
Chapter 47 Susanoo Wooden Golem

A pair of huge silver-white hands stretched out of the pyramid, holding on to the wall to borrow strength.

The four-armed giant made of silver-white Chakra pulled his body out of the pyramid, squatted on the pyramid wall, used his legs to exert force, and jumped away from the pyramid.

The ground slid for a distance and then stopped steadily.

Fenfu said: "Didn't you say there is no problem?"

"Don't question me?" Shukaku didn't expect the slap in the face to come so quickly, so he could only say awkwardly, "It's all your fault, Fenfu. It's because your body is too weak that I can't exert my full strength. I already told you to exercise more!"

"Eh!" In the world of consciousness, Fenfu was speechless.

Because he usually focuses on cultivating his mind and lacks physical exercise.

Susanoo was standing on the ground in a full body state, and Senju Genma was sitting on Susanoo's head looking at Fenfuku.

"Yasaka no Magatama!"

Susanoo raised his hands and threw multiple magatama for long-range attacks.

A huge statue of Shukaku wearing a bamboo hat condenses in front of Fenfu.

Shukaku's Shield!

The magatama of Yasaka was submerged in it, causing the belly of the Shukaku sculpture to dent.

A smile appeared at the corner of Senju Xuanjian's mouth, and he chuckled: "Without any movements, it seems that I have been underestimated!"

The next second, Susanoo raised his four hands, and the silver-white Chakra Blade Amazong Yun appeared in his hands, waving it forward.

Four sword rays shot toward Fenfu, and Shukaku's shield was instantly shattered.

The speed of the sword light is very fast, but the blessings based on the physical form are not much inferior.

Fenfu was seen lying on all fours, jumping left and right on the ground to avoid the sword light.

If he was touched like this, he felt that even if he didn't die, he would be missing arms and legs.

"It's really dangerous. Our strongest shield has been broken!" Fenfu sighed.

"Shut up!" Shukaku let out a sharp cry, "The power of the body is still not enough after all. Use the full body and give me control of your body!"

Fenfu was silent for a moment and said slowly: "I know!"

Shukaku manipulated Fenfu's body and punched the ground. A large amount of sand splashed up, and a big pit appeared in the sand.

Fenfu fell into the sand, and the sand quickly gathered together, transformed into Shukaku, and jumped out of the pit.

"I'm finally out!" Shukaku patted his belly happily and jumped up and down on the ground, looking a little cute.

Fenfu reminded aloud: "Shukaku, don't forget our purpose!"

Shukaku scolded: "I know, don't fight for control of my body. The body cannot exert its full strength. You will only weaken my power even more!"

Senju Genma controlled Susanoo to jump in front of Shukaku, and said with a smile: "We finally meet, the big tanuki Shukaku!"

"I'm not a tanuki! I'm a raccoon dog." After saying this, Shukaku realized that he had been led astray by Senju Genma, and hurriedly changed his words: "No, I am One Tail Shukaku!"

Shukaku was so angry that he jumped onto Susanoo with a huge jump and punched Susanoo with his fist. In the third stage, Susanoo was less than 20 meters tall and was just a small bean compared to Shukaku.

However, Susanoo's defensive power is not weak, and the tailed beast's hand-to-hand combat ability is not strong either.

After receiving a few punches, Susanoo's outer layer of defense was only damaged.

He ignored the cute and headless Shukaku and Genma.

Clap your hands: "Sage Art·Wood Style·Deep Forest Creation!"

Giant trees grew wantonly in the sand, covering Susanoo to form a layer of defense. Shukaku's body was also blocked by the trees, causing all the greedy saliva in Shukaku's body to flow out.

If only we in Sunagakure Village could have Ninjutsu like this, maybe we wouldn't have to start such an unjust war!

Looking at the suddenly rising woods, Shukaku also calmed down and said solemnly: "This technique, you are indeed related to that man."

Genma used Deep Forest Creation to entangle Shukaku, and said in the tree barrier, "There is a technique I have wanted to try for a long time!"

"Sage Art·Wood Style·Wooden Golem's Jutsu!" A Wooden Golem rose from Genma's feet. Genma stood on top of the Wooden Golem. At the same time as he stood up, the Wooden Golem raised his fist and hit Shukaku's chin, knocking him down. Knocked to the ground.

"Sage Art·Wood Style·Wooden Dragon Technique!"

Wooden Dragon wrapped around Wooden Golem's shoulders from Wooden Golem's feet, and then bit Shukaku.

Shukaku lay on the ground and howled in pain, with two short He kept swinging his legs and grabbed Wooden Dragon's neck with both hands, and it took a lot of effort to control him.

"Awesome Armor Susanoo!" Genma's offensive is not over yet. Susanoo wraps up the Wooden Golem's body, rides on Shukaku and uses his fists to output wildly. While Wood Style absorbs Chakra, he also gets beaten. Shukaku's body made of sand lost a lot of weight.

"This damn brat." Shukaku knew that it was impossible for his huge body to break away from the powerful Susanoo, so a small Shukaku split from his back, wrapped around Fenfu's body and fled away.

Seeing Shukaku's body turn into sand, Genma also realized that something was wrong, and immediately summoned Tian Congyun and waved it behind him.

Hundreds of meters away behind Genma, Shukaku's huge body appeared again. Faced with the sudden sword light, he was startled.

I saw it rolling its fat body, doing a side flip to avoid the sword, and then slapped its round belly.

Wind Escape·Practice blank bullets!

Wind Escape·Sand Shot!

Shukaku spits out a huge wind ball containing a large amount of Chakra from his mouth. The wind ball is mixed with sand bombs, making it faster and more powerful.

Senju Genma controlled the powerful weapon Susanoo to wield Amazuki, and the form of Amazuki began to change, turning into a huge shield in front of him.

The combination of two types of wind escape, Ninjutsu, failed to work and could not break through Tian Congyun's defense at all.

"Magic gun!" Senju Xuanjian shouted lowly and crossed his arms.

Tian Congyun changed its shape again, and a protrusion like the blade of a long knife appeared on the shield. Then the shield began to shrink, and the long knife thrust forward at an extremely fast speed.


The next moment, Shukaku's left arm was cut off flatly and fell to the ground.

"It was so dangerous. If I had reacted just one second slower, my body would have torn apart!" Shukaku breathed a sigh of relief.

It finally had a chance to come out and play, but it didn't want to be locked back so soon.

Susanoo waved his stretched Amanogun, and Senju Genma suddenly shouted: "Shukaku, don't run away, come to Susanoo!"

"Don't be ridiculous." Shukaku rolled to the side, dodged a slash, and said with lingering fear, "What a dangerous kid. Where did you get this weapon?"

While running, Shukaku did not forget to gather the Tailed Beast Chakra in his mouth, swallow it, and spit it out.

Several light bullets were ejected from Shukaku's mouth.

Continuous Tailed Beast Jade!

Yes, Shukaku can use tailed beast jade.

To use Tailed Beast Jade, the most basic thing is to have enough Chakra and master the ultimate form changes of Yin and Yang attribute Chakra.

Mastering the shape changes of Chakra is not difficult for these tailed beasts that have lived for thousands of years.

As for the amount of Chakra.

Although Kurama likes to divide the strength of tailed beasts by the number of tails, the Chakra of tailed beasts is not actually determined by the number of tails.

The distribution of Ten Tails Chakra in Sage of Six Paths is fair.

The rough breakdown is.

One Tail and one Nine Tails.

One portion for Two Tails and one portion for Nine Tails.

One portion of Three Tails, one portion of Nine Tails.


One portion of Eight Tails, one portion of Nine Tails.

Finally, Nine Tails was given its own share.

Except for Nine Tails, which is incredibly powerful, the other eight tailed beasts have similar amounts of Chakra. As a tailed beast, Shukaku also uses tailed beast jade.

It's just that it's easier to practice blank ammunition, and it's enough to deal with humans, so it's just that Tailed Beast Jade is not used in daily life.

Senju Genma controlled the powerful weapon Susanoo to shrink the sky and clouds, and then quickly waved in front of him to block. The light bullets were cut in half one by one, and they fell to the ground and exploded, raising a large amount of sand and dust.

"Just now!" Shukaku opened his bloody mouth, and the blue yang chakra and the purple-black yin chakra formed a black ball, which quickly grew in size.

Tailed beast jade!

"Just accept this great gift!"

"No need, you should keep this gift for yourself!"

The smoke cleared, and the intact and powerful Susanoo appeared in the eyes of Fenfuku and Shukaku.

The powerful Susanoo jumped in front of Shukaku, slashed at the tailed beast jade that was not yet fully formed, and split Shukaku's body in half.

The semi-finished Tailed Beast Jade exploded immediately under the influence of external force. The generated wind pressure caused several surrounding trees to be broken, and thick smoke filled the entire battlefield.

After a while, the thick smoke caused by the explosion dissipated, and what was seen was that Shukaku's body was blown to pieces, and the state of the powerful Susanoo was also not good. The armor composed of Susanoo was damaged in large areas, Wooden Most of Golem's body also disappeared.

"I'm here, sandy sand!" (It's just gravel, not half as good as me)!" Looking at Shukaku's sand-turned body, Senju Genma jumped to the ground and said calmly.

Deep Forest Creation quickly drained the Chakra from Shukaku's remaining body. The Chakra-less body turned into quicksand and was blown away by the wind, revealing Fenfu's true body.

Xuanjian found Fenfu, stood in front of him with his arms folded, and said calmly: "You lost."

Fenfu lay on the ground without replying. The Chakra in his body had been severely overdrawn and he fell into a coma.