
Chapter 32 The Decision Of Third Generation Kazekage

In the training ground.

Kushina and Mikoto both completed their training.

As the only two people present who had never been on the battlefield, everyone wanted to see their strength.

The final result was Kushina's victory.

Under the training of Uzumaki Mito, Kushina's Sealing Techniques are not said to be strong, but she can already use them skillfully.

Mikoto is already fifteen years old, but he has not yet opened his eyes.

The longer he spends time with Mikoto, the more Senju Genma feels that Mikoto is different from other Uchiha people.

She is too gentle, and she is not at all like other tribesmen who are arrogant, cold, proud, and indifferent to others.

However, Senju Genma feels that Uchiha Mikoto will be a wife in the future.

Genma suspected that if he died in front of Uchiha, Mikoto's talent could be stimulated.

As a time traveler and the young patriarch of the Senju clan, Senju Genma knows the Uchiha clan very well.

It was originally thought that the Senju clan valued love rather than Ninjutsu as power. In contrast, the Uchiha clan put the power of Ninjutsu first.

But this is not the case. No family's love is deeper than that of Uchiha. Uchiha is the most emotional family in the ninja world.

The Uchiha clan needs strong emotional stimulation to activate Sharingan.

When they feel intense hatred, sadness, pain, or frustration, special Chakra will emerge from their brains and act on the optic nerve, causing changes in their eyes.

This is the eye that reflects the soul. Sharingan is synchronized with the power of the soul and can make people stronger quickly.

The more delicate the Uchiha people are, the stronger their eye power becomes after awakening strong emotions.

Senju Genjian stepped forward and gently wiped the sweat from the two of them.

Their long, bright red and black hair draped over their shoulders, their fair skin as smooth as suet, their dark eyes flashing with a cunning light, their pink lips under their tall nose bridges slightly upturned, revealing a lot of things. It is completely different from cuteness and beauty.

The training ground was shrouded in the light of the setting sun, making the sweat on the two people's bodies look particularly crystal clear and beautiful.

Suddenly, Senju Xuanjian frowned and felt a chill on his back.

When he turned around, he saw Uzumaki Mito staring at him fiercely, with the murderous intent in his slightly narrowed eyes seeming to have solidified.

Senju Genma could only secretly say a pity, pretending to be calm and returned to sit down next to Uzumaki Mito.

Kushina and Mikoto looked at each other and could see the disappointment in each other's eyes.

Uzumaki Mito opened his eyes, "Genma, as the clan leader's wife, I have been walking on thin ice in this life."

"You have to understand that in the future, you will be the leader of the clan, so you must be careful in your words and deeds in the future!"

The patriarch's wife?

Clan leader?

These two positions are indeed very responsible!

Senju Genma nodded and replied: "Mito-sama, I understand!"

The afternoon's training ended quickly. After Mito Uzumaki went back to rest, the five Senju Genma were also preparing to go home.

"Brother Genma, I'm hungry, let's go to Nakamura Ramen!" Kushina suddenly said on the way home.

During the time when Senju Genma was participating in the war, Kushina was ordered by Uzumaki Mito to stay in the clan area, which really stifled her.

Senju Xuanjian was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

Ōtsutsuki Ichiraku is indeed well-deserved. He captured Kushina's stomach at such a young age. It seems that I have to find time to ask him for advice.


"I want to go too!" Tsunade raised her hand to express her attitude.

After finally returning to the village after the war, what's the point of staying in the clan all the time? Of course I want to go out and play with Genma!

Mikoto and Konan said they would also go along.

The five of them left the clan together, stopped and walked along the way, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere and came to Nakamura Ramen.

Inside Nakamura Ramen.

Senju Genjian was eating ramen and watching the busy hands.

There is a reason why Ichiraku Ramen will be popular in Konoha in the future.

The hand-made ramen is getting better and better!

It's a pity that there is no "Ichiraku Ramen" yet, and there is no best seasoning for "Ichiraku Ramen", Iris Smile.


Time flies by, and the hard-earned half a year of peace is fleeting.

The land of wind.

In Sand Hidden Village.

In Kazekage's office.

Third Generation Kazekage frowned as he looked at the pile of documents on his desk.

Because Hanzo surrendered to the Country of Wind, Sunagakure Village got a chance to recuperate for half a year.

In the past six months, the situation in Sunagakure Village has not improved. Due to resource constraints, domestic conflicts are still acute.

Although a number of policies were issued with the efforts of Third Generation Kazekage and advisors such as Chiyo and Ebizō to ease conflicts within the village, they seemed very powerless.

Due to limited resources and the inability to sustain economic development, the country's finances have been unable to make ends meet, and the daimyo's financial allocation to Sunagakure Village has been continuously reduced.

The income of the ninjas began to drop sharply, and there were more and more voices of dissatisfaction in the village.

The martial arts faction in Sunagakure Village, after discovering that domestic problems could not be solved, publicized the situation and rapidly expanded their power.

"Master Kazekage, this is not the way to go." Ebizō was the first to speak, very anxiously, "Relying on Luosha's placer gold is simply treating the symptoms but not the root cause. It cannot solve the financial problem. I'm afraid it will turn into a civil war before long!"

Chiyo sat on the chair with a lot of thoughts, and finally sighed helplessly.

"We have already done all the efforts that need to be made, and now there are only two ways."

"Comply with the wishes of the militant faction, launch wars to expand externally and plunder resources, and use wars to transform internal conflicts into external conflicts."

"Or..." Chiyo glanced at Third Generation Kazekage and said slowly: "Or reduce the domestic population through civil war."

Third Generation Kazekage raised his head and looked at Chiyo.

Chiyo was a beauty when she was young. At this time, Chiyo was only in her early forties, and she could be said to still have charm.

However, Third Generation Kazekage was not admiring her beauty, but lamenting the cruelty of this woman.

Decrease population?

How much population reduction is needed to get rid of domestic resource shortages?

Third Generation Kazekage closed his eyes and thought for a long time, then said: "Let the war begin!"

"Start a war? Continue the war against the Kingdom of Rain? Or is it the Kingdom of Earth that is at war with the Kingdom of Thunder?" Chiyo was a little confused.

Third Generation Kazekage said solemnly: "War on the Land of Fire!"

"Start a war with the Land of Fire? We can't win, right?" Chiyo was still a little confused.

Third Generation Kazekage thought for a while and said: "The Fire Country did not suffer any losses after the war with the Rain Country. It is foreseeable that they will continue to be strong."

"The Kingdom of Water is closed to the outside world and is the weakest. The war between the Kingdom of Earth and the Kingdom of Thunder is fierce. The internal conflicts in our Kingdom of Wind cannot be reconciled. Decline is inevitable."

"It is too dangerous for us to allow the Fire Nation to continue to develop peacefully."

"The Kingdom of Rain has no value, even if it is annexed it will be of no use!"

"The Fire Country is rich. If we win, even a small piece of land will be enough for us."

"Losing is not a big problem. Konoha does not have the strength to completely destroy Sunagakure Village. In this case, they will not be interested in the land of the Wind Country."

"While weakening Konoha's strength, the village can also reduce the number of ninjas."

Ebizō and Chiyo's eyes became complicated.

It turns out that you are the cruelest kid!