
Chapter 54 Prestige

Shimura Danzo is dissatisfied, so what can he do?

As long as Genma doesn't do anything to harm the village, even if Danzo wants to deal with him, Sarutobi Hiruzen will not allow it.

One is the future heir, and the other is the current competitor. Sarutobi Hiruzen knows how to choose.

Besides, Danzo doesn't have the strength to deal with Genma.

Danzo's strength is not as unbearable as in the anime. In the comics, the old and frail Danzo has the wind escape that is enough to tear Susanoo apart, and he can trigger the super-controlling Sealing Techniques without forming seals. The dream tapir, the psychic beast that restricts Susanoo.

The only drawback is that it relies too much on Izanagi, and basically has no defense or positioning when facing attacks.

If he hadn't provoked Sasuke with his words, there was a high probability that Sasuke would have been rescued by Obito, and a small probability that Sasuke would have died at the hands of Danzo.

Today's Danzo does not have a Sharingan arm, his physical fitness is still at its peak, and his mentality is different.

He will not rely on Izanagi to take damage.

Among Kage-level experts, his strength is not too bad.

He is comparable to Sakumo and a little stronger than Orochimaru, but far behind Genma.

Of course, Sakumo and Orochimaru are still young at this time, only in their twenties, and it is certain to surpass Danzo in a few years.

"If for the sake of my tribe and my family, the village is dissatisfied with me, I will admit it."

After saying that, Genma turned around and closed the door, then returned to the bed and pushed Tsunade down.


After thinking for a long time in the dark room, Tsunade lay on the bed and sighed, and began to respond to Genma.

Tsunade fumbled around and grabbed the future.

The two figures soon became entangled, taking a new step for the high-quality development of the Senju clan.

They are not trying to satisfy their own desires, but population development is a major event related to the great rejuvenation of the Senju clan.

The next day, Genma received a notice from Sarutobi Hiruzen and went to the Hokage Building.

What happened at the clan meeting gradually spread, and for a while many Senju people applauded Xuanjian's decision.

Most of these so-called Senju tribesmen are ninjas, and a small number are ordinary tribesmen without ninja qualifications.

Regarding the training of ninjas, the ninja clan is definitely better than ordinary families. Whether they are ninjas or ordinary people, there are few in Konoha who do not want their children to become ninjas.

Even if one cannot become a ninja, the living conditions of the ninja clan are better than those of ordinary people.

The family industry is there. Even if you can't become a ninja, as long as you can create value and work hard for the family, you will never starve to death and you will have an iron rice bowl at birth.

If you become a civilian, there will be no such good things.

"Lord Patriarch!"

"Master Patriarch, I support you!"

"Lord Patriarch, I am the same!"

With the assistance of the elders, Xuanjian does not need to pay special attention to the affairs of the clan.

In Xuanjian's view, the most important thing in being a king is the ability to recognize people, the wisdom to employ them, and the power to drive them. It is not necessary to do everything personally, it is enough to know how to manage subordinates.

Along the way, many clan members took the initiative to greet Senju Xuanjian and express their stance.

It is foreseeable that in a while, Xuanjian's reputation within the clan will be greatly improved.

As it happened, these were what he wanted to see.

This is the accumulation of prestige. The greater the prestige of the clan leader, the more clan members will be willing to obey the clan leader.

Genma, who had just left the clan, was preparing to go to the Hokage Building. Unexpectedly, he bumped into Kakashi, who was following Sakumo on the way.

Both of them were carrying Short Swords on their backs, Sakumo was carrying a White Fang, and Kakashi was carrying a wooden Short Sword.

Apparently, Sakumo planned to take Kakashi out for training while he had time.

No wonder I graduated from ninja school at the age of five. It turns out that I started involution at the age of three!

Genma shook his head and came to the Hokage Building.

Sarutobi Hiruzen did not explain the reason for inviting him, but he had already guessed a general idea.

After all, the Senju clan did not deliberately hide it. Anbu monitored the ninja clan day and night and could get the news as soon as possible.

"Genma, I see Senju's situation, but you also know that the policy of civilianization was proposed by Tobirama-sensei, and I am also powerless."

"But don't worry, I told you to leave this matter to the Senju clan and I will never go back on it. No matter what decision you make, I will definitely support you." Sarutobi Hiruzen took a puff of dry cigarette, Gate of Opening Said bluntly.

Senju Genjian was a little surprised. He didn't expect Hiruzen Sarutobi to take the initiative to mention this matter, and also clearly expressed his support for him. He thought Hiruzen Sarutobi would get along with him.

But this is actually perfunctory to him.

What's the use of verbal support?

There was no actual action at all, just trying to win his favor with a few words.

"Master Hokage, I understand your difficulties and I am very grateful for your support!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded, very satisfied with Senju Genma's performance.

"As long as you understand."

"Let's not talk about it anymore. This is for you. This is your transfer order. From today on, you are no longer Anbu, but an ordinary Jōnin in the village."

Sarutobi Hiruzen took out a document and handed it to Senju Genma.

Senju Genma changes from Anbu squad leader to an ordinary Jōnin.

The reason why it is not Elite Jōnin is because none of the major ninja villages have the title of Elite Jōnin.

Elite Jōnin is a recognition of Jōnin's strength and a verbal name for the best Jōnin.

Regarding this transfer, Senju Xuanjian has already received the news.

After all, he was trained as the successor of the Hokage, and Anbu did some shady things.

The purpose of letting Xuan Jian enter Anbu was to temper and protect him. After the war, there was no need to stay any longer.

What needs to be done now is to let Genma live in the sunshine, let the villagers feel his will of fire, and prepare to inherit the position of Hokage in the future.

As expected, Xuanzang accepted the transfer order and expressed his gratitude.

Sarutobi Hiruzen breathed a sigh of relief.

If Xuanjian doesn't understand my painstaking efforts, then this will be a big mistake.

The image of an elder that I managed to build with great difficulty cannot be destroyed in one day.

The two chatted about family issues again, and finally Hiruzen Sarutobi ended the conversation.

"In that case, you can go back first. From now on, the village will still be entrusted to you young people."

"Yes." Senju Genjian responded, turned and left Hokage's office.

After ending his conversation with Sarutobi Hiruzen, Genma walked out of the Hokage Building and exhaled heavily.

These senior officials have dirty hearts and don't like to speak clearly, which makes Xuanjian feel tired.

But that's it for now. When I become Hokage in the future, I won't have so many troubles.

Next, Xuanjian just needs to take on some tasks and listen to the reports from the elders in the clan every month.

As for Danzo's problem, Hiruzen Sarutobi will confront him.