
Chapter 50 Bounty

Yunyin Village.

Third Raikage Ai was sitting in the office, looking through the report sent by Anbu with a serious face.

"I really envy Sand Hidden Village! There is a talent like Luo Sha."

"The Hidden Sand Village doesn't know how to cherish him, so they let him go to the battlefield and he was seriously injured."

"This kind of talent should stay in the village to make money. If he is from our Yunyin Village, our Yunyin Village will definitely develop even faster!"

Third Raikage Ai shook his head, obviously dissatisfied with the decision of the senior management of Sunagakure Village.

Although Third Raikage looks rude and irritable, he is actually a kind and kind grandfather in the hearts of the villagers.

Not only that, he is also the most powerful and hard-fisted fighting sect in the village. He has been committed to developing Yunyin Village into the largest village in the ninja world. The military expansion of Yunyin Village started from his generation.

In his opinion, talents like Luo Sha who can make money should be well protected and use the placer gold he refined to develop armaments. This is the right way.

"I think it's understandable, young people! They need training, just like Ye Yue." Tudai, who was sitting aside to help Raikage handle government affairs, said.

Unlike Fourth Raikage, a model leader who is comprehensively developed morally, intellectually, physically, artistically and physically, Third Raikage has a shortcoming: he doesn't like to use his brain, but fortunately he has another advantage, that is, he knows how to listen to other people's opinions.

At this time, Tutai, as a courtier and think tank, played his role.

"Can this be the same? That boy Yeyue will become the boss of this village in the future and inherit my name of Ai. Of course he will go to the battlefield to practice!"

Third Raikage thought for a moment and came up with a good idea: "Do you think we should send someone to kidnap Luo Sha back?"

"I'm afraid it's too late to say this now! It was almost the same a few years ago!" Todai was not surprised by Third Raikage's idea.

This is not the first time Third Raikage has said this.

After all, bloodline ninjas are also a strategic resource. The best way to obtain such strategic resources is to steal them and have children with your own ninjas.

But now that Rasa has grown into Elite Jōnin, and the Kingdom of Thunder and the Kingdom of Wind are separated by several countries, and there is also the strongest Fire Kingdom between the two countries, we can't let Third Raikage cross the Fire Kingdom to go to Sand Hidden Village. Kidnap someone!

At that time, I'm afraid the person was not kidnapped and his head was sent out.

Third Raikage said angrily: "You are right, we should have taken action earlier!"

"Instead of caring about the Luosha that is destined to be unavailable, you might as well take a look at this!" Tutai said, handing over a document to Third Raikage.

Third Raikage opened the file, which contained a reward order and some information.


[Konoha's White Yasha!]

[Name: Senju Genma]

[No.: 220_01131120_OO]

[Bounty: 350'000'000]

The file also contains details about Senju Genma.

[Senju Genma, Jōnin of Konoha Hidden Village, leader of the Senju clan, is only thirteen years old.

Grandmaster of five attributes Ninjutsu, Wood Style and Flying Thunder God Technique, etc.

He has great military exploits and defeated the legendary ninja in the War of Rain Country.

Hanzo, during the war with the Kingdom of Wind, fought One Tail Shukaku alone, defeated and captured him!]

Tudai said: "This is the reward order we obtained in exchange for gold underground. According to my inference, the reward order should be issued by Sunagakure Village."

Looking at the young portrait of Senju Genma on the reward notice, Third Raikage was filled with emotions.

Why are there so many geniuses in Konoha!

Once upon a time, there were the ninja god Senju Hashirama and the ninja world Shura Uchiha Madara. Only two of them were able to overwhelm the four major ninja villages, making all countries unable to hold their heads high.

After the two broke up and fought in the Battle of the Valley of the End and both died, each ninja village started the first ninja war to compete for the resources of the Country of Fire. Konoha finally won the war with one enemy and many.

Now less than twenty years after the end of the First Ninja World War, another genius has appeared in Konoha who has reached the top of the legend of the Ninja World.

This made Third Raikage, who wanted to grow the village, feel a serious psychological imbalance.

He worked hard for half his life, but in the end he was not as lucky as others, and one genius came after another.

"Three hundred and fifty million taels.

Sunagakure Village is really wealthy.

It is worthy of being called the second ninja village in the ninja world."

Third Raikage smiled and shook his head.

Senju Genma is indeed very powerful, but he has no time to care about him now. , they haven't even settled the Iwagakure Village! "It's impossible to get this child."

"How is the repair work in the village going? How is it compared to now?"

"I have deployed manpower to start repairs. Bu Rubi was seriously injured and is still recovering from his injuries." Tutai shook his head, "You are too heavy-handed. After all, he is also your nephew."

Third Raikage scratched his head and said helplessly: "You can't blame me, he threatened the village at that time!"

"If I don't take action, the village will be destroyed by him!"

Tutai sighed, knowing that there was nothing he could do.

In order to use tailed beasts for military purposes, Kumogakure Village continues to conduct experiments on tailed beasts.

But without the powerful Sealing Techniques, even with the assistance of the real waterfall, it is impossible to perfectly suppress the tailed beast's Chakra.

Therefore, although Blubi and Gyūki have a good relationship, there are a lot of rumors in the village. Once the heart becomes weak, it is easy for the tailed beast's Chakra to go berserk and cause huge damage to the village. Every time Eight Tails is stopped, There were many casualties.

Tutai said: "I have thought of a way about Eight Tails."

"What method?" Third Raikage was a little confused. When did Tutai learn to tell the truth?

Dodai said slowly: "Information shows that Konoha has a Jinchūriki with a special Chakra that can seal the power of tailed beasts!"

"Really? Then what are you waiting for? Send someone to snatch him back!" Third Raikage punched the table in excitement.

A large amount of thunder-attribute Chakra flowed on his body, and his desk and the documents on it were instantly turned into powder.

"Don't worry, I have sent people to sneak into Konoha to collect intelligence." Dodai was already used to such a scene, and immediately spoke to comfort him, "This is Konoha after all, we have to wait for a suitable opportunity. "

Third Raikage also calmed down and sat on the chair.

"You are right, I will leave this matter to you."

He looked at the desk in front of him again, only to find that the desk had mysteriously disappeared. He could only say awkwardly: "This..."

Tutai seemed to have expected all this, and said calmly: "Don't worry, I have prepared the backup files for you, I will get them right away."


About Raikage Ai and Yeyue.

Ai is the title of Raikage, which has been passed down from generation to generation.

The original name of Fourth Raikage is not mentioned in the original book, but when Third Raikage was still in power, Fourth Raikage was called Ai (霭), so the Fourth Raikage in his youth is called Ai (霭) in this book.

For Yeyue Ai.