
Chapter 41 Treatment Of Garuru

In the tavern, Garura and Senju Genma drank another glass of wine.

Garura drank a lot of wine. Although her body was in tatters, she still had some Chakra in her body, so she was neither drunk nor relieved.

Seeing Kaura's disappointed look, Senju Genma's eyes moved slightly and he said, "Speaking of which, I have a way to cure you. Do you want to listen?"

"Even if Chiyo-sama is helpless, what can you do?" Garuruo pursed his lips, but his eyes revealed expectations.

If you could become a ninja again, who would be willing to continue to be an ordinary person?

But the hope in his eyes quickly dissipated.

He is from the Kingdom of Wind, and Genma is a ninja of Konoha. Even if he really has the means, he will never help him.

It's a pity that Xuanjian is not a normal person. His purpose is very clear and he knows what he really wants, so he asked: "Do you believe me?"

Jia Ruo was silent for a long time and then said: "I believe it."

She didn't know why she said such things.

Maybe it's because she really wants to become a ninja again, or maybe it's because Genma once saved her!

"Look into my eyes!" Senju Genma said, opening the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan.

Genjutsu·Mangekyō Sharingan!

"You..." Garura, who has not recovered from his serious injury, is even more unbearable than ordinary ninjas. He was immersed in Genjutsu at the first sight of Sharingan and turned into a walking zombie.

Without wasting time, he picked up Garura and the two of them arrived at the hotel in the oasis town.

Entering the hotel room, Senju Genma and Garura came to the bed and sat opposite each other.

Genma slowly stretched out his hand to Garura, and then...snapped his fingers.

"Hey! Wake up! Are you okay?"

Jiaruo regained his consciousness and was frightened.

She shrank back and hugged her legs.

"Where is this place? What did you do to me?" She felt that the scene in front of her seemed to have been seen in Shueisha's night reading, which made her feel nervous.

Senju Genjian said: "This is a hotel, please don't be so nervous, I haven't done anything yet!"

Jia Ruo felt his body and found that there was nothing unusual, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Then why did you bring me to the hotel?"

Garuruo's eyes were full of caution.

She has also been a ninja for many years, and has read a lot of books from Shueisha. She suddenly thought of many unspeakable things.

In any case, the place and posture of the two of them now are too strange.

Moreover, I am an ordinary person now. If Senju Genma wants to do something random to me, will I accept it? Or accept it?

Just accept it.

"Didn't I say that? I'm treating your injuries. I can't treat your injuries outside."

"I have an ability that should be able to cure you, but it's too troublesome to explain, so I brought you here directly." Senju Xuanjian spread his hands and said, "What do you think you want to do?"

Garuruo's face turned red and he lowered his head.

After a while, Jialuo asked angrily: "It's nothing, is what you said true? Can you really cure me?"

Xuanjian said: "You have to give it a try!"

Kaura raised his head and looked into Genma's eyes: "Then what should I do?"

Xuanjian looked at her, his eyes turned red, and there were patterns outlined by black lines in his pupils.

"Is this... Sharingan?" Garuru asked.

In fact, Kaura was not sure what kind of eyes these were. He only felt that they were somewhat similar to Sharingan. In addition, Genma was a ninja of Konoha, so he asked this question.

However, even though he discovered Xuanjian's secret and knew that Xuanjian would probably silence him, he was not afraid at all.

"That's right." Genma admitted openly, as if he was not at all defensive about Garura.

Garuruo was stunned. Are you admitting it like this? Do you know how much of a shock it will be for you, as a Senju clan, to own a Sharingan? Even though I grew up in Sunagakure Village, I have heard about the grudges between the Senju clan and the Uchiha clan for a long time!

"Aren't you afraid that I will tell you?"

"First of all, after getting along with each other twice, I believe in your character." Xuanjian blinked and said Xu Ran, "Secondly, the current situation is that I am a knife and you are a fish, what can you do."

"And I have a kind heart. I can't bear to see you enduring such pain."

"Besides, as a Konoha ninja, after I cure you, if you tell Sunagakure Village about me, what will happen to you then?"

"During the war, the enemy village ninja helped you inexplicably. You can't explain it no matter how you think about it, right?"

It's all bullshit. Not only did Kauruo not believe it, Genma himself didn't believe it either.

The real situation is that Genma used Sharingan Genjutsu to explore Garura's memory, learn more about what kind of person Garura is, and at the same time used Genjutsu to leave a backup.

Garura is essentially a kind person, a person with deep feelings, and he is kind to others. Overall, she is a good person and has a good impression of herself.

Therefore, Genma chose to treat Garuru for his own selfish desires.

Garuru looked suspicious. She had indeed heard that the Senju clan was a clan of love, but was this love too much?

Looking up at Xuanjian, a sense of peace of mind arose spontaneously.

There is no way, that face is indeed a face full of love, it is so comforting.

"I won't tell anyone."

"That's good." Genma stretched out his hand to Garuru.


"Put your hand out, I want to check your physical condition."

Kaura stretched out his hand, and Genma held it tightly, his hand glowing with green light.

I used medical ninjutsu to examine Garura's body and found that the damage was indeed serious. Not only were the internal organs damaged, but the injuries to the muscles and bones were also severe.

It is normal for Chiyo to be unable to cure such a situation, and even Tsunade may not be able to cure it. Fortunately, Xuanjian has special means.

In a moment of thought, Mou Chi activated his large acupuncture point, and Xuanjian's left eye flashed with a strange light.

Tsunade's medical Ninjutsu may not be able to cure Garura, and Genma's medical Ninjutsu is even less likely.

However, Oana Mouchi can absorb and release vitality. Since medical Ninjutsu cannot cure Garura, Garura's body can heal itself by replenishing vitality.

Just like Xuanjian's immortal body, it has abundant vitality and can automatically recover from injuries without forming seals.

The green life force flows down the arm to Garura's body.

Garura intentionally wanted to ask aloud, but was interrupted by the inflow of life force.

She was pleasantly surprised to find that her body began to repair itself. That physical heaviness was disappearing.

After an unknown amount of time, the sky outside the window turned from bright to dark, and Genma finished treating Garura.

Letting go of Kauruo, Genma let out a long sigh of relief.

There is a lot of vitality in Xuanjian. I don't know how much I sucked in with the power of Mou Chi in the big hole, but the consumption of pupil power is real.