
Chapter 37 Arrogant Nine Tails

The seven-day holiday given to Genma by Hiruzen Sarutobi passed quickly, and Genma was preparing to leave for Kawa no Kuni.

On the seventh day, the day Senju Genma set out for the battlefield, the anger of the two young ancestors Kushina and Konan subsided.

After receiving the understanding, Senju Genma instantly became energetic.

Just when Senju Genjian was in a good mood, Kushina pulled his sleeve.

"Brother Genjian."

"What's up?"

"Nine Tails wants to talk to you."

"Can this arrogant fox finally bear it?" Senju Xuanjian seemed to have expected it.

I thought that when I called its name, it would not be able to help but talk to me. Unexpectedly, this big fox tolerated it for half a year.

If he hadn't been going to the battlefield, I really don't know how long this big fox could have endured!

"Tsundere?" Uzumaki Kushina tilted her head, a little confused.

Senju Genma smiled and said: "Yes, that big fox is just arrogant. In fact, it is not a bad fox."

Others don't know it, but Senju Xuanjian knows it.

The nine tailed beasts spawned by Sage of Six Paths are not bad in nature. Not only were they very cute when they were born, they were also called Mr. Sage of Six Paths.

It's just that after the Sage of Six Paths died, they were always regarded as monsters by people during their long beast life, so they hate humans.

Listening to Genma's words, Kushina frowned slightly, and the blood-red Chakra flashed past.

"Brother Genma, Nine Tails seems to be angry!" Kushina said and touched her belly.

"Is that Nine Tails?" Mikoto and Konan clearly felt Nine Tails' Chakra.

Even if it was just some leaked Chakra, they felt great pressure.

"That's right!" Senju Genjian nodded.

Feeling the power of the Tailed Beast Chakra, Mikoto couldn't help but ask: "I heard that the Third Raikage has a fighting power comparable to that of the Eight Tails, but I don't know if it is true."

Senju Genma said: "It's true. It is said that Third Raikage singled out Eight Tails and was unscathed in the end."

"But Eight Tails is nothing compared to Nine Tails. Even if Nine Tails were to deal with the other eight tailed beasts at the same time, I think Nine Tails would be able to defeat them."

Nine Tails naturally heard the conversation outside clearly.

It snorted, snorting out of its nostrils, and its nine huge tails swayed behind it.

You're a smart guy, let alone that guy Gyūki. Even if you tie eight of them together, I won't take it seriously!

Kushina said excitedly: "Nine Tails is so awesome!"

Of course!

Of course I am awesome!

"Let's not talk about this now. Time is tight. Let me go in!"

"Brother Xuanjian can come in at any time!"

Senju Genma opens the Eternal Mangekyō into Kushina's consciousness.

The whirlpool Kushina was defenseless against him, allowing him to easily enter the deepest part.

What comes into view is a huge red door, and behind the door is a red Nine Tails fox.

"Hey! Kurama, what do you want from me?" Senju Genma greeted Nine Tails in a brisk tone.

"As expected, you know my name, but those eyes really make me unhappy!"

Kurama said, pulling at the doorpost in front of him with his claws.

"Why do you know my name?"

"You don't need to know this." Senju Xuanjian raised the corner of his mouth slightly and continued: "I have news to tell you, do you want to know?"

"Hmph!" Nine Tails snorted heavily and turned his head to the side.

You disrespect me so much, I don't want to know!

Senju Genjian didn't care about Nine Tails' arrogance and said with a smile: "In this world, someone had the Samsara Eye and summoned the Gedo Statue. You should know what this means, right?"

Kurama's ears suddenly twitched when he heard this.

Of course it knows what it means.

Gedo Statue is the body of Ten Tails, and their nine tailed beasts are split from the Chakra of Ten Tails.

This is someone coveting the body of their tailed beast!

And this person has the eye of reincarnation, so maybe he can actually do it!

The Samsara Eye and the Gedo Statue are things that ordinary people cannot know. Senju Genma can tell them, and Nine Tails already half believes them.

The most important thing is that Nine Tails did not feel any malice from Senju Genma.

"Who is it?" Although Kurama wanted to know, he still remained calm.

Senju Genma said: "You also know that man, Uchiha Madara!"

Upon hearing Uchiha Madara's name, Kurama immediately became ferocious.

Its good days were ruined by that man named Uchiha Madara!

"Why are you telling me this?" Kurama narrowed his eyes, confused.

"Let's make a deal!" Seeing Nine Tails take the bait, Senju Genjian appeared calm on the surface, but he was happy in his heart.

If you use it well, this will be a super shadow-level combat power!

Nine Tails Perfect Jinchūriki has the combat power to crush Ōtsutsuki in heavy particle mode.

"Uchiha Madara is also my enemy. I can fight him with you. In exchange, you have to get along well with Kushina and become friends with her!"

"After this seal is over, I will give you your freedom!"

"Friends or something... Why should I make this deal with you?" Kurama's voice became much softer, "And do you have a way to stop the guy with the Samsara Eye?"

I don't need friends!

However, human lifespan is only a few decades, and freedom can be restored after a few decades. This deal seems really good.

Senju Genjian just walked up to Nine Tails and smiled slightly.

What is the most important thing about trading with Nine Tails?

Is it emotional resonance?

No, it's strength.

Even a little angel like Naruto only gained the qualification to talk to Nine Tails after he experienced many setbacks and proved his strength.

"Trust me, Kurama, no one in this world understands you better than me except Sage of Six Paths. You won't regret being friends with Kushina."

"Besides, you have already seen my Wood Style. If there is anyone else in the world who can stop Uchiha Madara, it is only me!"

"Kurama, you don't want to be part of Ten Tails again, do you?"

In Nine Tails' shocked eyes, Senju Genjian approached Nine Tails directly and began to stroke its soft hair.

But it didn't care about this, because it understood that Senju Xuanjian was right.

Forty years ago, it fought with Uchiha Madara against the Wood Style ninja Senju Hashirama, and the final result was a disastrous defeat.

If there is anyone in the world who can stop the man named Uchiha Madara, it is probably Senju Genma in front of him!

Nine Tails just tweaked it a little and said angrily: "Okay, I agree to this deal."

"But don't think too much about it, it's just a transaction, not because I want friends or anything like that!"

Senju Genjian nodded, resisting Nine Tails's advances, and stroked the big fox for a while before turning around and leaving.

It wasn't until Senju Genma left the whirlpool Kushina's consciousness space that Nine Tails breathed a sigh of relief.

It really didn't know what to do with this guy who was not weak in strength but had a difficult personality.