
Chapter 30 I Miss You

The two walked into the Hokage building slowly. Senju Genjian is still the squad leader of Anbu. He knows how tight the defense here is, and there are Anbu guards inside and outside.

Tsunade kicked open the door of Hokage's office and walked in carelessly.

This was a bad habit she had developed since her Second Hokage Senju Tobirama days.

As the granddaughter of First Hokage Senju Hashirama, she has been the bully of the village since she was a child.

"Teacher, we are back."

The two entered the office and found that Orochimaru had arrived.

Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't bother to talk to Tsunade, waved his hand and said: "I understand, sit aside and sit down obediently!"

"Oh!" Tsunade responded and sat on the seat next to her.

Then Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Senju Genma again, with a kind and kind smile on his face: "Genma, you did a good job this time, you should go and sit down first!"

"Yes, Lord Hokage!" Senju Xuanjian nodded slightly and sat aside.

Sarutobi Hiruzen grinned to the back of his ears when he looked at Senju Genma's obedient appearance.

He is such a well-behaved child. He has made great achievements but is not arrogant. Both his character and talent are much better than those three incompetent disciples!

Especially Jiraiya, after the battle, no one could be found, and he didn't know to come back to see his teacher!

"You are all heroes of the village in this war, and the village will never forget you."

"I will convene a high-level meeting to determine your rewards as soon as possible."

"It just so happens that you can take a break during this period."

"Temporarily?" Tsunade was stunned when she heard this. She still wanted to live a life without shame for a few years with Genma! Why did it become a temporary break?

Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed: "The latest information is that the Kingdom of Rain also surrendered to the Kingdom of Wind, and the Kingdom of Wind accepted it."

"Not only that, according to the intelligence collected by Anbu, the Kingdom of Wind is gathering troops to the border of the Kingdom of Sichuan. Maybe there will be a new war in the near future."

He doesn't want to fight a war.

He is not afraid of war, but it does not mean that he likes war.

He has always been a supporter of the First Hokage and Second Hokage concepts. He is dedicated to developing the village, and his governing philosophy is to maintain peace and stability in the village.

But the war cannot be decided by him alone.

Sarutobi Hiruzen pursed his lips, thought for a moment and said: "Tsunade, Genma, please spend more time with Mito-sama when you have time! I will also visit her after a while."

As soon as these words came out, both Tsunade and Senju Genjian felt their hearts skip a beat.

They knew that Uzumaki Mito was about to leave them.

The two looked at each other and nodded.

Senju Genma stood up and said: "Master Hokage, Tsunade and I want to take a temporary vacation. We will not participate in the recent affairs in the village."

Orochimaru didn't know why, and his face was full of doubts.

Isn't it just to spend time with my family? How come they reacted so bigly?

Is it because Mito-sama is too old and can no longer hold on, so Genma and Tsunade are so sad?

Why is life so fragile?!

Thinking of this, Orochimaru clenched his fists and sighed.

However, at this moment, Sarutobi Hiruzen also said with a lonely expression: "I understand you, just feel free to accompany Mito-sama!"

After saying that, Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes became a little red.

Uzumaki Mito is also his elder, and the two have known each other for at least thirty years.

She was kind to everyone, and everyone remembered her kindness, but in a blink of an eye she was about to pass away. To say she wasn't sad would be a lie!

Orochimaru's heart became even heavier, and the teacher's performance was a critical blow to him.


At night, in the Senju tribe's territory.

Senju Genma was lying on the bed with a lot of thoughts, and Tsunade fell asleep after being tired from crying.

Although they had returned to the village, escaped the war and became heroes, they were not happy at all.

Because the suspicions made during the day were confirmed by Uzumaki Mito, Uzumaki Mito already felt that his destiny was about to come, and his body was deteriorating.

Thinking of this, Senju Xuanjian sighed softly: "Isn't there a perfect art of immortality?"

"Orochimaru's corpse reincarnation can achieve immortality, but after using it, the body is no longer one's own."

"The same goes for reincarnation in dirty soil."

"As for the rest..."

"How many years has Ōtsutsuki Kaguya lived? It took a thousand years from the time he planted the sacred tree on the earth to the time he swallowed the fruit of the sacred tree. After he was sealed, he reappeared a thousand years later."

"That is to say, the Ōtsutsuki clan can live for at least a thousand years without devouring the fruits of the sacred tree."


Suddenly, Senju Genjian was stunned, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he gently touched the corner of his eye.

"Eye of Immortal, heretic, the natural art of reincarnation."

"Although the Rinnegan is immune to Genjutsu, it is not immune to Genjutsu cast with Sage Jutsu Chakra."

"I just don't know how much Sage Jutsu Chakra is needed to be effective."

"What will happen if the owner of the Sage Art Genjutsu who controls the Rinnegan casts the Rinnegan Jutsu?"

"Is it possible to use the lives of others to resurrect the lives of those I cherish?"

"What state will the body be in after resurrection? Young? Or old?"

"Forget it, you only know what it will be like if you do it!"

Senju Genma suddenly jumped up from the bed, spread his hands and said to the window: "Nagato, give me your life!"


At this moment, Kushina, the whirlpool who appeared in the room at some unknown time, coughed.

Senju Genma directly used the teleportation technique to carry Kushina Uzumaki out of the room.

Although they are the same age, Senju Genma is already bigger than Uzumaki Kushina, almost a head taller than her.

"Little cutie, why don't you sleep?"

Uzumaki Kushina rubbed her eyes, yawned and said, "I was thirsty and came out to drink some water. I heard something moving in your room, so I went in to take a look."

Senju Xuanjian swallowed and said awkwardly: "Then what did you hear just now?"

Uzumaki Kushina rubbed against his chest, shook her head and said: "Nothing, I just heard that you seemed to be asking someone to give their life. Are you talking about it to Sister Tsunade?"

"No, I was talking in my sleep just now." Senju Xuanjian breathed a sigh of relief.

This kid stayed up in the middle of the night and wandered around. It really scared him to death.

"Brother Xuanjian, if you ask me to sacrifice my life, I will do it too!"

Uzumaki After Kushina finished speaking, she felt a little ashamed again and started to blush.

"Why did you suddenly say such a thing? I'm not willing to let you sacrifice your life for me." Senju Xuanjian hugged Kushina tighter.

Uzumaki Kushina blinked, "Brother Genma, I miss you. How about we sleep together tonight?"

Looking into Uzumaki Kushina's eyes, Senju Genma realized that this was her true purpose tonight.

He glanced at Tsunade's room.


It's so difficult!

One side is a royal sister, the other side is a lolita, how should I choose?

Kushina suddenly put her mouth close to Kenma's ear and whispered: "Mikoto and Konan are also thinking about brother!"

No need to be embarrassed!