
Chapter 36 Ambition

"No!" Xuanjian quickly calmed down.

"Nagato's reincarnation eye belongs to Madara, and transplanting it to my eye will cause a burden."

"And now I have the Immortal Eye that is most suitable for me. I don't need to be impatient. I have the power of Daxun Mouchi and I have plenty of time. I just need to practice steadily and steadily!"

"Transplanting Madara's Samsara Eye is a waste of time. It's not necessary."

"Then the top priority now is..."

Senju Xuanjian didn't finish his words, but an ambition arose out of thin air in his heart.

Since those with peerless power like to stir up trouble, why should I, who has the body and eyes of an immortal, be a bystander?

Even children who play games know that it is fun when everyone plays together. In this case, I am here to play with you!

One life's destiny is eternal life!

This ninja world is mine!

Only in this way can I be more motivated to stop the Ōtsutsuki clan!

Protecting the ninja world can be done voluntarily.

Protecting my ninja world has become an obligation!

"Now that I have become the leader of the Senju clan, the next step...is the Hokage!"

When the emotion called ambition grows, Senju Xuanjian only feels his heart burning.

The man named Senju Genma lost the restraint of Mito Uzumaki!

"Brother Genma!"

Senju Genjian was startled by the sudden familiar voice, and turned around to see Kushina's timid appearance.

Kushina took a deep breath, seemed to muster up the courage, and asked:

"Brother Xuanjian, are you okay?"

The cruelty in Senju Xuanjian's heart disappeared in an instant, and he quickly adjusted his expression and replaced it with a gentle smile.

"I'm fine."

"But Brother Xuanjian's expression just now was so scary!"

Senju Genjian gently stroked her little head.

"Sorry, I just thought of something terrible."

"Is it still scary now?"

Senju Genjian made a funny expression, which made Kushina amused.

"It's not scary anymore!" Kushina shook her head and said with a smile.

Xuanjian stood up and asked, "Tell me, what do you want from me?"

After Xuanjian's reminder, Kushina patted her head and remembered the business, "Brother Xuanjian, someone in the village is looking for you!"

Senju Genjian was a little confused.

"Village? What's wrong with them?"

Kushina shook her head and pouted cutely.

"I don't know, but the person who came here looks like Anbu's ninja. He is waiting outside the clan!"

"Well, that's fine, I have nothing to do!" Senju Xuanjian took out a black robe and put it on himself, "You stay at home, the situation is unstable now, don't run around."

"Tell Mikoto and Konan, too."

"Yes!" Kushina made a cute voice.

Senju Genjian patted her cute little head and turned into a black shadow and left the patriarch's mansion.

Arriving outside the tribe, an Anbu wearing a dog mask was standing here waiting.

"let's go!"

"Yes, captain!" Anbu responded and took Senju Genjian to the Hokage Building.

Senju Genjian pushed open the door of Hokage's office and saw Hiruzen Sarutobi wiping his nose with one hand and putting the other hand behind his back to hide something.

This old boy is definitely seeing something shameful!

The thing behind it should be a crystal ball used in conjunction with the telescope technique.

This thing is destined for me!

"Genma, are you here?" Sarutobi Hiruzen had a kind smile on his face.

There must be something wrong with this old boy's expression.

Could it be that he wants to replace Mito's place in my heart?

It's so beautiful, Mito is unique in my heart!

Senju Genjian said: "Master Hokage, I wonder why you came to me?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen coughed and replied: "The fighting on the frontline has been fierce recently. It has been half a year since you became the Anbu squad leader. I think you can go to the battlefield to help Sakumo!"

Half a year ago, the division of interests in the victory over the Rain Country was completed. Hiruzen Sarutobi pushed Senju Genma to the position of captain of the Anbu squad against all objections.

Hatake Sakumo was promoted to deputy captain of Anbu. It is estimated that after this battle, he will be promoted to captain.

Senju Genma touched his chin.

Tsunade has been keeping in touch with him, and he remembers that Konoha has the upper hand in the current war situation in the Rain Country.

This is asking me to gain military merit!

"I understand! When?"

Hiruzen Sarutobi smiled and said: "Within seven days, the sooner the better, there is no need for reinforcements on this battlefield."

This sentence made Senju Xuanjian confirm his suspicion and immediately agreed to set off as soon as possible.

Sarutobi Hiruzen seems determined to be Senju Genma's elder.

After chatting about official matters, he left Senju Genma behind and chatted for a while about the trivial matters of daily life.

Senju Genma took the opportunity to cry to him that he was sorry for Uzumaki Mito and failed to manage the Senju clan well, resulting in the current sparseness of the Senju clan.

Sarutobi Hiruzen finally softened his heart when he saw his lovely junior looking heartbroken.

Although the policy of integrating the Senju clan into the common people has not been abolished, it has been promised that the execution of this policy will be the responsibility of the Senju clan themselves in the future, and the village will not take the initiative to take care of it.

This is the way to be a subordinate. You can't just control others to listen to your words, but you must also give some benefits to win people's hearts.

Back home, it was already evening, and Senju Genma explained to Mikoto and others about participating in the war.

After hearing this, they refused to let Xuanjian go to the battlefield. After all, the battlefield was full of dangers and no one knew what would happen.

Senju Genjian had no choice but to comfort Mikoto who took the lead first, and then let Mikoto appease Kushina and Konan.

Under the comfort of Mikoto, a gentle older sister, Kushina and Konan finally stopped arguing.

However, after the noise, the atmosphere became a bit dull, and the four of them finished their dinner in silent silence.


Late at night, Genma slowly opened his eyes, came to the balcony, and found Mikoto looking up at the stars.

No need to guess, you also know that she is filled with sorrow.

"Do you have to go to the battlefield? War is too dangerous, so you can safely leave Kushina and the others?"

She didn't mention herself, but Xuanjian knew that "they" included her.

Xuanjian nodded, held the railing tightly with both hands, slightly deforming it, and affirmed: "Yes, don't worry, this is not my first time on the battlefield."

"For me, this is just necessary exercise. Trust me, it will be fine."

Going to the battlefield is just to accumulate military merit. This is to prepare for smoothly taking over the position of Hokage.

And with his strength, the battlefield cannot be said to be a dangerous place for him.

The two chatted for a while under the moon, and Genma had some good discussions. Mikoto finally agreed to Genma's going to the battlefield.

After sending Mikoto back to the room and letting go of something on his mind, Genma fell asleep peacefully.