
Chapter 39 The God Emperor Gives Birth To A Spiritual Master

At night, in an oasis in the Kingdom of Wind, a carriage was driving slowly on the road.

Senju Genjian sat on the carriage and looked at the bright moon hanging high in the sky.

He truly felt that the moon in the Hokage world was bigger, whiter, and rounder than the moon in his previous life, and he couldn't help but want to explore.

After the Sunagakure Village invaded the Kawakori Country, it immediately plundered the resources of the Kawakoku Country. It failed to solve the fundamental problem, but it also eased the domestic conflicts to a certain extent.

Along the way, you can still see ragged pedestrians. Although they are not living a good life, they will not starve to death for the time being.

For them, Senju Genma has a compassionate attitude.

Because these people may become his people in the future.

If he didn't have a mission, he might take a good tour of the town.

Unfortunately now is not the time.

Underground in the town, the Sand Hidden Village troops are located.

Unlike the people on the ground who walk in the sun, ninjas like this kind of hidden underground facilities that don't see the sun all year round.

Not far in front of Senju Genma, two ninja guards from Sunagakure Village were patrolling. They did not find Senju Genma hiding in the dark.

"Sage Art·Wood Style·Wood Clone!"

Senju Genjian looked at the Sand Shinobi in front of him. Four Wood Clone appeared behind him, and then turned into black shadows and left.

After a while, a rectangular barrier of purple transparent flames opened in the east, west, north and south directions of the base.

Four Purple Flame Formation!

"This way the mission target can't escape."

"Who?" Looking at the stranger and the huge purple Barriers that suddenly appeared in front of them, the patrolling ninja's eyes were full of wariness.

Senju Xuanjian spread his hands, "You are surrounded by me now, let Machima come out and die!"

A guard yelled: "Arrogant!"

Another guard echoed: "This is our territory. Do you know how many of us there are, and you dare to break in alone?"

Senju Genma is not here to chat with them.

He raised his head, and his eyes turned into the eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, with red light flashing in his eyes, giving him a strange beauty.

Genjutsu·Mangekyō Sharingan!

The two guards instantly lost their sight, their expressions dull, and fell into Genjutsu.

Senju Genjian asked: "Tell me! Where is Machima?"

The guard replied dully: "In the command room on the third underground floor."

"Three underground floors, command room." Senju Xuanjian muttered, letting go of his perception, and sure enough he sensed a relatively powerful Chakra on the third underground floor.

"Found it, thank you!" Senju Genjian thanked him politely, and the two guards collapsed to the ground.

Since Senju Genma did not deliberately hide himself, the sentient ninjas in the base also discovered Senju Genma.

"There is an intruder! The main entrance has been breached!"

The troops in the base quickly gathered in the passage leading to the main entrance. They either raised their kunai or took out their shurikens and looked at Senju Genma with evil eyes.

Silver-white Chakra wrapped around Senju Genma's body, turning into Susanoo's ribs, and continued to move forward as if there was no one around.

"Damn Konoha ninja, you dare to break into our Sand Shinobi's territory, you will be killed without mercy!"

call out!

call out!

call out!

Kunai and shurikens flew towards Senju Genma from all directions, hitting Susanoo and being bounced away.

"How could this happen? I have never seen such a technique before!"

"The attack has no effect at all!"

"Those red eyes, are they Konoha's Sharingan?"

"No, I have seen Konoha's Sharingan on the battlefield. He has magatama in his eyes. They are different from these eyes and do not have such abilities!"

"There is no invincible defense in this world. It's just that kunai and shuriken are not powerful enough. Use puppets and Ninjutsu!" A brown-haired ninja said in the crowd and took out a scroll.

Seeing this, the other ninjas also took out the scrolls.

Bursts of white smoke dissipated, and wooden puppets instantly filled the passage.

A red-robed four-armed puppet rushed towards Senju Genjian first.

A huge bone arm grew out of Susanoo's ribs. He grabbed the puppet in front and squeezed it gently. The puppet was crushed to pieces.

More puppets followed, and the puppets gathered together in dazzling layers, protecting the Sand Shinobi behind them.

Sand Shinobi, who was not a puppet master, was not idle either. Using the cover of the puppets, he released Ninjutsu one after another to attack Senju Genma.

"Wind Escape·Press!"

"Wind Release·Wind Cut Technique!"

"Wind Release·Wind Blade!"

"Fire Style: Great Fire Extinguishment!" Senju Genma raised one hand to his chest and easily released the Fire Style Ninjutsu that the Uchiha clan is proud of. He spit out a large sea-like flame from his mouth, destroying the puppets and Sand Shinobi is shrouded in it.

After learning Ninjutsu from the Senju clan, Senju Genma realized that Senju Tobirama really had the Uchiha clan in his heart.

In order to study the Uchiha clan, he actually collected all the commonly used Ninjutsu of the Uchiha clan.



"How can it be repaired (hateful)!!!"

Sand Shinobi is not good at Water Style. Under this large-scale Fire Style Ninjutsu with no blind spots, he cannot make effective resistance and can only scream and then disappear in the flames.

The sensing ninja panicked and said: "Lord Machima, all the troops who went to stop us have been killed!"

"Damn, what's going on? Those are forty ninjas, including Chūnin and Jōnin. Is that guy a monster?" Machima was so frightened that she broke out in cold sweat.

Although he is an Elite Jōnin, he cannot kill forty ninjas in such a short period of time!

"Sir, ah!"

"What's wrong?" Machima looked at her subordinate in horror, not understanding how the other person could suddenly spontaneously combust.

Looking down, the ground where the sensing ninja was standing had turned into lava, while other places were still normal floors.

Such a strange scene made Machima want to run away, but her body could not move.

As a tearing sensation came, his body seemed to be cut and separated. His lower body stood motionless on the ground, and his upper body floated in the air.

"The Spirit Lord produced by the God Emperor is indeed good, but it's a pity that it consumes too much." Senju Xuanjian stood at the door, watching Machima's upper body fall to the ground, and blinked his right eye.

"I only used it twice, but it actually made me feel tired."

Senju Genjian walked to Machima's upper body, took out the scroll and sealed the body in the scroll.

"Until my pupil power is strong enough, it's better to use this trick sparingly."

After putting away the scroll, Senju Genjian felt the condition of his right eye. Within five seconds, his pupil power had almost recovered.

Five seconds is neither long nor short. For ninja battles, five seconds is often enough to determine the winner.