
Chapter 48 Pretending To Escape

On the battlefield between the troops of Konoha Hidden Village and Sunagakure Village, the battle was still very fierce, and no one had any intention of stopping.

There are swords and swords everywhere and dazzling Ninjutsu, which looks very spectacular.

"Innately evil White Fang of Konoha, I will kill you with my own hands right now!" Chiyo gritted his teeth, and his ten flexible fingers were connected with blue Chakra threads, and he controlled the ten modern ten-person pine trees to protect his body.

Hatake Sakumo's sword skills were so fierce that the pressure on her was too great. The most important thing was that the bull-headed puppet she used for personal defense was damaged, so she did not dare to let the puppet stay away from her at will, lest Hatake Sakumo find an opportunity. .

If she was approached, as a puppet master, it would be difficult for her to resist.

Sand Shinobi also sees Chiyo's predicament.

The two Sunagakure Jōnin made a decision and handed over their opponents to their subordinates to stop them, while they rushed towards Hatake Sakumo.

"Wind Release: Great Kama Itachi!" Jōnin waved a huge folding fan, forming a storm and blowing towards Hatake Sakumo.

Hatake Sakumo was calm and quickly formed seals with his hands.

Although his body has been trained far beyond ordinary people, it is impossible to defend against the attacking Ninjutsu with his physical body, not even with the Great Fireball Technique!

"Earth Style Earthflow Wall!" A Hatake family-style earth wall with a dog's head carved on it rose from the ground to block the storm.

"If you want to hurt Chiyo-sama, you must get through me first." Another Jōnin held a long sword in his hand and blocked Hatake Sakumo's retreat.

However, Hatake Sakumo was famous for his swordsmanship on the battlefield. When this Jōnin met Hatake Sakumo, he was nothing compared to the big one.

Hatake Sakumo wielded the White Fang Short Sword, and the Jōnin was pushed back by the continuous fierce attacks. Several scars were drawn on his body, and he soon turned into a bloody man.

Fortunately, Hatake Sakumo didn't like to put poison on the knife, otherwise this Jōnin would have been dead.

When Jōnin was unable to resist, Hatake Sakumo saw the opportunity, held the knife in his backhand, and sprinted forward, aiming directly at Jōnin's throat.

Sand Hidden Village Jōnin's eyes revealed despair, and at this moment, three iron whips passed by him.

Hatake Sakumo could only stop pursuing and raised his sword to block.

The offensive was interrupted, and Jōnin, who had released his wind escape, also came behind Hatake Sakumo, forming a pincer attack with the sword-wielding Jōnin.

Chiyo was finally able to release his puppets with confidence and surrounded Saiki Sakumo.

Faced with the siege of three people, even Hatake Sakumo was a little tired of dealing with it.

After all, he had been in a stalemate with Chiyo for quite some time before this.

As a genius that is beyond the reach of ordinary people, he has more Chakra than ordinary people, but his amount is also limited.

Just as Chiyo and the others were about to launch an attack, they heard a loud noise and a strong gust of wind.

"Sakumo, you are really embarrassed!"

When I heard the sound and looked around, the first thing I saw was a wooden giant, followed by Senju Genma wearing red armor standing on top of the Wooden Golem. At his feet lay an old man wearing monk clothes.

Senju Xuanjian also noticed the shocked expressions on everyone's faces, but calmly crossed his arms with his hands on his chest, standing high in the sky and overlooking all living beings.

Under his indifferent expression, he was actually not at peace inside.

There's a reason why Uchiha Sasuke likes to use disguise. Pretending is really cool!

As an Elite Jōnin, Hatake Sakumo, who has performed many important missions, naturally saw the true state of mind behind Senju Genma's cold appearance at a glance. He could only curl his lips and mutter unhappily: "This brat really likes to be in the limelight! "

Seeing the sudden appearance of the huge Wooden Golem and the blessing of being captured, Sand Shinobi immediately lost the fighting spirit and the troops began to flee.

"ShiroYasha!!" Chiyo was shocked and said through gritted teeth, "Why do Konoha always have so many geniuses!"

There is Hatake Sakumo in front of her who makes her unable to survive alone. Before there was Tsunade who made her poison useless, and now there is Senju Genma who can defeat Shukaku. How can Chiyo accept this!

Chiyo sighed, knowing that the situation was over, so he withdrew his puppets.

The biggest reason why she dared to launch this general attack was One Tail Shukaku. Now that Shukaku has been defeated, her own side is not as strong as Konoha, so there is no need to continue fighting.

Unless the strongest Third Generation Kazekage is present, there is still a slight possibility of victory.

Chiyo glanced at Hatake Sakumo for the last time unwillingly, then turned and left without looking back, followed closely by the two Jōnin.

Upon seeing this, Ebizō and the seriously injured Luo Sha also evacuated under the cover of their cronies.

Senju Genma jumped off the Wooden Golem and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw no one around.

Fighting against Shukaku, his consumption is not small. This Wooden Golem, excluding Wood Style's ability to absorb Chakra, will have no fighting ability after using it for half an hour at most.

"Are you okay?" Suddenly a big hand patted Senju Genma's shoulder.

Senju Genjian turned around and took two steps back, assuming a fighting posture.

"Why are you so mysterious? You want to scare people to death!"

"You've defeated the tailed beast, why are you so nervous?" Hatake Sakumo said, spreading his hands.

The tailed beast has been defeated, but there are too many beings in the world that are more powerful than the tailed beast!

Senju Xuanjian pursed his lips, "This shows that I am cautious, what do you know?"

"I hope you can always maintain this cautious attitude!" Hatake Sakumo nodded, agreeing very much with Senju Genma's statement, "Why is Shukaku motionless? Is he dead?"

Saying that, Hatake Sakumo squatted next to Fenfu and began to explore his body.

"No, it's just that Jinchūriki didn't have enough Chakra and fainted. With Shukaku in his body, he should be able to recover in a short time."

"That's good, life is valuable." Hatake Sakumo picked up Fenfu and carried him on his shoulders, "As an important Jinchūriki, Sunagakure Village should be willing to spend a lot of money to redeem him."

Senju Genjian remained silent.

I just don't know if Sarutobi Hiruzen will send him back for free for the sake of peace.

Most likely not.

After all, the current Sarutobi Hiruzen is still a shinobi hero.

The two quickly found the main force.

Orochimaru and Shimura Danzo both looked at Senju Genma with complicated eyes.

Orochimaru's eyes seemed to say I'm very interested in you, while Shimura Danzo's eyes were a little uncertain.

Shimura Danzo lowered his head, feeling a sense of powerlessness surrounding him at this moment.

He felt that the gap between himself and Senju Xuan was too big. This thought even made his determination to become Hokage begin to waver.

Fortunately, Shimura Danzo's will is strong enough, and the position of Hokage has become his obsession. This wavering comes and goes quickly.

Senju Genma and Hatake Sakumo didn't know what everyone was thinking, and began to lead the team back to Kawa no Kuni.

Everyone was very happy.

This time, not only did they achieve the strategic goal of blocking Shukaku, but they even captured Shukaku, which is definitely a great achievement.

Although Senju Genma was the only one who fought against Shukaku, the others also resisted Sand Shinobi's attack, so they must have had some credit.