
Chapter 5 You Will Regret It

Sarutobi Hiruzen glared at Shimura Danzo and said seriously: "Don't even think about it. Even if I agree, Mito-sama won't agree. You don't need to mention this matter again in the future."

Shimura Danzo frowned, knowing that Sarutobi Hiruzen was threatening him with Uzumaki Mito.

Uzumaki Mito himself has Kage-level strength. Although he is not a perfect Jinchūriki, he can control Nine Tails' Chakra. His real combat power is stronger than Sarutobi Hiruzen, the self-proclaimed strongest Hokage. Shimura Danzo certainly does not dare to offend Uzumaki Mito .

Sarutobi Hiruzen sat at his desk, picked up the documents on the desk and began to review them, and issued an expulsion order to Shimura Danzo, "Danzo, please leave, I still have official business to deal with."

Shimura Danzo was a little angry when he saw this, but he also knew that it couldn't be done, and was about to open the door and leave. However, before leaving, he habitually put down his harsh words:

"Hiruzhan, you will regret it!"

"Danzo, I am the Hokage!" Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't even raise his head to look at Shimura Danzo and responded coldly.

Shimura Danzo was a little angry, slammed the door and left the office.

Hearing Shimura Danzo's door closing, Sarutobi Hiruzen could only sigh helplessly.

Sometimes he really doesn't know what to do with his good gay... friend.


In the ninja school, Kato Taka was still giving lectures on the podium, and Senju Genma was sitting upright in the audience. It seemed that he was listening carefully, but in fact he was deserting.

In fact, he has already learned the knowledge in the ninja school very well. After all, he has the personal guidance of Uzumaki Mito and Tsunade in the family.

There are many people in the classroom who are as inattentive as him.

For these children of wealthy families, going to school is just to respond to the policies promulgated by Sarutobi Hiruzen.

The training of children by the Ninja clan is not comparable to that of civilians, and the starting point is different.

Just when Senju Genma was still thinking about how he would punch Uchiha Madara and straddle Ōtsutsuki Kaguya in the future.

Teacher Kato Takashi couldn't stand this kind of atmosphere, so he decided to ask a student who seemed more obedient to answer questions to stimulate the classroom atmosphere.

"Classmate Xuanjian, please answer me, what is the main topic of our ideological and moral class?"

Fortunately, Senju Genma had mastered the unique skill of multitasking when he was in school in his previous life. Even when he was absent from work, he could still clearly understand what Kato Taka said in class.

He stood up, cleared his throat and replied: "This class mainly talks about the will of fire: wherever the leaves fly, the fire also grows. The fire will continue to illuminate the village and let the new leaves sprout. "

Kato Takashi smiled.

As expected, I was right. Senju Genma is a good boy!

"Very good! Can you tell everyone what this sentence means? Just use your own understanding to express it."

Senju Genma continued: "The will of fire is inheritance, and young people are the hope of the future. The sacrifices of the older generation are not meaningless, but will inspire young people to become the pillars of the future."

Kato Taka immediately said: "You answered very well! You can sit down now. Genma-san will add 10 points to his usual score."

Namikaze Minato also nodded with approval, he thought Senju Genma was right.

Uzumaki Kushina looked at Senju Genma and felt that he seemed to have become more handsome and cuter, so she moved her body closer to Senju Genma.

Namikaze Minato looked at the two people's intimate appearance and felt a strange feeling in his heart.

What do they have to do with me?

Namikaze Minato shook his head and no longer paid attention to the two of them.

As the bell rang, Kato Taka on the podium coughed, closed the textbook, and said loudly: "That's it for this class. In the afternoon I will teach you how to refine Chakra. This is very important for your future as a ninja. Don't be late or absent from class."

He actually said this to those civilian students. The Ninja clan themselves have Chakra refining technology, and those who need this technology now are those civilian students with a lower starting point.

After Kato Taka left, the students took out the lunch boxes prepared at home.

Senju Genma and Kushina also took out their lunch boxes. The lunch boxes were made by Mito Uzumaki himself.

Originally, in order to celebrate Genma and Kushina's first day of school, Tsunade planned to make lunch by herself, but Genma sternly refused.

He still remembers the tragic situation when Nousuki ate the meal cooked by Tsunade for the first time. At that time, Tsunade's Jōnin-level medical treatment Ninjutsu failed to cure Nezuki, so Nezuki could only be sent to the hospital for a long-term hospitalization.

Senju Genma and Kushina were enjoying the food when they saw Namikaze Minato walking towards them.

Senju Genma asked: "Minato-san, what's the matter?"

Namikaze Minato was a little surprised. He didn't expect Senju Genma, who was bullying the whole class, to speak so gently and peacefully.

It's all because the other students' actions are really too much, which makes the gentle Genma-san so angry!

"Genjian-san, there is a girl looking for you outside the door!"

Senju Genjian patted his head, and no wonder he felt a familiar yet very strange Chakra. It turned out to be the girl he was looking at each other on the teaching floor.

Looking at Senju Genma's movements, Namikaze Minato actually felt a little cute.

It would be nice if Genma-san was a girl.

He quickly shook his head to get rid of this dangerous thought.

Senju Genma smiled and said: "Thank you, Minato-san, Kushina, you eat well and I'll go out and take a look."

Kushina responded obediently: "I know."

Senju Genma walked out of the classroom.

Uzumaki Kushina also stood up.

"You...?" Namikaze Minato was a little confused.

Didn't you say you should eat well? What is this for?

Kushina made a silent gesture, walked to the door, and lay down against the wall.

Kushina stretched out her little head and saw a little girl with long black hair and straight hair standing in front of Senju Genma. Her expression was clearly shy.

"Hello, Genma-san!" Uchiha Mikoto whispered, tucking her hair behind her ear with her right hand.

"Well, my name is Uchiha Mikoto."

Senju Genma smiled heartily and said: "Mikoto-san, what can I do for you?"

Mikoto seemed to be afraid that Senju Genma might not hear clearly, so he said cautiously: "I am Uchiha."

Senju Genma really likes Mikoto even more, and even reminds himself that she is Uchiha, which simply has the tenderness engraved in his bones.

"Mikoto-san, I know what you mean. I just want to say that it doesn't matter if your last name is Senju, Uzumaki or Uchiha, it's all the same to me."

"Also, Mikoto-san, you are such a gentle person!"

Uchiha Mikoto turned the end of the hair on the left side of her face with her right hand, blushed and said, "Tenderness... or something, it's too much!"

"This is for you, I'm leaving first."