
Chapter 44 Konoha White Fang

Senju Genma patted Hatake Sakumo on the shoulder and said confidently: "Don't worry, I understand, leave One Tail to me."

Tailed beasts are indeed difficult to deal with for ordinary ninjas.

But for Senju Genma, who has reached Kage level and possesses Wood Style, he is confident that he can fight against other tailed beasts as long as they are not Nine Tails.

Among the current tailed beasts, only Nine Tails can make Senju Genma feel threatened in a duel.

Kurama's power is not on the same level as the other eight tailed beasts.

With the current level of Wood Style, Senju Genma is not 100% sure that he can suppress it.

Tsunade said hurriedly: "How can this be done? That is a tailed beast. I must go with you."

Senju Genjian stretched out his hand, his index finger and middle finger merged and tapped her forehead lightly.

"Just stay in the logistics department obediently. Don't forget that my Wood Style can restrain tailed beasts."

"Besides, maybe Sunagakure Village sent Shukaku here just as a deterrent, and maybe he won't go to the battlefield at all."

"Okay then!" Tsunade pouted and touched her forehead with both hands, looking pitiful.

Senju Genjian quickly asked: "Does it hurt?"

Tsunade nodded, tears welling up in her eyes.

Senju Genjian stretched out his hand and touched the top of her head to comfort her.

Tsunade immediately laughed.

Hatake Sakumo narrowed his eyes and snorted: "You two, get out of here!"

"Yes!" they both replied in unison.

"It's finally time to leave, let's go back and continue!"

"Hey! Keep your voice down, don't let Sakumo hear it. He will definitely be jealous and maybe he will keep us here."

Hatake Sakumo listened to the conversation between the two, and his back molars were almost broken!

But he soon thought of his wife who died due to the recurrence of an old injury during childbirth, and his young son who was waiting for him at home, and a lonely look appeared on his face.

But fortunately, the birth is a son and not a daughter. I will only get a few beatings in the future and not be picked away!

Thinking of this, Hatake Sakumo couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

Senju Genma and Tsunade were walking outside. The dazzling sunlight shone warmly on them. It was already summer, but it seemed like spring had arrived.

Senju Genjian looked into the distance.

Regarding the future battles, to be honest, Senju Genma not only did not feel fear, but even had a little expectation.

He has faced many opponents, including Genin, Chūnin, Jōnin, Elite Jōnin, and even legends among ninjas, but he has never had a serious fight with a tailed beast.

The sealing of Nine Tails does not count. The main force that time was Uzumaki Mito. He was only responsible for lightly pressing Kurama's head with Tenth Edict On Enlightenment. There was no fighting at all.


It was a dark and windy night half a month later.

Konoha's troops completed their assembly.

Although Konoha released the news that Senju Genma had returned to Kawanogoku and allowed him to appear on the battlefield, war was never a child's play.

Third Generation Kazekage spent a lot of manpower and material resources to send Shukaku to the border of Kawakuni, and would never take him back without any gain. Some strategic goals must be achieved.

For example, extending the time of this war and expanding the military occupation area of ​​​​Sunagakure Village to Kawakuni.

However, with the addition of Senju Genma to Konoha's side, the battlefield advantage is even greater, and Sunagakure Village no longer has a few strongholds in the Kawano Country.

In response, Third Generation Kazekage chose to send troops to take the initiative, hoping to use the power of the tailed beasts to attack the troops in the Hidden Leaf Village.

The intelligence force led by the reliable Orochimaru naturally learned the news immediately and reported it to Hatake Sakumo.

"Why are Sakumo still late? Didn't he inform us to gather here?" Senju Genma looked around, confused.

Standing next to Senju Genma, Jōnin said: "Genma-sama, Sakumo-sama is assigning tasks to each unit. Please don't be impatient. Sakumo-sama will be here soon."

Senju Genma narrowed his eyes and looked at Yuhi's red eyes.

These eyes are so similar to those of Yūhi Kurenai in my memory! Just the color is different.

It's a pity that Yūhi Kurenai is still young, otherwise...

Facing Senju Genma's handsome face, Yuhi Mahong was a little embarrassed to be stared at, so she could only lower her head and rub her hands.

After waiting for two or three minutes, Hatake Sakumo's figure appeared in front of the troops.

Hatake Sakumo spoke quickly and mobilized the ninjas before the war.

It probably means that the decisive battle is coming, this battle must be won, and the village will not treat everyone badly after returning.

Some hot-blooded young ninjas were soon fooled by Hatake Sakumo, an old man, and they shouted that they would sacrifice themselves for Konoha.

"Set off!"

Following Hatake Sakumo's order, the Konoha ninja troops moved upon hearing the sound and marched toward the border of Kawa no Kuni in a mighty manner.

Although the Kingdom of Sichuan is close to the Kingdom of Wind, its environment is quite different from that of the Kingdom of Wind.

Most of the terrain in the Country of Sichuan is covered with woods, and only a small part near the Country of Wind is covered by desert.

Hatake Sakumo led the Konoha ninjas to jump over the trees and quickly rushed to the border between the Kawa Country and the Wind Country.

Half an hour later, on the other side was the border between the Kingdom of Sichuan and the Kingdom of Wind.

Chiyo stood on the border of Kawa no Kuni, followed by his younger brother Ebizō, followed by Rasa and Bunfuku, and finally Sand Shinobi's large army.

The purpose of their trip was to use One Tail Shukaku to catch Konoha off guard and eliminate Konoha's active forces as much as possible. It would be best if they could kill Konoha's shadow-level warriors.

But now, they encountered a big problem.

"Damn it, Konoha's troops have taken action and are attacking us. We have just started taking action!" Ebizō handed over a piece of information to Chiyo.

They did not expect that Konoha's intelligence system would be so developed. The plan was discovered just after it started.

"What do we do now?"

"Otherwise we would ambush and lay traps along the way, and they would be unprepared," Luo Sha said.

Chiyo shook his head, "Konoha's troops are not far away from us. It's too late to set up traps now."

Ebizō asked: "Then shall we retreat?"

"I'm afraid we can't evacuate, so prepare to fight." Chiyo said firmly.

"Who?" At this moment, Ebizō, a perceptive ninja, felt something strange and shouted in the distance.

Knowing that he couldn't hide anymore, Hatake Sakumo simply stopped hiding and jumped out.

"You two siblings are still so difficult to get along with!" Hatake Sakumo pulled out the Short Sword, and the blade shone with cold light.

The overwhelming Konoha ninja also appeared from behind him.

"Konoha White Fang, it is indeed you!" Chiyo gritted his teeth and said.

Hatake Sakumo killed her son and daughter-in-law.

It would be strange if Chiyo and Ebizō were not angry when they saw their relatives and enemies killed.

Hatake Sakumo looked forward and saw that the opponent's number was obviously inferior to his own, so he felt reassured.

He looked at Fenfu again, knowing that this man was the biggest variable in this war.

But the purpose of their trip is to keep Shukaku out of Kawakawa.