
Chapter 33 The Fall Of The Country Of Sichuan

Konoha 39, August.

In order to paralyze Konoha Hidden Village and send a false signal of hope for peace, Sunagakure Village sent diplomats to the Land of Fire and signed a non-aggression treaty with Konoha.

One week after the treaty was signed.

September 1st, year 39 of Konoha.

The army of Sunagakure gathered in secret, and launched a surprise attack on the neighboring country of Kawakawa before the surrounding countries had time to react.

Fire Country, another neighboring country of Kawakuni, learned the news. In order to prevent Sunagakure Village from annexing Kawakuni and posing a threat to its own territory, it responded promptly and sent troops into Kawakuni on September 17.

On October 6, the two countries, Wind and Fire, occupied the entire territory of Sichuan Country.

After the Battle of Kawa no Kuni, Konoha Hidden Village wanted to continue to maintain peaceful relations with Sunagakure Village.

Sunagakure Village was given a 48-hour warning to evacuate Kawanoguni territory.

Unexpectedly, the Sunagakure Village tore up the non-aggression treaty and unexpectedly launched an attack on the troops of Konohagakure Village, causing heavy casualties to the troops of Konohagakure Village, with the number of casualties approaching 500.

After learning about this, Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen was furious.

After realizing the wolf ambition of Sunagakure Village, Konoha Hidden Village declared war on Hyuga Sunagakure Village on October 8, 39th year of Konoha, and dispatched a total of 5,000 soldiers headed by Hatake Sakumo.

The human ninja troops entered the territory of the Kingdom of Sichuan.

Since then, Konoha Hidden Village and Sand Hidden Village have been at war again.

In the Hokage's office in Konoha Hidden Village.

Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen sat behind his desk.

Two senior advisors, Mito Kabuto and Koharu, as well as Hokage assistant Shimura Danzo, sat across from him.

Sarutobi Hiruzen slapped his hand on the table, and the desk was shattered.

Anyone can see his anger.

"TMD Third Generation Kazekage, don't you know your last name? How dare you start a war with Konoha!"

That's five hundred ninjas!

Damn Third Generation Kazekage, do you know how long it will take me to train these five hundred ninjas?!

"By the way, what's the last name of Third Generation Kazekage?" Mito Monobu asked his question at the right time.

After going to bed, Koharu frowned and realized something was wrong, "Does he have a name?"

"That's enough, shut up, you two idiots!"

Why did I let you two be consultants in the first place?

Where's the wind?

I must have been too young at the time and was blinded by your pretense of shrewdness. I should have chosen Akamichi to take the lead!

Fortunately, I made a correct decision.

Thinking of this, Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Shimura Danzo.

"Danzo, what do you think?"

"Let me go! Hiruzen!" Shimura Danzo looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen excitedly.

You are so evil!

Sarutobi Hiruzen was silent for a long time and said unwillingly: "Okay then, you will be in charge of the battlefield of Kawa no Kuni."

The Kingdom of Wind is the largest country after the Kingdom of Fire, so Hiruzen Sarutobi was not at ease letting his juniors preside over the battlefield.

Since the Fire Country is located in the center of the countries, he still has to stay in the village to guard against other countries.

As for sleeping in Koharu and Mito Monobu, these two losers just don't hold them back. Letting them go to the battlefield is even more unreliable than young people!

After thinking for a moment, Sarutobi Hiruzen continued to add: "I will send Orochimaru and Tsunade to assist you."

"I understand, let them prepare. In three days, we will go to Kawa no Kuni." Shimura Danzo did not refuse, and he chose to accept Sarutobi Hiruzen's request.

Danzo Shimura is very happy to be able to go to the battlefield. This is a good opportunity to gain reputation.

But he couldn't ask for more, and Sarutobi Hiruzen would not agree to other requests.

Three days later, Konoha assembled another 3,000 troops, led by Shimura Danzo, Tsunade and Orochimaru, and headed for the battlefield of Kawano Kuni.

This time, each ninja clan sent some ninjas to join this force.

Not only that, the Uchiha clan finally got the opportunity they dreamed of to participate in the war, sending more than three hundred ninjas to participate in the war.

It is said that Danzo Shimura secured the opportunity for them.


The next morning.

Senju Genma, Uzumaki Kushina and Uzumaki Mito arrived outside the clan, followed by six Jōnin from the Senju clan.

The matter of transferring Nine Tails was kept confidential. Apart from Genma and the others, the only person who knew about it was Sarutobi Hiruzen.

So these Jōnin only knew that they had to escort Uzumaki Mito to a place, but they didn't know what would happen after they went there.

Everyone came to the Konoha forest outside the village.

Sarutobi Hiruzen had been waiting here for a long time wearing a black combat uniform.

Beside him stood a generous man, Akamichi Feng.

Senju Genjian sensed that there were at least three Anbu teams guarding around the forest.

Uzumaki Mito passed by the two of them with Genma and Kushina, and Senju Jōnin was left here by her.

Sarutobi Hiruzen and Akamichi were silent, just lowering their heads like children who had done something wrong.

By the time Uzumaki Mito entered the forest, Akamichi's eyes were already red.

Sarutobi Hiruzen raised his pipe and wanted to take a puff to calm down, but found that the pipe had been broken by him.

"Hiruzen, the sealing is about to begin. I will go to patrol the north first." After Akamichi took the wind, he turned around and left.

Hiruzen Sarutobi looked at Akamichi's free and easy back, cursed himself for his weakness, and then quickly calmed down and patrolled outside the forest himself.

Only Anbu, who was hiding in the dark, saw the usually majestic Akamichi crying like a child weighing three hundred pounds.

"Is the environment here too simple? There are only simple barriers arranged by Anbu, which doesn't feel very safe." Senju Xuanjian kept looking around and said with some doubts.

Uzumaki Kushina was also surprised. Logically speaking, such an important matter as replacing the Nine Tails Jinchūriki should be prepared carefully.

Mito Uzumaki answered the two's questions in a gentle tone: "It is very important to transfer Nine Tails, and now is a time of war. Tailed beasts are terrifying existences that can destroy the country by themselves, so the fewer people know about it, the better!"

"And transferring Nine Tails is not as complicated as you think. The most important thing is that we can't make mistakes. Hiruzen and the others are emergency measures in case of accidents."

Senju Genma nodded. Although he believed in Uzumaki Mito's strength, he still left his own Flying Thunder God Technique on the outskirts of the forest.

He knew the strength of Nine Tails. Half of them could fight one against six Ten Tails, the strongest tailed beast. If it could become a perfect Jinchūriki, its strength would reach the super shadow level, which made him have to be careful.

The three of them walked for two or three minutes and arrived at the center of the forest.

The technique has been drawn on the ground with ink containing Chakra. Surrounding the technique are several braziers set up on shelves, and the layout is very simple.