
Chapter 42 Leaving The Kingdom Of Wind

In the world of Hokage, there are three types of energy.

They are spiritual energy, physical energy and natural energy. Mental energy and physical energy are contained in the human body, and natural energy exists in the natural environment.

The body energy is the Yang Style energy used by Sage of Six Paths, but the body energy is not Yang Style and needs to be converted. But having enough energy in the body can also improve the body's ability to heal itself.

Vitality is a special force that is related to a person's life length and vitality, and also includes body energy.

Genma and Garura sat across the table from each other, and Genma held Garura's hand.

"Your body has almost recovered. All that's left is to restore your body's energy."

"Can you restore your body's energy?"

As a ninja, Garura certainly knows that body energy comes from tens of thousands of cells in the human body.

"In fact, it indirectly replenishes your body's energy by directly transporting life force."

"But this must be a big burden on you!" Garuruo said worriedly, "My body has recovered and I have enough energy. I just need to refine it slowly."

The scene of Xuanjian treating her yesterday was still vivid in her mind. This was the first time she saw "tiredness" on Xuanjian's face.

Xuanjian raised his hand to refuse: "That's not possible. I'm leaving soon. I don't trust you to slowly refine your life energy. If you replenish your life force, you can save the process of refining body energy from the body and make you more efficient. Extract Chakra quickly."

Refining body energy is a step-by-step process, and Xuanjian has no intention of staying in the Kingdom of Wind for a long time. If Garura is in danger after he leaves, won't everything he did be in vain?

Without waiting for Garura to refuse, Genma directly opened the large hole Mouchi to deliver her life force.

In just one day, Garura's Chakra reached Jōnin level. Xuanjian could finally leave with peace of mind.

The next day, just to be on the safe side, Genma got Garura's consent and placed a Wood Clone seed on her body.

This seed can exist for at least one month, which is enough time for Garuru to return to his peak state.

The two parted in the town, staring at each other under the afterglow of the setting sun. Then Senju Genma left for Kawa no Kuni, while Garura stayed in this town.

After spending a day, Senju Genjian walked through the desert, crossed an oasis in the Kingdom of Wind, and returned to the Kingdom of Sichuan.

Standing on the border between the Kingdom of Wind and the Kingdom of Sichuan, Senju Genjian looked back at the barren land that needed nourishment, looking forward to meeting her next time.


The battlefield of Kawakuni.

Konoha camp, medical ninja station command room.

Shimura Danzo frowned and sat on the chair with a gloomy look on his face.

He is very unhappy now.

The reason is simple. During the day today, he finally had the opportunity to lead his troops to attack Sand Shinobi.

As a result, they encountered the Sand Shinobi force led by Chiyo. Chiyo also developed a new poison, which made the antidote carried by the Konoha ninjas ineffective.

Shimura Danzo's troops suffered heavy losses and suffered heavy losses.

He came to participate in the war this time not only to defend Konoha from the standpoint of a hawk, but also to gain military merit and reputation.

But let alone military merit and reputation now, it would be good if he was not held accountable after returning.

Tsunade on the side was filled with various reagents, all of which were antidotes to various toxins.

"Tsunade, how is the progress of this antidote research? If we can't get the antidote again, our losses will continue to increase." Danzo said solemnly, "You cannot bear the responsibility for delaying the fighter plane."

Tsunade shook the reagent in her hand and said calmly: "This defeat is all your own responsibility."

"If you hadn't underestimated the enemy and advanced rashly, there wouldn't have been such a big loss."

"I will ask Orochimaru and Sakumo to report your failure to the teacher truthfully."

Tsunade summoned the medical ninja on the side, stretched out her hand and handed out two items.

"This is the antidote to Sand Shinobi's poison and the antidote formula. Take these to gather people to prepare the antidote and distribute it."

"Okay, Tsunade-sama." The medical ninja took the formula and antidote sample, nodded and turned to leave.

"Danzo, you are the commander-in-chief of this battle.

I don't want to question the orders you gave during this operation, but the decisions you gave were too reckless.

You didn't take the lives of our Konoha ninjas seriously at all. !"

Tsunade said bluntly, without caring about Shimura Danzo's elder face.

She actively promoted the improvement of the medical ninja system during the war. Why did she propose in a high-level meeting to add a medical ninja to the three-person team performing missions?

Isn't it just to improve the survival rate and mission success rate of ninjas!

As a result, Danzo now caused Konoha to lose so many ninjas for his personal achievements, which made Tsunade hate him even more.

Danzo was even more angry, but he did not show it, but said without changing his expression: "For the sake of justice, this is a necessary sacrifice."

"For the village, everything is worth it! If necessary, I can sacrifice for the village."

Tsunade said disdainfully: "Don't put your own face on it, this is simply letting the ninjas of the village die in vain, it is just a useless sacrifice."

"Tsunade-sama." A medical ninja's call suddenly came from outside the tent.

"Come in."

"Tsunade-sama, Genma-sama is back."

"I understand, you go out first!"


"Chiyo's poison has been cured." Tsunade said to herself: "I have something else to do, so I won't accompany you."

After saying that, Tsuna left the tent without looking back.

Danzo snorted and said nothing, but stared at Tsunade's back coldly.

Senju Genma naturally had no way of knowing what happened in the medical ninja command room. He had just completed his S-level mission and was walking towards Tsunade's tent.

Along the way, when the ninjas of Konoha saw Senju Genma, they all stopped and stood staring at him.

This is a treatment exclusive to the legends of the ninja world. They don't have such respect for Hatake Sakumo.

Arriving at Tsunade's tent, Senju Genma noticed that the tent was spotless. Apparently Tsunade was a tidy person and would clean it frequently.

It's just that the clothes belonging to Xuanjian on the bed are a bit eye-catching.

If you look carefully, you can see that the clothes have been wrinkled a little, and you can still vaguely see traces of drool.

Senju Genma had already roughly guessed what Tsunade might have done.

Senju Genjian sat on the bed and took out the reward this time.

The thick wad of money was all in bills of one hundred thousand taels, totaling nine million taels.

Among them, two million taels are the reward for the mission, and the other seven million taels are Machima's bounty.

Although Machima is an Elite Jōnin of Sand Hidden Village, her status is incomparable to that of Asma in the future, so the bounty is not high, only one-fifth of Asma's.

"When did you become so interested in money?"

Xuanjian felt the softness of Xiaoqiao behind him, curled his lips and said, "It's not because of you. Do you know how much burden you have caused to the family?"

Ever since he took the position of Senju clan leader, Senju Genma realized how difficult it was for Mito Uzumaki to support this family.