
Chapter 29 Return To Konoha

In the Hokage office, Hiruzen Sarutobi looked at the information Anbu compiled for him with mixed feelings.

Fortunately, he was indeed right. Senju Genma is a shocking genius. If Senju Genma can take over his position and become Hokage in the future, Konoha will definitely continue to be strong under the leadership of Senju Genma.

What's worrying is that Senju Genma was able to defeat Hanzo at such a young age. Although it was a round-the-clock battle, it was unbelievable. If he continued to grow, his strength would definitely be even more terrifying, and he might be difficult to control in the future.

Sarutobi Hiruzen is still reluctant to give up the power in his hands. Even if Senju Genma is to take power, he hopes it will be after his death.

Sarutobi Hiruzen had trouble making a decision and didn't know what to do. He simply decided to put the matter aside for the time being and continue to observe Senju Genma.

Senju Genma is still young, and it will take at least ten or twenty years to become a Hokage.

I am now over forty years old. In this era where the average life expectancy is thirty or forty years old, I still don't know if I can survive until Senju Genma becomes Hokage!

Becoming a Hokage is not just about being strong enough, you also need the support of ninjas, which is not that simple.

"Hiruzhan, you asked us here, didn't you just want us to admire you sleeping, right?"

Shimura Danzo said sharply, he had been standing here for almost ten minutes, but Sarutobi Hiruzen was just closing his eyes to rest.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's ignorance made him feel extremely angry.

Mito Kabuto and Koharu, who were standing aside, also had angry expressions on their faces.

Someone was sent to call them, and they came in a hurry, but then left them alone, as if they were playing tricks on them.

How could these two people, who were in a high position and used to being arrogant and domineering, tolerate this?

Sarutobi Hiruzen put his worries aside for the time being and did not respond to Danzo. Instead, he pushed a document in front of the three of them.

"Let's see!"

The three of them were flipping through the documents, Shimura Danzo frowned, but Koharu and Mito Kadoen were smiling happily when they went to bed.

"Tell me what you think!" Seeing that the three of them had read the document, Sarutobi Hiruzen spoke slowly.

After going to bed, Koharu said with a smile: "Since Yuyin Village has surrendered to us, it is still willing to become our vassal state. This is a great thing!"

Mito Menyan echoed: "They are willing to pay half of the future taxes to us. Of course we should choose to accept it."

Sarutobi Hiruzen turned his head and looked at Shimura Danzo, as if asking him what he thought.

As for the two short-sighted fools Koharu and Mito Kado who only care about petty profits, Sarutobi Hiruzen doesn't even want to look at them now.

Shimura Danzo thought for a moment and said expressionlessly: "We can accept the surrender of the Hidden Rain Village, but we cannot let the Country of Rain become our vassal state."

"The Kingdom of Rain is located between the three major countries. It has a strategic buffering effect. What's more, it is currently at war with the Kingdom of Wind and the Kingdom of Earth. We have become the suzerain of the Kingdom of Rain, and we must send troops to the Kingdom of Rain."

"The value of the Country of Rain is not high, and the taxes are not much. Helping them fight against Sunagakure and Iwagakure will be the ones who suffer in the end. Fighting against the two major ninja villages at the same time is not low for us in Konoha."

Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded with satisfaction. Shimura Danzo had exactly the same idea as him.

"In this case, we accept Hanzo's surrender and become a vassal country. However, we Konoha sacrificed many athletes in this war, and the Amegakure Village must make compensation!"

The so-called compensation is actually just talk, just to earn face for Konoha in front of the major ninja villages. Amegakure Village is so poor that there is nothing to compensate for it.

The actual purpose of this war was to combat Hanzo's ambition to expand into the Country of Fire, and now the purpose has been achieved.

Shimura Danzo, Koharu Koharu, and Mito Monen nodded in agreement.


One month later, the ninja troops of Konoha, the Country of Rain, were stationed.

Senju Genma and Tsunade were packing their things in the tent and preparing to evacuate the Rain Country.

The Hidden Leaf Village accepted the unconditional surrender of the Hidden Rain Village, and the two countries signed a peace treaty that would never invade.

The treaty stipulates that the Rain Hidden Village will pay war compensation to the Konoha Hidden Village, and Konoha Hidden Village's troops will withdraw from the land of the Rain Country.

Outside the tent, Konan and Minato Namikaze were sparring.

Originally, Namikaze Minato was supposed to be taken with him by Jiraiya.

But Jiraiya, an unreliable teacher, discovered two children from the Land of Rain when he was out wandering.

Jiraiya felt that they were pitiful and felt compassion for them. He decided to accept them as disciples and stay to teach them Ninjutsu until they were able to protect themselves.

Namikaze Minato was entrusted to Tsunade by Jiraiya and asked her to help bring him back to the village.

Konan and Namikaze Minato faced off in the open space in front of the tent.

Konan reached into his pocket and took out two pieces of paper that looked like shurikens.

"Paper shuriken!"

As Chakra was injected into the paper, the paper began to harden and become sharper, and was thrown by Konan as a shuriken.

This is neither a family secret nor a blood inheritance limit, but the application of paper ninjutsu that Konan has figured out by himself.

Namikaze Minato picked up the kunai and blocked it. The paper shuriken was strong and sharp, and it was intact after colliding with the iron kunai.

Then Konan took out another paper kunai, and the two of them stepped forward and began to compete in taijutsu.

Under the joint training of Tsunade and Senju Genma, Konan has grown very quickly. His strength is naturally not as good as Namikaze Minato, but he is still on the level of Genin.

Although Namikaze Minato is a Genin, his strength is at least that of a Special Jōnin.

Even with Namikaze Minato deliberately letting the water go, the competition between the two in taijutsu was indistinguishable.

After several fierce collisions, the two were about to fight again. Senju Genma used the teleportation technique to come between the two and grab their wrists.

"Okay, let's continue after we go back. The time is almost up and we are ready to go."


Konoha's troops did not delay too much and took action immediately when the time came.

Driven by the feeling of returning home and the love of relatives and friends, the ninjas traveled faster than they rushed to the battlefield.

In less than a month, all Konoha ninjas returned to the village.

The victory in foreign wars immersed the village in laughter.

The so-called empty streets and crowded streets are nothing more than this.

Senju Genjian was treated like a hero, and his deeds of defeating Hanzo gave him great popularity among the middle Genin class in Konoha.

"Why do so many people know about me? It's so wrong. Shouldn't we keep a low profile at this time?"

"Perhaps the teacher wants you to feel more belonging to the village!" Tsunade is indeed a disciple of Hiruzen Sarutobi, and she immediately expressed Hiruzen Sarutobi's inner thoughts.