
Chapter 55 Shocked, The Clan Leader Actually Did Such A Thing To His Clan Members

A big stone fell in Sarutobi Hiruzen's heart.

But then he thought of Shimura Danzo.

He knew that I was optimistic about Senju Genma, but he still gave me eye drops every day. He really made me think I was a fool.

Although he has been letting Danzo do whatever he wants, it does not mean that Danzo can do whatever he wants.

"Danzo? It seems we need to strengthen discipline."

Genma was the successor chosen by Hiruzen Sarutobi. Danzo was always causing trouble, which was not what Hiruzen Sarutobi wanted to see.

Even if Danzo has not caused any substantial harm.

But just because it hasn't happened now, doesn't mean it won't happen in the future.

In order to prevent accidents from happening, Hiruzen Sarutobi decided to strengthen control over Danzo.

"Just reduce the funding for the root by one-third, which can be used to train more ninjas for the village."

"The staff at the root level should also be reduced, from four to three."

Returning to the family, Xuanjian summoned the elders and held a simple family meeting.

After receiving the notice, the six elders immediately came to the clan leader's residence. They were quite old and could run faster than the Jōnin of the clan.

Even the second elder was curious whether the Third Hokage agreed with Xuanjian's decision.

Should we oppose strongly, or should we remain neutral and do nothing?

Everyone was here, and Genma didn't whet everyone's appetite. He said directly: "Everyone, I'm going to the Hokage building. Lord Hokage asked me to quit Anbu and resume my identity as Jōnin."

"Not only that, after a conversation, Lord Hokage expressed his support for me. From now on, the family will no longer implement the civilian policy."

"Great!" The elders all showed surprised smiles.

This is definitely a good thing for the Senju clan.

What they were worried about before was that the family would have bad blood with the village, but now that the Third Hokage recognized it, there was nothing to worry about.

The second elder opened his mouth in shock, but soon smiled.

He was convinced by this clan leader.

Looking at the smiling elders, Xuanjian suddenly named them: "Second Elder."

"Lord Patriarch." The second elder thought that he had offended Xuanjian again, so he quickly bowed his head in response.

"From now on, you will be in charge of the family's casino."

"Ah?" The second elder looked puzzled, "When did the family have a casino?"

Xuanjian shouted: "Fifth Elder."

"Yes." The fifth elder stood up, "Constructing the casino is a task assigned to me by the patriarch after the last clan meeting, and I have already begun preparations."

"No wonder I saw someone encircling a piece of land in the clan's land today. Could it be a casino?" The second elder's eyes widened. "It's just nonsense. How can a casino be built in the clan's land? What shame does this give us?" Meet the previous patriarch!"

"I believe Hashirama-sama will be very happy." Senju Genma's words silenced everyone present.

Senju Hashirama likes gambling. Everyone who knows Hashirama knows this, and Tsunade learned bad things from him.

The fifth elder also explained aloud: "Second elder, don't worry. The one inside the clan is just a small gambling shop, for Tsunade-sama's entertainment. The real casinos are outside the clan, all over the important places of the Fire Country." town."

The second elder said worriedly: "If this spreads out, it may be detrimental to the family's reputation."

Genjian waved his hand and Xu Ran said: "If I remember correctly, everyone here has had gambling experience, but not as frequently as Tsunade. When you go to the casino, do you care who the owner of the casino is?"

"People don't care, and those who do can't afford to offend us. Can you understand?"

"Besides, in the Country of Fire, this is a legal industry, and we haven't done anything bad. What's there to be ashamed of?"

On the surface, the Uchiha are the largest clan in Konoha now, but in fact, the Sarutobi clan is the dominant clan. It is impossible to expand assets in Konoha Village, and we can only stretch our hands outside.

Although the second elder was meticulous in his work, this was what Xuanjian valued about him.

This business is a business that is sure to make a profit, but Xuanjian would not be at ease if it were left to others, which is just right for a rigid person like the Second Elder.

The Senju clan has strong fists and is not afraid of offending the black organizations outside.

"This..." The second elder was still a little hesitant. He knew that this could develop the family, but he couldn't lose face.

Xuanjian looked at him and said softly: "Second Elder, please think carefully, this is your last chance."

The second elder gritted his teeth and seemed to have made up his mind.

"I know, just leave it to me!"

Once you've identified the new clan leader, let's go all the way to the dark side!

"Oh, by the way, there is one more thing." Xuanjian spoke again, immediately attracting the attention of all the elders.

"I plan to issue a welfare policy. Starting today, we will encourage our tribesmen to have children and provide subsidies to all tribesmen who give birth to children."

"At the same time, the family is responsible for the education expenses of the children's schooling."

"This matter will be left to the great elder!"

For a moment, the elders were shocked.

You must know that most tribesmen work for the family and receive a basic salary, which is not high. It is barely enough for a family of three to live on, so they do not dare to have too many children.

Now that this policy comes out, it can save the tribesmen a lot of expenses, and the population can also grow.

This is entirely a good thing for the benefit of the tribe.

Xuanjian's name once again entered the hearts of all the elders.

The second elder even had his eyes red with excitement.

Xuanjian didn't expect such a big response. He just wanted to develop the population.

It just so happened that the Senju clan had accumulated a lot of wealth over the years, and the casino that was about to start construction was also a hugely profitable industry.

Moreover, after canceling the policy of civilianization, the clan saved a lot of expenses, so they came up with such a policy.

Senju Genma doesn't value money very much. As a ninja, there are many ways to make money.

The elders left the clan leader's mansion moved.

After the news was announced, it caused quite a stir, and the family was naturally applauded.

In just one day, Xuanjian's reputation within the clan has improved a lot, and he has gained the favor of many clan members.

In the hearts of the tribesmen, Xuanjian has become a great patriarch who dedicated himself to the tribe and the people.

"What's so noisy outside?" You can hear the noise even while sitting in the bedroom. You can imagine how lively it is outside the Patriarch's clan.

Tsunade came in from outside the house and smiled: "It's not our clan leader who has won the hearts of the people. The people outside are all ninjas from the clan who voluntarily joined the clan leader's escort team."

Genma covered Mikoto with a quilt on the bed, hugged Tsunade, and kissed her on the face.

"You're making fun of me again."

"No way, everything I said is true, why don't you go out and take a look?"

Xuanjian was silent for a while, then slowly said: "Isn't the third elder responsible for the affairs of the escort team?"

"Have someone call him over. I'll go out and take a look first."

Ninja is a highly freelance profession that relies on taking on tasks for a living. The management of ninjas in the village is very loose.

The guard team is different. It is equivalent to entering the family establishment from free ninjas. Although the benefits are good, they also lose their freedom. They cannot take on the tasks of the village casually, and must obey the family's dispatch at any time.