
Chapter 51 I Will Take Good Care Of Your Family

Hidden Leaf Village.

Within the land of the Senju tribe.


Senju Genma was woken up in the morning.

To be precise, I was woken up by the muffled sound of a girl.

However, the other party's voice only lasted for a short moment and then disappeared, and the volume was not loud, but it was still heard by Senju Genma.

"Is this Mikoto who actually made me a quilt all night? He's so gentle!"


Gently lifting up the beautiful girl with long black hair who had been pressing on him since last night, Senju Genma saw red marks on the sheets as soon as he sat up.

He has a very good memory and quickly recalled all the hard work he had done all night last night.

He has a gentle face and wild movements, but his reaction is a little green, maybe because he is not using his hands this time.

This strong sense of contrast brings an inextricable experience to Senju Xuanjian.

Mikoto also took an important step in his life.

Senju Genjian looked at the soft and fair Mikoto in front of him, stunned.

What to do next?

Now that we've made it this far, why don't we propose marriage to Uchiha directly.

Although Mikoto took the initiative last night, I was also volunteered!

But having said that, I don't seem to be of marriageable age yet. Mikoto won't be caught and sent to the Konoha Guard, right?

"Forget it, let's wait until she wakes up!"

Dong dong dong——

Just when Senju Genma was lying on the bed with Uchiha Mikoto in his arms, intending to take a nap, there was a sudden knock on the door.

Senju Genjian picked up the quilt, covered that beautiful body, put on a pair of underwear and opened the door.

"Tsunade, what's the matter?"

Seeing Senju Genma's appearance and smelling the familiar smell, Tsunade knew that he had a wonderful night last night, and he even forgot one important thing.

Tsuna pointed at the black clothes on his body and smiled kindly: "What do you think?"

Senju Xuanjian patted his head and suddenly said: "I almost forgot, just wait for me for a while, I'll be fine soon."

Half an hour later.

Senju Genjian opened the door to his house, and behind him were Tsunade, Kushina, Mikoto and the three women, all dressed in black.

Soon, the ninjas in the tribe also put on black uniforms and followed Senju Genma out of the tribe.

Everyone came to the Hokage Building together, where there were already many Konoha ninjas wearing black clothes and wearing Konoha forehead protectors.

Because many ninjas were sacrificed in this war, in order to commemorate these heroes who died in the war, Konoha Hidden Village held a grand funeral.

On the Hokage building, everyone was silent. Hiruzen Sarutobi looked at the portrait of Elite Jōnin on the table, turned his back to everyone and said loudly: "A memorial ceremony is held to commemorate the ninjas who sacrificed their lives because of this war."

As soon as Sarutobi Hiruzen finished speaking, the bell rang in the Hokage Building.

As the funeral began, the sky was covered with dark clouds and it began to rain miserably, adding even more sadness to the originally sad atmosphere.

Feeling the raindrops falling on his head, Jiraiya looked up at the sky, "Is it raining?"

"Or is God weeping for them?"

After hearing Jiraiya's words, Orochimaru just looked at these portraits calmly, his face expressionless, not knowing what he was thinking.

The ninjas came forward one by one to deliver funeral flowers.

After everyone finished reminiscing with these fallen comrades, the crying in the sky stopped in time.

The originally dark sky parted the clouds, shining out a ray of sunshine, gradually pushing away the pervasive sadness, and smiles gradually returned to people's faces.

There is only one exception.

Senju Genma turned around to look at Orochimaru, who still looked neither sad nor happy.

The funeral ended quickly and everyone left one after another, but there were still exceptions.

After all, many ninjas died in the war. Not all of them are Elite Jōnin. There are many who are not qualified to serve. If you want to commemorate them, you can only go to the commemorative monument.

Senju Xuanjian also took the three girls to find a commemorative monument. As soon as Hajime got closer, he heard someone mumbling to himself.

"What is the meaning of life?"

Orochimaru was seen squatting with one knee on the ground in front of the commemorative monument. Strangely, a small flower grew in front of the memorial monument.

Senju Xuanjian seemed to have recalled something, and he spoke out of nowhere: "Life itself may be meaningless, but if you continue to live, you can find interesting things, such as you meeting flowers, such as I meeting you."

Standing behind Orochimaru, Senju Genma applied his words to Kimimaru to himself.

Orochimaru's parents died when he was young. He has witnessed the cruelty of war and is deeply aware of the fragility of life.

When Orochimaru said these words to Kimimaro, did he think of his past self?

Senju Genjian couldn't help but think of this.

Orochimaru's expression changed, but he quickly returned to normal.

Like have you met me?

"It's Genma-kun!" Orochimaru stood up and turned around to say hello, "Did you find anything interesting? It's indeed a very interesting opinion. I'm really becoming more and more interested in you!"

"I don't want a man to be interested in me. If you can become a beautiful girl, I will consider it!" Senju Xuanjian waved his hand and continued: "Are you also here to judge?"

Looking at the commemorative monument, Kato Dan's name made Senju Genma feel a little dazzling.

Although Kato Suan is Tsunade's lover in the anime, and in this life Suan is still friends with Sannin, but Tsunade started training Genma early and has no interest in Suan, so nothing happened between Suan and Tsunade. .

On the contrary, Kato Dan also served as Senju Genma's deputy in the War of Rain Country, and finally died on the battlefield of Kawa Country.

After getting along with Kato Dan, Senju Genma didn't have any bad feelings towards him, and even knew clearly that Kato Dan was a good old man with a sense of justice.

Orochimaru was silent for a long time and replied: "Not only him, but all the names on this commemorative monument are my subordinates in the Kawa Country War."

Senju Xuanjian was surprised. He didn't expect that he would step on the thunder with just one word.

No, this is no longer as simple as stepping on a minefield, it is completely dancing on a minefield.

Seeing Senju Genma's embarrassed look, Orochimaru laughed and said, "Don't worry, I'm not that fragile."

He patted Senju Genma's shoulder and left gracefully.

Don't think I don't know how sensitive you are!

You, a guy who talks about the fragility of life all day long, I believe you are the one with the devil.

Senju Xuanjian complained in his heart and placed the white flowers in front of the memorial tablet.

Looking at Kato Dan's name, Senju Genma sighed in his heart: "Don't worry! I will take good care of your family!"

Having said that, almost all the Kato family members are dead, and now only Kato Dan's niece Shizune is left.

As for Mr. Kato Takashi, who teaches the secret technique of Senju Genma's fingers, his name is right next to Kato Dan!

Senju Genma also placed a white flower for Kato Taka to express his memory of his mentor.

Kato Takashi's secret finger technique really helped Genma a lot. When Genma was unable to use the final weapon, it was an important means to warm up the relationship between Genma and Tsunade.