
Chapter 45 Blood Stained Yellow Sand

Konoha's troops are now scattered throughout the Kingdom of Sichuan. It would be too dangerous for both the Kingdom of Sichuan and the troops of Konoha to allow such weapons to enter the Kingdom of Sichuan!

The two sides were at war with each other, and Senju Genjian also came to the front of the battle from the army.

Seeing him coming to his side, Hatake Sakumo quickly smiled and said: "That monk is the one who distributes blessings, so he will leave it to you."

Following Hatake Sakumo's line of sight, Senju Genma saw a bald old man with white eyebrows and white beard among the Sand Shinobi army.

Senju Genjian saw his photo and confirmed his identity at a glance.

"Then leave him to me. I will try my best to lure him away from the battlefield."

"You should also be careful and don't get affected by us."

Hatake Sakumo nodded, "I understand. You don't need to hold back just to take care of our lives. Your safety is the most important thing."

Although he didn't want to say this, it was the truth.

For the village, Senju Genma is indeed more important than "ordinary people" like them.

"Don't worry, I care about my life very much and I won't do anything random." Senju Xuanjian said with a grin.

He is very selfish. For him, everyone's life is not equal. The only ones worth paying for are those he loves.

But I'm sorry, the only loved one who came to Kawakuni is Tsunade, and Tsunade is managing the logistics force in Kawakuni, which is located in the rear area.

As for the others, even people like Orochimaru and Hatake Sakumo who could barely be called friends, Senju Genma never thought of giving his life for them. If they died, the most he would do is feel sad for them. .

Senju Genjian thought for a while and looked at Hatake Sakumo, Orochimaru and Shimura Danzo.

"Well, then it's up to you to deal with Chiyo and Ebizō."


"no problem."

Hatake Sakumo and Orochimaru responded immediately.

Shimura Danzo stared at Senju Genma with his unbandaged one eye and thought for a moment.

"I know."

Although he regarded Senju Genma as a competitor on the road to the top of the Hokage, now was not the time for a fight.

If you lose this battle, you won't have to think about becoming a Hokage in the future.

On the contrary, if you win, you can make up for your mistakes, and there is a slight chance.

The Konoha ninjas, led by Hatake Sakumo, launched a charge.

In an instant, the shouts of killing shook the sky.

The usually deserted desert is bustling with people.

Under the pure white moonlight, the ninjas either fought hand to hand or used Ninjutsu, and bright red blood splashed on the yellow sand.

Senju Genma rushed into the battlefield first, and all Sand Shinobi who dared to approach were repelled, and their bodies flew backwards, like a kite with a broken string.

"Kid, don't be too arrogant." Chiyo stepped forward and took out a scroll, "White Secret Technique: Chikamatsu Ten People!"

Use the number of ten fingers to control ten white-clothed puppets at the same time to launch a combination attack on Senju Genma from different angles.

Senju Genma concentrated his concentration and waved the Senju giant sword in his hand.


The oncoming female puppet holding two broadswords was the first to be repelled.

The blue-faced puppet has five iron whips extending from its head.

The double-faced red-faced puppet is connected to the arm of the white-faced puppet.

The head of the red-faced puppet becomes a high-speed rotating four-edged Chakra knife, and the arm of the white-faced puppet becomes a chain.

Throw the red-faced puppet at Senju Genma.

Senju Genma threw several kunai, held the giant sword in his backhand, jumped up high, passed through the gaps between the iron whips, and the five iron whips rubbed sparks on Senju Genma's stacked armor.

The Chakra blade of the red-faced puppet is right in front of you, and Senju Genma is in mid-air, unable to dodge.

The next second, white light shone on Chiyo's face, and Senju Genma appeared beside Chiyo.

"Sage Art·Raikiri!"

Senju Genma holds a black and white high-intensity electric current in his hand and stabs Chiyo at high speed.

The bull-headed puppet responsible for close protection stepped between the two of them, blocking it with his hands in front of his chest.

As the lightning and birdsong disappeared, Senju Genma appeared behind Chiyo, and the bull-headed puppet's arms were shattered.

"After all, it's just a puppet. How can it compare to my Ninjutsu who has been tempered for thousands of years!" Senju Genma shook his head and sighed, "I still have my own opponents, so I won't play with you."

Chiyo shouted angrily: "Damn ShiroYasha, don't even think about escaping!"

Three puppets in white clothes formed a triangle formation, opened the three organs of "Buddha", "Dharma" and "Monk", and formed the tiger seal with their hands.

With a flash of sword light, the puppet formation was instantly destroyed.

"Old woman Chiyo, your opponent is me!"

I saw Hatake Sakumo standing in the field, holding up the Short Sword White Fang with a cold light.

"Damn White Fang, today, I will let you die here."

"If you have the ability, just let your horse come over!" Hatake Sakumo said calmly.

The enemy was extremely jealous when they met. The first time Chiyo saw Hatake Sakumo, he dropped Senju Genma and controlled the puppet to attack Hatake Sakumo.

Ebizō and Rasa also rushed to Chiyo's side.

Behind them were two figures, namely Orochimaru and Shimura Danzo.

The two have already chosen their opponents. Orochimaru stretches out several big snakes from his sleeves to attack Ebizō, while Shimura Danzo uses his wind release Ninjutsu to attack Rasa.

Senju Genma didn't want to fight either, so he turned around and rushed into the troops behind Chiyo in search of blessings.

"Got you!"

In less than a second, Senju Genma let go of his senses and felt the Chakra belonging to the tailed beast.

Senju Genma came not far away from Fenfu. He was being protected by four Sand Hidden Village Jōnin.

Seeing the appearance of Senju Genma, the Jōnin of Sunagakure Village raised their kunai or took out their shurikens.

It was obvious that they all knew Senju Genma. Faced with such a dangerous person, they did not choose to attack rashly.

"Donor, are you here to kill me? Do we have to fight?" Seeing that Senju Genma did not launch an attack immediately, Fenfu clasped his hands together, chanted a Buddha's name, and stopped Jōnin from Sand Hidden Village to speak.

"If you don't die, will I die?" Senju Xuanjian just curled his lips and said disdainfully: "When you entered this battlefield, you should have expected the current situation, right?"

"I understand what the donor means, but sometimes, there are things we have to do." Fenfu said with a low eyebrow.

"It doesn't matter. Now that we are here, there is nothing to say!" Senju Xuanjian raised his Senju giant sword, and the sword body burst out with blue light.

The technique of instantaneous movement, in the blink of an eye, Senju Xuanjian was already in front of everyone.

The giant sword swept across, two Jōnin were cut in half, and two more Jōnin were knocked back, but the kunai they used for defense had been chopped into pieces.

A layer of sand shield appeared around Fenfu, and Senju Xuanma's giant sword sank into the sand shield.

"Is this ShiroYasha? It's really scary. I couldn't see clearly what I just did." A Jōnin said fearfully.