
Chapter 38 War Mission

Leaving Kushina's consciousness space, Senju Genma and Mikoto said a brief farewell and finally went to the battlefield.

It's not quite accurate to say that he was rushing to the battlefield.

Because of the counter-psychic technique, it took less than three seconds from leaving home to arriving at the battlefield.

call out--

Senju Genma moved to the Konoha army station in Kawanokuni.

Medical ninja station in Konoha, Kawanoguni.

Facing Senju Genma who suddenly appeared, Tsunade looked at him excitedly with her bright brown pupils, but her tone was calm: "You are finally here, I miss you!"

Senju Genma looked at Tsunade deeply and said angrily:

"Don't I come to see you once a week? The last time we met was two days ago."

"Do you know what it means to live like a year? If you don't see each other for two days, isn't it the same as not seeing each other for two years?" Tsunade said excitedly, but she didn't waste any time on her hands and quickly organized the reagents on the table.

As the logistics director of the Konoha Army, he came to Kawanoguni mainly to target Chiyo.

Chiyo's poison was very powerful and caused considerable losses to the Konoha troops, so the antidote prepared by Tsunade was needed.

Tsunade sorted out the potions and compared them carefully.

Genma said helplessly: "Hurry up and finish it. If you're late, Sakumo will be nagging like an old woman again!"

"I know, I'll be quick!"

Although Senju Genma did not comment on Tsunade's words, he also saw Tsunade's hard work.

In fact, Genma also felt sorry for Tsunade. The balance between work and rest was the most important thing. Because he was afraid that Tsunade would be overworked, he took the initiative to accompany Tsunade to make the antidote.

Genma found a chair and sat next to Tsunade.

Genma's medical treatment Ninjutsu learned from Tsunade. As for medicine production, not to mention Grandmaster, there is no problem in being an assistant to Tsunade.

With Genma's assistance, Tsunade was more efficient and made the antidote in just a few hours.

Tsunade suddenly said: "Speaking of which, your physique does seem to be very special."

"What's wrong?" Senju looked at her doubtfully.

Tsunade explained: "I thought it was an illusion before."

"Now I definitely feel that my physique and chakra have been strengthened, and I have more energy."

Senju Genjian was stunned.

Didn't Tongzi give me a fairy body and fairy eyes in this novice gift package?

No matter whether it is a fairy body or a fairy eye, I have never heard of such an ability!

Could it be Tongzi's private goods?

No wonder he was said to have violated regulations when he died suddenly!

I'm sorry, Tongzi, I shouldn't have said that you were embarrassed.

When I get back, I must burn incense to pay homage to you.

Senju Xuanjian swallowed and said, "Maybe it's because I'm gifted!"

"Let's not talk about it for now. I'm going to find Sakumo. It's been so long, so Sakumo should be impatient!" Senju Xuanjian pursed his lips.

After putting on his combat uniform and armor, Xuanjian left the tent.

Because he often visits Tsunade, Senju Genma is already familiar with the place. The ninjas he meets on the road also know Senju Genma and do not stop him.

Senju Genma entered the command room and saw Hatake Sakumo sitting in the main seat.

He is the commander-in-chief of this war, and Danzo standing aside is his assistant.

Orochimaru sat in the second seat and was the third-in-command in the army.

Today's Orochimaru is obviously much darker than the battlefield in the Land of Rain.

Orochimaru is very sensitive.

Although the rope tree is still alive, the disappearing lives on the battlefield have been eating away at his will.

"Genma, you are finally here!" Hatake Sakumo said through gritted teeth, "We have been waiting for you for a long time!"

The first time he saw Senju Genma, Hatake Sakumo judged that Genma was in a good mood.

He was late and still smiling so happily, it made people want to punch him in the face.

Senju Genjian adjusted his expression and said unhappily: "It's not just to deal with Sand Shinobi, but I spent a lot of energy preparing an antidote for you."

Shimura Danzo's eyes moved slightly, but he didn't say anything.

He wanted to be a Hokage almost crazy, but he was not a fool.

Senju Genma is now the big star in front of Sarutobi Hiruzen, and he is very powerful, but he is just late. For this reason, Senju Genma cannot be touched at all.

Sakumo raised his hand, not wanting to hear Genma continue to make excuses.

"Sit down, let me explain the battle situation next!"

After spending half an hour, Sakumo explained the current battlefield situation to Genma in detail.

Similar to what Tsunade told Senju Genma, Konoha generally had the upper hand on the battlefield of Kawa no Kuni.

After all, there are four strong Kage level players, Hatake Sakumo, Tsunade, Orochimaru and Shimura Danzo.

This configuration is much more luxurious than Sunagakure Village.

There are only two shadow-level experts, Chiyo and Ebizō, in Sunagakure Village. The strongest among them is Elite Jōnin Rasa, who is far behind in high-end combat power.

But this time, Jōnin Kaura, the genius who once commanded the battlefield in the Land of Rain, did not appear.

Moreover, Chiyo is good at medical Ninjutsu, poison and puppetry. All the poisons used were cracked by Tsunade and could not play an effective battlefield role.

Not only that, her son and daughter-in-law were killed by Hatake Sakumo, which made her sad and troubled, so that the war commander frequently made mistakes.

After half a year of fighting, there was not much land left in the Kawa Country occupied by Sunagakure Village.

At the end of the meeting, considering Senju Genma's strength, Hatake prepared an S-class mission for him.

The mission content is to join the war at the request of the village and assassinate an important figure in the Sand Hidden Village army, Elite Jōnin Machima.

Ninja wars are actually different from ordinary wars.

It is different from ordinary war leaders who give orders and soldiers rush to the battlefield.

The war of ninjas is carried out in the form of issuing war missions. Ninja villages publish missions, and ninjas accept the missions and go to the battlefield to participate in the war.

However, since it is related to the life and death of the country and the village, the mission rewards are basically fictitious, and most ninjas rush to the battlefield regardless of compensation.

Tasks are just a way to manage troops.

Hatake Sakumo did not assign a team to Senju Genma.

He knew that Senju Genma's ability, both in perception and combat ability, was top-notch, and that he had the Flying Thunder God Jutsu, a time and space Ninjutsu that could leave at will, making him an all-round ninja.

Executing missions as a small team would only hold Senju back.

Senju Genma happily accepted the task.

Before leaving, Senju Genma glanced at Orochimaru.

In fact, Senju Genma has always longed for Orochimaru.

But it is not the current Orochimaru who only laments the fragility of life, but the future Orochimaru who is keen on exploring and seeking knowledge, and is far ahead in science and technology.

Facing the coming Ōtsutsuki clan in the future, special talents like Orochimaru are more valuable than super shadow-level experts.

After Senju Genma accepted the mission, he found the rope tree outside, told him a few words to pay attention to his safety, and then returned to the tent.