
Chapter 52 Mute

Senju Genma is a person who keeps his promises. He promised to take good care of Kato Dan's family and he will definitely do it.

The next day, after Senju Genma got Shizune's consent at Kato's house, he took her to the Senju clan and hoped that Tsunade could accept her as a disciple.

Tsunade's first reaction was to disagree.

"You brought the person back, so you have to accept the disciple, right? What's the point of putting it in my hands?"

"You didn't even ask me what I thought, you don't respect me at all!"

"How could I disrespect you?"

Senju Genma hurriedly walked up behind Tsunade and massaged her shoulders, "I just found out that this child has the talent of medical ninja, so I want her to become your disciple.

After all, looking at the whole Konoha, who can surpass you in the field of medical ninja?"

"Really?" Tsunade raised her eyebrows and pouted.

Senju Genjian's praise was very useful to her.

"Of course!" Senju Xuanjian sounded affirmative, but actually felt a little guilty.

What else can I say, I can't say that I want to play master and apprentice in the future (beep)!

"Okay, I'll accept this disciple." Tsunade laughed and said happily, "Don't stop, I haven't forgiven you yet! I don't know what's going on lately, but I always feel sore in my back. "

As she spoke, Tsunade moved her shoulders.

Senju Genjian squeezed Tsunade's shoulders and glanced at the white snow on her chest calmly.

War can indeed temper people, and those who have been on the battlefield have grown a lot.

But the most special thing about her growth is Tsunade.

The war had just ended, and the original Xiao Long Bao had begun to grow slowly.

Although it is not obvious to the naked eye, Senju Genma, who measures with his hands every day, can really feel this growth.

Tsunade analyzed Senju Genma from a professional perspective and said that this was secondary development.

However, Genma didn't really believe it. He suspected that what he said might have hit Tsunade when she was on the battlefield, so she secretly used the Seal of Hundred Hao to transform her body.

Of course, even the white snow that was stimulated was still part of Tsunade's body, and Senju Genma also liked it.

Senju Genjian swallowed and couldn't help but start to look forward to the days to come.

Not long after, Kushina led Konan and a cute girl with black hair and black eyes into the mansion.

Mikoto brought the black-haired girl to Genma and Tsunade. The black-haired girl carefully looked at the two of them, and finally focused on Tsunade.

The girl timidly said: "Well, my name is Shizune."

Although Shizune is still a four-year-old child, age is nothing in the precocious world of Hokage.

Being sensible, she had already learned from everyone that the good-looking brother who picked her up here was a ninja who was called a hero in the village, so she was a little cautious.

Shizune looked at Senju Genma's face and plucked up the courage to ask: "Brother Genma, will you become my teacher?"

"It's not me! Your teacher is this beautiful sister." Senju Genma smiled and touched her little head, took her little hand and walked to Tsunade, "This is Tsunade."

Hearing this, a trace of disappointment flashed in Shizune's eyes.

Tsunade squinted her eyes and realized that things were not simple.

This kid is not old, but he still has a lot of ideas!

But since she agreed to Xuanjian, she would not regret it in public and refute Xuanjian's face.

Moreover, Shizune will become her disciple and Xuanjian will become her master. This will make it safer!

"My name is Tsunade." Tsunade sighed, "If you are willing to become my teacher, I will teach you well."

"Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't want to. You can still choose to stay here and continue living, or you can choose to go back to Kato's house."

Shizune thought thoughtfully, and finally nodded shyly: "Tsunade-sama, I am willing to become your disciple."

Seeing this scene, Senju Genjian smiled.

In the impression of Senju Genma's previous life, Shizune was a pure-looking, low-key and quiet person. She had one of the best legs in the Hokage. She would occasionally show off her facial skills due to emotional excitement. Such a shy and cute side was rare.

After settling the matter of Shizune's apprenticeship, Senju Genma asked Konan and Kushina to take her out to play, while he sat on the main seat and thought a lot.

Now that the war is over, it has been almost a year since he took over the position of clan leader.

Since the Senju clan is the power in his hands, of course he will not let the Senju clan just disappear into the history of Konoha.

And when he becomes Hokage, the Senju clan can also help him manage the village.

He believed that he would have the power to suppress the ninja world in the future, but it was impossible for him to govern the ninja world alone.

What's more, he just wants to enjoy the rights he gained after becoming a ruler. The troublesome task of governing the ninja world should be left to people with talents in this area.

It would be nice if I could travel earlier.

The Senju clan is still a powerful clan in Konoha, but it is no longer what it was when they founded the village.

Fortunately, the strength of the Senju clan can now compete with those of ordinary ninjas, and there are still dozens of Jōnin.

Naturally, it can't be compared with the booming Sarutobi clan, but it's not far behind other ninja clans.

The most important thing is that although the number of ninjas is not what it used to be, the family's assets are still there. The Senju family's assets alone are enough to rank first in Konoha Village.

As long as there are resources, there is no need to worry about training ninjas in the future.

The most important thing now is to change the ideas of the elders in the family.

After Genma's daily observation, he found that many people in the clan have not changed their minds and still regard Second Hokage Senju Tobirama's policies as the Bible.

Even if he has won the power for the family to independently implement civilian policies, most of the elders in the clan will still choose to integrate the clan members into the village.

As the saying goes, there are no two days in the sky, no two kings on the earth, no two masters of the family, and no two superiors.

The Senju clan now only has one clan leader, and that is me, Senju Genma!

Now that I am the leader of the clan, what I say does not work. This is absolutely not okay.

Then the next thing to do is to establish the authority of my clan leader.

If those elders dare to disobey, don't blame me for flipping the table!

Before fighting the outside world, you must first make peace with the inside.

Since the policy issued by Tobirama cannot be revoked through the village, the problem must be solved internally.

Xuanjian didn't believe that with their own strength, these elders dared to do things that were not conducive to the unity of the clan.

The Senju clan is united. From now on, Hiruzen Sarutobi will be in charge of Konoha, let alone engage in political silliness. If he dares to point fingers at me, I will change the leadership of Konoha.

Some people don't want to be officials, but there are many people who want to be officials.

"Xuanjian, are you okay?"

Sensing that Genma was getting more and more excited, Tsunade asked immediately.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. I just thought of happy things." Genma smiled and hugged Tsunade, telling her not to worry.

"Go and ask Kushina and the others to come back for dinner. After dinner, it's almost time for the clan meeting."

"I see."