
Chapter 31 Don’T Play With The Dead

Early the next morning, Senju Genjian put two soft and fragrant little lolita and a long black straight girl aside, and stretched out beautifully.

After a good sleep, he felt refreshed and even the gloominess of last night disappeared.

Senju Genjian walked out of the room and entered the living room.

Tsunade, who was sitting in the living room, rolled her eyes at him.

Why are you so shameless?

Halfway through his sleep, he actually ran into someone else's room, dragging three people behind him.

If I hadn't gotten up early today, would I have been fooled by you?

"Get dressed, let's go!" Tsunade said angrily.


Senju Genjian blinked, "So anxious? What happened in the village again?"

"There is nothing important happening in the village now. Let's go to the clan leader's mansion!" Tsunade said.

"The patriarch's residence? It seems that Mito-sama misses me and wants me to accompany her!" Senju Genma was stunned for a moment, and then said narcissistically.

Tsunade raised her fist and lightly hit Senju Genma on the head.

She was already very angry when Senju Genjian ran away in the middle of the night last night, but she didn't expect that she would dare to touch the tiger's butt now.

"Don't be narcissistic, I want to see grandma!"

After being beaten, Senju Genma immediately returned to his obedient appearance, "Sister Tsunade, I was wrong!"

Tsunade nodded, "That's pretty much it. Stop talking nonsense and get ready quickly. Let's go!"

Since he was going to the clan leader's residence to see Uzumaki Mito, Senju Genma put away his ninja uniform and put on the white men's kimono that represented his identity as the young clan leader.

Senju Genma finished washing, and Kushina, Mikoto and Konan also woke up, so he took them with him before setting off.

Inside the patriarch's mansion.

Uzumaki Mito sat in the main seat, touched his chin and looked at Senju Genma, but when the two made eye contact, Senju Genma took a deep breath helplessly and said: "Mito-sama, can you not look at it like this? If you touch me, I will be embarrassed."

Uzumaki Mito broke through the power in a second and laughed: "You brat, you didn't embarrass Senju's surname. You are much better than Hashirama and Tobirama."

"I can rest assured that the task of growing the family will be entrusted to you."


Senju Genma knew that Uzumaki Mito was making fun of him, but he did not dare to refute Uzumaki Mito, so he could only express his dissatisfaction with a hum.

Just wait!

Don't think that everything will be over after you leave this world. If you bully me today, I will definitely bully you back in the future!


Two hours later.

Senju tribe land.

In the training ground.

Mito Uzumaki, Tsunade, Mikoto and Konan were sitting at the training ground.

As for Senju Genma and Kushina, they are standing in the training ground.

Kushina showed everyone her Vajra Blockade, with several golden chains extending from her back, like little tails.

"Sage Art·Myojinmon!"

"Tenth Edict On Enlightenment!"

As Senju Genma shouted twice, fifteen red torii gates fell from the sky, and at the same time, a seat character appeared on his hand, creating a wooden cuboid.

Uzumaki Mito nodded with satisfaction and said, "You two performed very well, so I feel more confident!"

After saying that, she coughed a few more times.

"Mito-sama, how is your health now?" Senju Genma came to Uzumaki Mito and asked.

Tsunade hurriedly used Medical Ninjutsu to check Mito Uzumaki's body.

Mito Uzumaki raised his hand, "No need to waste Chakra, it's okay!"

"That's good, I was really scared to death just now!" Senju Genma said and came to sit next to Uzumaki Mito.

Mito Uzumaki cleared his throat and said: "Since you have mastered Ninjutsu well, let me tell you about sealing Nine Tails!"

"Grandma, it's not urgent to take this matter!" Tsunade pursed her lips.

"Nonsense, this is a major matter related to the safety of the village!" Uzumaki Mito said angrily.

"I have already made an agreement with Hiruzen that the transfer of Nine Tails will be in half a year. If there is no war with the Kingdom of Wind by then, I will ask Genma and you to accompany us."

"But isn't the Kingdom of Wind ready to move at the border of the Kingdom of Sichuan? The war may break out at any time. I think the time can be postponed." Tsunade said with certainty.

This way grandma can stay with me longer. I'm such a genius!

"If a war breaks out, you go to the battlefield.

Genma stays to assist us in sealing Nine Tails.

Genma's Wood Style has the ability to restrain tailed beasts.

If an accident occurs, he can also use Wood Style to suppress Nine Tails."

Uzumaki Mito Stroking Tsunade's hair, she poured a basin of cold water on her.

How could she not know what Tsunade was thinking, but she knew her own situation, and time waited for no one!

"Mito-sama, what preparations should I make these days?" Senju Genma asked.

Uzumaki Mito thought for a while, looked at everyone with a smile and said: "There is nothing to prepare, just eat well, drink well and sleep well!"

In an instant, Kushina burst into tears.

Kushina was brought back to Konoha by Mito, but now Mito has to transfer Nine Tails into her body and die. This result makes her burst into tears.

Seeing Kushina unable to stop wiping away tears, Mito Uzumaki twitched the corner of his mouth.

Why are you crying?

Aren't you always heartless? Why are you crying suddenly now?

And you, Xuanjian, what do you mean by your cute look of pretending to be calm but with red eyes?

I'm going to be shaken if you do this!

Of course I also want to stay with you forever, but conditions don't allow it!

Huh? Wait...

How could I think this?

These little brats must have messed up my state of mind and I need to recover.

Mito Uzumaki said with a serious expression: "There is no need to be sad. Birth, aging, illness and death are the normal conditions of life. I have chosen to accept it calmly."

"Wherever the leaves are flying, the fire is endless!"

"I am a remnant of the old era, and the future belongs to you."

"Your life has just begun, there is no need to cry for old age!"

Senju Genjian immediately came back to his senses and said with a stern look: "Mito-sama, maybe I can find a way to let you stay with us for a longer time."

Looking at Senju Genma's firm eyes, Uzumaki Mito thought of the filthy earth reincarnation technique developed by Senju Tobirama, and decisively shouted: "Genma, don't play with the dead!"

Seeing that Uzumaki Mito was really angry, Senju Genma did not dare to continue to cause trouble for her.

"Yes, I understand!"

I won't play with the dead, let someone else be the head office!

Anyway, the whole village will be resurrected by then, not even one more of you.

Seeing Senju Genma's frightened look, Uzumaki Mito felt a little regretful.

Mito! Mito!

Xuanjian is still a child, and it is inevitable that he will make mistakes when doing things. What I should do is to guide him instead of scolding him randomly.

"The reason why the art of reincarnation in dirty soil is a forbidden art is because it goes against the truth of heaven and earth, and is too cruel and inhumane, so I don't want you to use it."

Saying that, Uzumaki Mito wiped the tears from the corners of Senju Genma's eyes.

Senju Xuanjian thought for a moment and raised his head: "Isn't that not against humanity?"

Uzumaki Mito sighed: "Okay!"

The most cruel part of the art of reincarnation in the dirty land is that it involves exchanging lives for lives, using living people as sacrifices and awakening the dead.

This technique is both dangerous and powerful. If it can be used in such a cruel way, it is not unacceptable.