
Chapter 3 Admission

In the Senju tribe, Uzumaki Mito personally arranged the clothes of Senju Genma and Kushina, and at the same time specially told them not to bully their classmates in school.

Uzumaki Mito knows the power of Senju Genma, and it will definitely be a dimension-reducing blow against those Ninja School students.

Uzumaki Kushina has been trained by Tsunade and Genma, and is definitely much better than ordinary students.

She loves Konoha so deeply that she is even willing to give her own life, so she doesn't want them to use their own power to hurt their friends in the same village.

"I understand." Uzumaki Kushina nodded repeatedly.

Senju Xuanjian also nodded, he didn't like to bully others.

But if others bully him and the people around him, he will take action even if they are from the same village.

Uzumaki Mito touched the heads of the two children and said: "Genma, protect her!"

"Don't worry, as long as I'm here, no one can bully her." Senju Xuanjian said seriously.

This look moved Kushina so much.

"Brother Xuanjian~"


The two of them were talking and wanted to stick to each other, but were stopped by a pair of big hands.

Uzumaki Mito snorted coldly and said loudly: "You haven't even grown your hair yet, so you just learn how others fall in love. Where is Tsunade?"

Who doesn't know that after Senju Hashirama's death, Uzumaki Mito has been single for decades.

These two brats were inseparable in front of her, weren't they sincere in stimulating her?

She couldn't stand it any longer.

The door to the room was opened, and Tsunade rushed in, "I'm here! What's wrong?"

Uzumaki Mito's health is getting worse day by day. She is now worried every day, fearing that something will happen to Mito.

Mito Uzumaki turned his head and stopped looking at the annoying Senju Genma and Kushina. He waved his hands and said, "I'm tired. I'll send them to school. Also, remind Naoki to take good care of them both."

"Yes, then you should rest first!" Tsunade nodded in agreement, took the opportunity to pinch Genma's cute little face, and took Kushina with her other hand to leave the room.

Along the way, Tsunade led Senju Genma, Kushina and Naoki to school.

Naoki is four years older than Kushina and has enrolled in school four years ago. Going to ninja school is a familiar journey.

Both Genma and Kushina are the types who don't like talking to outsiders.

Shengshu was completely opposite to them. It seemed like the streets were full of his friends. He greeted people enthusiastically when he saw them and proudly introduced his younger brothers and sisters to them.

The four soon arrived at the ninja school.

Among the freshmen entering the school, the one who stands out the most is undoubtedly Senju Genma.

Not only is he handsome, he is also the young patriarch of the Senju clan.

Girls are attracted to his appearance.

Some of the boys who belong to the ninja clan have begun to think about how to have a good relationship with Senju Genma, while the remaining part expresses envy and hatred towards Senju Genma.

When they looked at Senju Genjian, Senju Genjian was also looking at them, and had read their thoughts from their faces.

Senju Genjian understands them. He knew before traveling that the children in the Hokage world are quite precocious.

Senju Genma was just about to drag Kushina into the campus when he found that his beautiful girl sensing radar seemed to be activated.

Well, actually it was his immortal body that had strong senses and felt the special Chakra.

Senju Genjian looked up and found a black-haired girl slightly older than himself standing upstairs looking at him.

The two people looked at each other, their eyes connected, as if they were in love thirty meters apart.

Uchiha Mikoto was very disappointed.

She swore that even in the Uchiha clan, which was rich in handsome boys, she had never seen such a handsome and cute boy that made people want to hold him in their arms.

Senju Genjian smiled slightly at her, and Kushina on the side had already pouted.

She also saw Uchiha Mikoto in the distance.

Uchiha Mikoto has a slight smile on his face, which makes it easy for people to get close to him.

But Kushina felt a huge threat from her.

Uchiha Mikoto was a little shy when Senju Genma looked at her, and ran back to the classroom with a blushing face.

Senju Xuanjian also withdrew his attention and relied on Tie Tie to coax Kushina.

The study time of a ninja school is generally six years. After completing the registration, the teacher of each class will be determined. The teacher will be a Chūnin from the village.

In the next six years, if there are no accidents, classes and teachers will not be changed.

Senju Genma and Kushina were lucky enough to be placed in the same class.

The teacher of the two is named Kato Taka, a ninja from the Kato clan of Konoha. He has not learned the family's ancestral secret technique of spiritual transformation, but he has made his fingers very flexible and is quite good at controlling ninja tools. Make a difference.

It is said that he also has a nephew named Kato Dan, who is also a relatively famous genius in the village, but he became Jōnin at the age of twenty-one.

Kato Taka led his students to find the classroom.

Senju Genma carefully discovered that most of the children in the class were children of the Ninja clan. They all wore the Ninja clan emblem, and civilians only accounted for a small part.

Senju Genjian consciously sat in the last row of the classroom by the window, and Kushina sat next to him.

The back row of the classroom has naturally become the target of competition among the girls.

"Master Xuanjian seems to be looking at me. He must want me to sit here. I want this position."

"Get out of here, this lady is from the Sarutobi clan."

"Do you think the relationship between Hokage-sama and me, the leader of the Shimura clan, is extraordinary, so I won't dare to beat you?!"

"Who is afraid of whom? Let's challenge each other!"

"You think I'm afraid of you! Look at the moves, I'll kick with the left and whip my legs with the right."

"You don't have martial ethics, so you come here to cheat or sneak attack."

Seeing these girls who wanted to tear down the classroom, Senju Xuanjian felt scared. It seemed that being too handsome was not good.

He couldn't help but hugged Kushina tightly beside him to find some psychological comfort.

Kato Taka looked at these rich people who wanted to fight, and said loudly: "That's enough, stop it. What are you doing? Just sit down on your seat."

Of course Kato Taka couldn't offend the great ninja clan, but compared to these little devils, Kato Taka was more afraid of their parents.

If you can't teach these brats well, they will really get into trouble.

"From now on, we will be partners in the same class for the next six years, but we haven't gotten to know each other yet, so let's introduce ourselves first."

Starting from himself, Kato Taka briefly introduced himself, then stepped down from the podium and gave the place to the students.

The children from the rich family were very confident and came on stage enthusiastically one by one.

"My name is Sarutobi..."

"My name is Shimura..."

Senju Xuanjian had no interest in these children of the rich clans. What interested him the most was a yellow man sitting in the corner of the classroom without a clan emblem.

Those confident wealthy children quickly completed their self-introductions, and Huang Mao stepped onto the podium.

"My name is Namikaze Minato. I like reading. I don't particularly hate anything. My dream is to become a great Hokage recognized by the villagers."