
Chapter 35 Young Mito

Senju tribe land.

Inside the patriarch's mansion.

Uchiha Mikoto gently wiped Uzumaki Mito's body.

Senju Genma was right about Mikoto's talent.

Mito and Mikoto only got along for two years, but Mikoto opened the three magatama Sharingan.

So much better than Uchiha Sasuke who saw his entire clan being wiped out in anger and ordered Magatama!

Senju Genjian picked up the mirror and turned on his Sharingan.

The three magatama Sharingan appeared, and then the magatama began to rotate rapidly, connecting with the black dot in the middle, showing a kunai-like blade connected to the outer wall. The blades were connected by black lines, and there was a hole outlined by black lines between each two blades.

Senju Genma's eyes did not feel any discomfort, nor did his body suffer any negative effects.

Genma understood that this was because his Sharingan was essentially the Eye of the Immortal, so he skipped the ordinary Mangekyō Sharingan form and became the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan.

He came to the training ground in the mansion, dispersed the Senju clan ninjas who were responsible for guarding the mansion to the outside to guard, and then began to test the ability of the eternal Mangekyō Sharingan.

The clan leader's mansion is the most important place in the Senju clan. It is protected by Barriers 24 hours a day, so there is no need to worry about Mangekyō Sharingan being exposed to everyone's sight.

After two and a half hours of fumbling, Senju Genma finally figured out his eternal Mangekyō Sharingan ability.

Like other Mangekyō Sharingan owners, he acquired two pupil techniques, namely the God Emperor Sanreizun and the Oana Mouchi.

The pupil technique in the right eye is a spiritual master produced by the God Emperor. It can control the space within sight. In the process of manipulating the space, one's own pupil power and mental power will be consumed.

The pupil technique of the left eye is the large hole Mouchi, which can absorb and release vitality to oneself or the objects it comes into contact with. Absorption and release will only consume pupil power, and the efficiency is also affected by pupil power.

Of course, the third power that can only be unlocked with a matching pair of Mangekyō Sharingan is also possessed by Susanoo Senju Genma, known as the power of God.

Although Senju Genma directly activated the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, his eye power has still been greatly improved, and he has been able to skip the initial rib stage and summon a silver-white half body in the shape of a skull with four arms. [Note]

Not only that, his Susanoo also possesses a spiritual weapon, Aman Congun, also known as Kusanagi Sword.

In the world of Hokage, the Kusanagi sword is a type of sword, not a specific sword.

Orochimaru and Uchiha Sasuke, for example, both have Kusanagi swords.

This Tencongun is one of the Kusanagi swords, and exists as a spiritual weapon in the Eye Technique Susanoo.

As a spiritual weapon, Tian Congyun is a disembodied divine sword with extreme shape and property changes. Not only can it change its shape at will, but it can also change its own attributes according to the enemy's attributes, achieving the effect of being indestructible and indestructible.

Senju Genma controlled Susanoo to raise the silver-white giant sword, nodded with satisfaction, and then let Susanoo disappear and walked into the mansion.

Entering the mansion, the well-preserved body of Mito Uzumaki comes into view.

Senju Genma looked at Uzumaki Mito's body and suddenly had a bold idea in his mind!

He slowly approached the body, put his hand on the body, and stared at Mito with his bright pair of eternal Mangekyō Sharingan.

"Genma, what are you doing?" Mikoto was a little confused.

"There is a technique that I want to try."

As soon as Senju Genma finished speaking, green light emitted from Uzumaki Mito's body, and his old and skinny body quickly became youthful and plump.

Uchiha Mikoto opened his mouth in surprise.

Unfortunately, although Mito Uzumaki's body was revived, it did not wake up.

"Did you fail?" Senju Genjian sighed.

Although you can still feel the warmth when you touch the corpse, Uzumaki Mito is indeed still in a "dead" state.

Senju Genjian had already been mentally prepared, so he couldn't say he was disappointed.

The key to the art of resurrecting the dead is not the vitality, but the ability for the soul to return from the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss and stay in this world.

Senju Genjian shook his head and left the room.

In the next period of time, Senju Genma had no tasks. After placing the body of Mito Uzumaki, he sorted out his income over the years in the clan area.

He has immortal eyes and an immortal body, and has Chakra with seven attributes: fire, water, wind, thunder, earth, yin and yang. It is easier than ordinary people to control the changes in the nature and form of Chakra.

In this case, he learned all the Ninjutsu included in the Senju clan.

He also learned the art of reincarnation from dirty soil.

Senju Genma is confident, even if he does not rely on the power of the eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, he will not be afraid of any shadow-level strongman.

But if you face super shadow level and Six Paths level experts, you will have no confidence.

Let's not talk about Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, a Six Paths-level strongman who was killed by the plot.

In the future, there will be Ōtsutsuki one style, Ōtsutsuki peach style, Ōtsutsuki gold style, and Ōtsutsuki ura style.

There is also Ōtsutsuki Shiba, who is said to have evolved the most closely to a god. Fortunately, he has transcended dimensions, but I don't know if he can come back.

These are tough enemies.

Judging from the current situation, Sage of Six Paths exists in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss and still has the power to interfere with the present world.

If there is any backup, Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo and Ōtsutsuki Hamura may also become serious enemies.

After all, I am lusting after their mother's body!

Thinking of this, Senju turned over irritably while lying on the bed.

To fight against these enemies, the current strength is completely insufficient.

Therefore, the power of the sacred tree fruit is necessary, and the Ōtsutsuki clan's Chakra fruit transformation and elixir-making technology must also be obtained.

Of course, swallowing the fruit of the sacred tree directly can gain powerful power, but it will become one with the sacred tree.

To do this, the Ōtsutsuki clan's elixir-making technology is needed to refine the fruit into elixirs for evolving itself.

The Chakra fruit transformation technology is also very useful. It can transform living bodies into Chakra fruits. Together with the elixir refining technology, it can be used to refine some less effective elixirs.

Not to mention the technology of Chakra fruit transformation and elixir refining, only the Ōtsutsuki clan from aliens can use it.

So, the most important thing right now is the fruit of the sacred tree.

If you want to get the fruit of the sacred tree, Ten Tails is a must.

The current Ten Tails is still an empty shell without Chakra, sealed on the moon by Hamura and Hagoromo.

To summon Gedo Statue, the empty shell of Ten Tails, you need the Samsara Eye.

Senju Genjian, who was lying on the bed, touched the corners of his eyes and murmured to himself:

"I'm afraid it will take a lot of time for my eyes to evolve into samsara eyes."

"If I remember correctly, I saw Nagato's Rinnegan when Jiraiya was teaching him."

"In other words, Nagato now has a ready-made pair of samsara eyes, and he doesn't know how to use them yet!"


About Susanoo and the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan.

After checking the original work and information, I came to the conclusion that opening the full Susanoo has nothing to do with whether it is the eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, but only has to do with the power of the eyes and the amount of Chakra.

Compared with the Mangekyō Sharingan, the eternal Mangekyō enhances insight and possesses eternity. of light.

Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan's pupil power is not unlimited. Sasuke has experienced insufficient pupil power. Eternal pupil power means that the eyes will not go blind and the pupil power can be restored.

Eye power is a special Chakra produced by spiritual energy, and the upper limit still needs to be increased through exercise.

There is no name Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan in the original work. According to the original work and information, Eternal Mangekyō most likely refers to Zhiba Sharingan. This article will treat Eternal Mangekyō as Zhiba Sharingan.

Meanwhile, the Eternal Mangekyō is essentially the Mangekyō who never goes blind, just the special Mangekyō Sharingan.