
Chapter 34 Seal Nine Tails

Uzumaki Mito took Kushina's hand and walked into the technique.

Senju Genjian stood not far away, sensing that there was no one around, and turned on Sharingan to observe the two people.

Once an accident occurs, he will take action immediately.

I saw Uzumaki Mito gently stroking her belly, and the red Chakra slowly covered her body, and then separated from her body.

On the empty ground, the giant red beast waved its nine huge tails. It roared so loudly that the ground shook slightly.

But its roar was quickly interrupted, the golden chains on its body tightened quickly, and its suppressed body clung to the ground.

Seeing that Nine Tails was suppressed, Uzumaki Mito immediately shouted: "Kushina, get ready!"

"Yes!" Kushina responded loudly, and several golden chains stretched out from her back, trying to pull Nine Tails into her body.

"Is it because I am too greedy for the beauty of the world that I have weakened myself to this point? The sealing ceremony should have been carried out earlier!" Uzumaki Mito frowned and gritted his teeth.

Nine Tails is resisting the seal of the two, trying to break free from the chains.

This was expected.

What surprised her the most was that she could no longer suppress Nine Tails. Several of the golden chains had been broken by Nine Tails.

Senju Genma frowned.

I thought everything was going to be foolproof, but unexpectedly something went wrong!

He immediately used the Flying Thunder God Technique to teleport to the whirlpool Kushina, protecting Kushina and Mito behind him.

"Sage Art·Myojinmon!"

Fifteen huge torii gates descended from the sky, locking Nine Tails' neck, waist, limbs and nine huge tails.

"Nine Tails, your power is too strong, I'm sorry! I can't ignore you!"

Hearing Senju Genma's words, Nine Tails, who was originally violent, was stunned, but became calmer.

This sentence sounds familiar, I seem to have heard it somewhere!

And this familiar Ninjutsu.

Something's wrong!

Something is so wrong!!

"Sage Art·Wood Style·Wooden Golem's Art!"

"Tenth Edict On Enlightenment!"

Senju Genjian shouted twice, and a fifty-meter-tall Wooden Golem appeared under him. A word "Zhao" appeared on the Wooden Golem's right hand and pressed towards Nine Tails' head.

Nine Tails' eyes widened.

On this day, Nine Tails finally recalled the fear of being dominated by that man and the shame of being imprisoned in a cage.

I still remember that one afternoon decades ago, I was still a big happy fox, basking in the sun and singing in the forest, when I was suddenly controlled by a handsome guy with long black hair and red eyes!

Even though I was under control, I was asked to fight a terrifying existence named Senju Hashirama, and was beaten unconscious in the end.

That guy named Senju Hashirama also said the same thing as you.

It's too miserable to think about it!

Who did I provoke?

Isn't this bullying an honest fox?

"Kurama, if you have anything to say, let's talk about it later!"

Nine Tails was shocked and confused, not understanding that Senju Genjian could call his name.

"Kid, what on earth are you..."

As Tenth Edict On Enlightenment took effect, Nine Tails gradually lost consciousness and fell into a deep sleep before he finished speaking.

"Genma, fortunately you are here!" Uzumaki Mito's tired voice came from behind Senju Genma.

"Kushina, get ready for the last step!"

After Uzumaki Mito finished speaking, he worked with Kushina to seal the comatose Nine Tails into his body.

"Four Symbols Seal!"

Uzumaki Mito lifted Kushina's clothes, only to find that there was a complex love spell on her belly.

But she had no more time to think, so she could only put her hand on Kushina's belly and cast the Four Elephants Seal.

After doing all this, Uzumaki Mito was weak and on the verge of collapse.

After being separated from Nine Tails, she is still alive today because of the Uzumaki clan's special physique and tenacious vitality.

If it were an ordinary person, it would be impossible to pull out the tailed beast and push it back until it is sealed in another person's body, and it will die.

Senju Genma also knew Uzumaki Mito's condition and quickly stepped forward to support her.

"Genma, don't you have anything to say about that strange technique just now?" Even when facing the end of his life, Uzumaki Mito was still caring about the two of them.

Senju Genjian touched his nose and said sheepishly: "It's just the Flying Thunder God Technique, used to protect Kushina."

"Really? That's good..." Uzumaki Mito showed a relieved smile, and his eyes gradually lost their luster as he lay in Senju Genma's arms.

Senju Genjian felt that Uzumaki Mito had left, but he did not cry, but hugged Uzumaki Mito expressionlessly.

It's just death, no big deal.

I just can't figure it out, why do my eyes hurt my heart?

Senju Genma left the forest holding Uzumaki Mito.

Whirlpool Kushina followed him without saying a word, with a few tears streaming from the corners of her eyes.

Seeing that Senju Genma and Kushina were fine, Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed.

He didn't want anything to happen to the two of them, he just understood that another important old friend had left his life.

"Xuanjian, is it done?"

Senju Genma nodded, "It's done!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Uzumaki Mito's body, pursed his lips and said: "Mito-sama's body... I can let the village give him a good burial!"

"No need, I will bring it back to the clan. Mito-sama must also want to return to the clan." Senju Genma shook his head firmly.

Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded, expressing understanding.

That night, escorted by Anbu and Senju Jōnin, Senju Genma and Kushina returned to the Senju tribe with the body of Uzumaki Mito.

The clan members soon learned of Uzumaki Mito's death, and everyone burst into tears.

In the nearly forty years since the founding of Konoha, two clan leaders, Hashirama and Tobirama, have passed away one after another.

It is Uzumaki Mito who has been supporting this family.

As Senju Genma brought back the body of Uzumaki Mito, the Senju clan instantly became leaderless.

Under such circumstances, he naturally became the new clan leader.

No one connected Uzumaki Mito's death with Senju Genma, even though six Jōnin saw Senju Genma and Uzumaki Mito enter the forest together.

The relationship between Senju Genma and Uzumaki Mito is very good, and the clan members see it. There is no possibility that Senju Genma will kill Uzumaki Mito for the position of clan leader.

Uzumaki Mito is not young anymore, and his health is getting worse day by day. It is normal for him to suddenly die at some point.

Moreover, Senju Genma is handsome and has a good personality. The key is that he is strong enough. He is really expected to become the leader of the clan.

After becoming the clan leader, Senju Genma took the bodies of the three daughters Kushina, Mikoto, Konan and Mito into the clan leader's mansion.

As for Uzumaki Mito's body, he did not plan to bury it so soon. Instead, he found some medical ninjas to temporarily preserve Mito's body.

Although the family elders felt something was wrong with this, they did not raise any objections. Some elders were even very pleased.

After all, the clan leader Xuanjian is still a child. A close relative has passed away, so it is understandable that he is reluctant to say goodbye.

The patriarch lives up to the name of the Senju of Love!