three magatama Sharingan, Mikoto was forced to watch the training by Konan and his face was full of surprise.

"This amount of Chakra is really amazing!"

"It's all because Mikoto-san doesn't like to come to the training ground, so I don't know. Kushina-san is really powerful, right?"

Shizune's eyes were full of little stars with great joy.


Kushina, who was covered in golden light, shouted loudly, and blue and purple-black Chakra emerged from her hands.

Although Nine Tails didn't say anything, his body was quite honest and he had already begun to give his chakra to Kushina.

There is no way, Uchiha Madara puts too much pressure on it.

Genjian came to her side and struck Kushina on the head with a knife.

"It hurts!" Kushina squatted down and covered her little head.

"Little ancestor, are you going to blow up your home?" Xuanjian touched Kushina's hair and sighed.

Kushina pouted, "It's all Kurama's fault! It was the one who said I might be able to do it now and let me try."

Damn Uzumaki brat, how could you sell me out so easily?

Don't even think about touching me again!

Xuanjian said seriously: "The mouth of a bad fox is a deceitful ghost. Don't let it fool you in the future!"

In Kushina's consciousness space, Kurama snorted in displeasure.

When you wanted to make a deal with me before, you called me Kurama, but now that the deal is done, I call you Bad Fox.

While everyone was chatting, Tsunade hurried over and whispered into Genma's ear:

"Xuanjian, the third elder has sent a bodyguard to look for you."

"What's up?"

Wouldn't the matter of recruiting new members be left to the third elder to handle?

There is something else that cannot be said at once, and you have to wait until I come back to ask me to go to the escort team.

"They captured a group of ninjas on the outskirts of the clan. They seem to be Kumogakure's people."

"I understand. Just watch Kushina here and don't let her mess around. I'll be right back."

Senju Genjian left the clan leader's mansion and came to the escort team.

Led by a Jōnin, Genma found the Third Elder in the dungeon.

"Lord Patriarch."

Genjian waved his hand and said, "These are the ninjas you captured?"

"That's right, two Jōnin and six Chūnin, all wearing forehead protectors from Cloud Hidden Village, the only ones who are still alive are those two Jōnin."

The third elder stretched out his hand and pointed to the cell.

There were only two shackled living people and six corpses in the cell, and the corpses could also provide information.

"What was found?"

The third elder looked around, retreated to the left and right, approached Genjian and whispered: "According to the information I have received, these Kumogakure coming to the clan seems to be related to Miss Kushina."

Hearing this, Xuanjian knew Yunyin's purpose of coming here.

It's nothing more than trying to kidnap Kushina and master the method of suppressing the tailed beast Chakra.

Xuanjian's eyes turned cold and he said coldly: "Kill them both."


"Wait." The third elder stretched out his hand to stop him.

"What's wrong?"

The third elder whispered: "We haven't found out why they wanted to arrest Miss Kushina, nor do we know how they came to our clan through the Barriers in the village."

Xuanjian replied: "These two questions are very simple."

"If you think about Kushina's identity, you will understand that her kidnapping must be for the tailed beast."

"As for getting through the Barriers without being discovered, I think Danzo did it."

The third elder was puzzled and didn't understand how Genjian could suspect that Danzo was responsible.

But he also felt that there was nothing wrong with doubting Danzo.

Danzo and the gang he led were doing some shady things in the village every day, and it was not against the law at all to say that he did it.

After all, he has nothing to do with the head of his family, and he is in a high position and has the ability to do this kind of thing.

"After killing both of them, send the body of Kumo Ninja to Lord Hokage. Explain everything clearly. Come back to see me after you get the results."

"Forget it, I'll do it myself. It won't be enough for you to relieve my anger."

As he spoke, Genma raised his hands and two huge wooden hands grew out of the ground, grabbed the bodies of the two Jōnin and crushed them into pulp.

Sage Art·Wood Style·The Art of Laughing Buddha!

Xuanjian breathed out, "If you dare to touch my people, how can I let you leave alive?"

my people?

When everyone saw this, they were quite moved.

This is the patriarch getting his hands dirty in order to protect his people. Is the patriarch's love for us so deep?

We must never let down this kind of love!

"Third Elder, I leave these to you." Xuanjian patted the Third Elder on the shoulder.

The third elder was so moved that he choked up: "Yes, I will definitely do it well. If you can't complete the tasks assigned to me by the patriarch, I will come to see you."

Xuanjian's face was full of questions.

Why don't you just go and give a report to Sarutobi Hiruzen? How come it's like parting from life to death?

Although he didn't understand it very well, Xuanjian still nodded and said, "I believe you can do it."

The third elder nodded solemnly, left the dungeon with the bodies of some of the escort ninjas and cloud ninjas, left the ancestral land, and set off for the Hokage Building.

"What did you say? How dare Danzo do such a thing?" Hiruzen Sarutobi slapped his palm on the table and asked loudly.

Looking at the corpses on the ground, Sarutobi Hiruzen was very happy.

Danzo, Danzo, I caught your handle.

What? You said you didn't do it?

Go and ask other ninjas in the village and see if they believe it.