
Chapter 28 Legend

Hanzo stared at Senju Genma, and Senju Genma was not in a hurry to take action.

Wood Style can absorb Chakra. If you continue to wait, it will be disadvantageous for Hanzo and advantageous for Genma.

After a while, Hanzo finally couldn't bear it anymore. Fighting with Sannin had already consumed a lot of Chakra. If he continued to consume it, he would die slowly.

"Water Style·Water Slashing Blade!" Hanzo poured Water Style Chakra into the scythe in his hand, jumped towards Senju Genma and slashed downward from a high position.

Senju Genma raised the Senju sword, jumped high, and passed by Hanzo.

Genjian was secretly shocked. Hanzo was very strong and his attack angle was very tricky. If he hadn't learned the secret technique of strange power, he might not have been able to hold the sword just now.

Hanzo continued his offensive with a sickle in hand.

He did not choose to compete with Genma in terms of strength, but took advantage of his skills.

The longer the fight lasted, the more difficult Genma became to resist.

Several attacks almost injured Genma.

His melee combat skills are superior to those of Genma!

The purple poisonous mist also spread in the woods and spread to Genma's side. Hanzo's poison was very powerful. Genma inhaled a little. It would not affect his combat for the time being, but it also made him feel uncomfortable.

"Sage Art·Wood Style·Wooden Dragon's Art!"

After blocking another Hanzo attack, Genma took the opportunity to create a huge Wooden Dragon. The target of the attack was not Hanzo, but his psychic beast.

The Wooden Dragon unexpectedly appeared from the trees and directly wrapped around the Sansho fish's body.

It slowly tightened its grip and tried to strangle it to death.

Hanzo also discovered Genma's intention, but could not stop the Wooden Dragon for a while and could only watch the Sansho fish.

The fish died painfully in front of itself.

Hanzo felt a little distressed. This was his weapon in the battlefield. Fortunately, there was more than one Sansho Fish. If he just wanted to cultivate another Sansho Fish of the same size, it would probably consume a lot of resources.

"Kid, uncle, I'm really going to be angry!" Hanzo narrowed his eyes and gritted his teeth and said, "Swordsmanship: Iai Slash!"

Hanzo rushed towards Genma with a scythe at high speed. Genma did not choose to confront him head-on, but used the teleportation technique to dodge.


The sound of metal clashing sounded, Hanzo used water teleportation to catch up with Genma, and their weapons collided.

Genma looked at Hanzo again, only to find that the scythe in his hand had disappeared. The chain connecting the scythe in his hand quickly wrapped around Genma in a strange arc. Looking back, the scythe was flying towards Genma's face.

Senju Genma injects Chakra into the Senju giant sword in order to cut off the chain connecting the scythe.

Hanzo was not idle either. He quickly formed a seal in his hand, and a water dragon rose from behind to attack Xuanjian.

Genma noticed Hanzo's movements.

He swung his giant sword to cut off the chains and at the same time held the sword in front of him to resist the sickle.

The thick water dragon followed, but the trees around Genma began to deform.

The branches seemed to have gained life, protecting him.

In front of Xuanjian, the water dragon hit the branch and turned into water and dissipated.

The branch was also broken, but Xuanjian himself was not injured.

"Kid, you are too young!"

Muji Ninjutsu, Water Style·Water Wave Hand!

Without giving Genma a chance to breathe, Hanzo used water to instantly move closer to him, raised his right hand and released a large amount of water like waves from his hand to hit him.

"This is the end!"

"It's still early!" Xuanjian had already arrived behind Hanzo and swept across with his giant sword.

Hanzo's body seemed to have turned into liquid, and the giant sword passed through his body.

Water Style·Water substitute!

Used by Hanzo, the speed of the body's liquefaction and transformation into a physical entity is not inferior to the secret technique of the Oni Lan clan's hydration technique.

"Flying Thunder God Jutsu, do you think I won't be wary? It's so easy to guess a child's mind! You still have a lot to learn!" Hanzo said looking down on Senju Genma, but his tone was full of It's appreciation.

In his opinion, Senju Genma is indeed a young talent.

He learned the advanced Ninjutsu of Flying Thunder God at a young age.

However, he lacks experience due to his age.

If he is trained well, his future achievements will be limitless, which makes it inevitable for him to advance to the next level.

I developed a love for talent.

Senju Genjian said indifferently: "Old man, you should worry about yourself!"

Hanzo is still middle-aged and cannot be called an old man, but just as he was about to refute, he saw a strange scene.

I saw that the Wooden Dragon that was strangling the Sanshou Fish did not disappear. It also pointed its mouth at itself, and a black sphere appeared in its mouth.

He didn't know what it was, but just this chakra made him feel palpitations.

If this hits you, you will definitely die!

"Sage Art Tailed Beast Jade!"

This is Ninjutsu developed by Senju Genma himself. With the ultimate Chakra form change, the yin and yang attribute Chakra is mixed and compressed in a ratio of 2:8 to artificially create a tailed beast jade.

It's just that Senju Genma didn't master the form changes of the yin and yang attribute Chakra enough, so it took a long time to complete such a tailed beast jade.

Although it is not as powerful as the tailed beast jade used by tailed beasts due to the amount of chakra, it is far more powerful than the Rasengan.

The black ball quickly flew towards the two of them. Xuanjian just stood there, motionless, as if he didn't take his life seriously at all. The unblocked black ball exploded violently in an instant.

"Damn it, Shui Shun..."

The huge explosion and shock wave caused a large crater in the center of Deep Forest Creation.

A minute later, at the edge of Deep Forest Creation, a towering tree opened from its roots, and a white-haired figure appeared from the tree hole.


"It's pretty powerful, but a Wood Clone with 50% of my Chakra can cause so much damage so easily."

The figure that appeared was none other than Senju Genma.

Of course he would not put himself in too much danger. The one who fought Hanzo just now was his Wood Clone.

"that is?"

Just when Senju Genma breathed a sigh of relief, he felt the familiar Chakra from Deep Forest Creation, and then quickly disappeared.

"He's not dead yet?"

Senju Genma was slightly surprised. He didn't expect that Hanzo's life was so great, and he didn't die even after one shot of Tailed Beast Jade.

"Did he still use Water Shun Shen? He should have used Wood Clone to stop him, so he couldn't escape!" Senju Genjian was a little annoyed.

This was the first time he used Tailed Beast Jade in actual combat, and he didn't think much about it at the time.

"Genma, are you okay!" Senju Genma looked back and found Tsunade, Orochimaru and Jiraiya.

"I'm fine, Sister Tsunade, why are you back?"

Orochimaru said: "We just came back from treatment when we heard the explosion. Where is Hanzo? Did he cause the explosion just now? Can the detonating flame formation be so terrifying?"

"No, the explosion was caused by me. I was experimenting with my new Ninjutsu. As for Hanzo, he has escaped!"

Senju Genma fell on Tsunade tiredly. Wood Clone had consumed half of his Chakra. He did not want to enjoy Tsunade's arms, but he was very weak now.

Tsunade and the three of them opened their eyes wide, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

The three of them knew Hanzo's strength. He was "given" the title of Sannin not long ago. How long did it take for Genma to defeat him?

Tsunade held Senju Genma in her arms distressedly, and carried him back to the army like a princess.

The ninjas in the army were excited.

Senju Genma defeated Hanzo, the legendary ninja, the pinnacle of ninjas in the world, not just a cat or a dog!

Genma is now the pride of Konoha ninja and has become a new legend.

The ninjas chanted his name and at the same time praised the name of ShiroYasha!


In Yuyin Village not far away, Hanzo staggered back to the village.

"Bai Yaksha, I remember this grudge!"

From Hanzo's point of view, after defeating Sannin, he continued to fight Senju Genma without taking a break and was defeated in a chakra battle, so he was not convinced.

When the ninjas in Yuyin Village saw Hanzo returning, they all panicked.

They had never seen their leader injured so badly.

Hanzo's combat uniform was completely broken, his upper body was naked, and his skin was burned over a large area.

"Medical Ninja! Where are the Medical Ninjas? Where have all the Medical Ninjas died?!"

Someone in the crowd roared, and the Rain Shinobi came to their senses and hurriedly looked for the medical ninja in the village.

Hanzo is the strongest person in Rain Hidden Village, and it is also the reason why Rain Shinobi dares to fight against the great powers. The Rain Shinobi will never accept Hanzo's death or loss of combat power.