
Chapter 27 I Admit It

With Tsunade's blow, a large pit was sunken into the ground, and dust flew up for a moment, obscuring everyone's sight.

Jiraiya, who was hiding in Acupuncture Jizo, asked: "Did it succeed?"

"Missed!" Tsunade used her legs to jump out of the dust.

Based on the feeling just now, she had already judged that her blow had failed.

The dust and smoke dissipated, and the three of them saw only a pool of water stains on the ground.

"Disciple of Sarutobi Hiruzen? Nothing more than that!" Hanzo's voice sounded not far away from the three of them, and his contempt was self-evident.

He didn't lie. During the time when Jiraiya went from reaction to defense just now, if he wanted to kill Jiraiya, Jiraiya would definitely die.

Hanzo's use of the scythe has been superb. For the use of swordsmanship and Iai slash, no one, not even the samurai of the Iron Kingdom, can match him.

It's just that he never thought about killing three people from beginning to end.

Killing ordinary Konoha ninjas can be regarded as a demonstration against Konoha.

If the disciples of the Third Hokage are killed, then Konoha Hidden Village and Amegakure Village will be in a fight to the death!

"I originally wanted to solve the battle quickly by surprise, but now it seems that it is not feasible?" Orochimaru said with a disappointed look, "Jiraiya, Tsunade, please evacuate as soon as possible. The environment here is too unfavorable for us."

Their physiques are much stronger than ordinary ninjas, but the poisonous gas still has a great impact on them. Only Tsunade can rely on medical Ninjutsu to be temporarily unharmed.

Jiraiya said in a deep voice: "I'm afraid it's not that easy!"

"Water Style: Great Waterfall Technique!" Hanzo took off his mask, spit out a huge water ball and rushed towards the Orochimaru three.

Jiraiya, who was standing between the three of them, slapped his palms on the ground, "Earth Style·Earth Style Wall!"

Several huge earth walls appeared in front of them to resist the erosion of the Great Waterfall Technique.

Hanzo is indeed the ninja with the strongest ability to control water. The A-level waterfall technique combined with the special water environment of the Land of Rain, forced him to create a small lake.

Tsunade and the three stood on the water.

Hanzo stood in front of the three of them and asked coldly: "Can you continue?"

"Who are you looking down on?!" The grumpy Tsunade would not tolerate him, so she used her psychic skills to summon live snakes.

After a burst of white smoke, a huge live dragon appeared.


Orochimaru and Jiraiya looked at each other and used psychic techniques at the same time to summon the adolescent Ten Thousand Snakes and Gamabunta, who were only over forty meters tall.

The Shimogun Forest, Mount Myōboku and Ryūchi Cave are also known as the three sacred places, but only the psychic beasts in the Shikotsu Forest are clones of Katsuyu Sage. The psychic beasts in the other two sacred places are ethnic groups. If you want to grow into a giant beast, you need to time.

Orochimaru and Jiraiya also thought about summoning larger psychic beasts, but due to the influence of Hanzo's poisonous mist, their Chakra was no longer enough.

Before Wan She could understand the situation, she said arrogantly: "Orochimaru, have you summoned me and prepared the sacrifice?"

"Where is this?!" Gamabunta waved the Short Sword, temporarily dispersing some of the strange fog, "Jiraiya, you brat, are you in trouble again?!"

Hanzo looked at the three behemoths in front of him with joy and no fear.

In the ninja world, being big doesn't mean you are invincible.

"My tongue and teeth are sticky!"

"Water Style·Tiepao Jade!"

The living snake and Gamabunta took the lead in using long-range attacks, spitting out corrosive liquids and large water balls from their mouths.

"The power looks good, but it's meaningless if you miss it!" Hanzo said, putting on his mask, diving into the water and flying freely, dodging the attacks one by one.

"Water Style·Shun Shui!"

The water flow of the lake seemed to be controlled, restraining the three giant beasts and trying to drag them into the water.

Although the three giant beasts are powerful and can easily break away from the water flow, the endless flow of these water flows makes them very annoying.

Hanzo was in no hurry to continue his attack.

If you are careful, you will find that the color of the water has changed. Not far from the battlefield of the four, a huge pepper fish is spitting poisonous gas in the water.

He doesn't need to go head-to-head, he just needs to wait quietly and stop the opponent when he thinks of retreating!


At the edge of the lake, the support force led by Senju Genma arrived belatedly.

"Ban, Nobu, the rest will be left to you!" Senju Genma looked at the wounded not far away and said to Kato Suan next to him.

With Senju Genma's strength, Orochimaru will of course let him lead some of the troops. Kato Dan is the adjutant assigned by Orochimaru to assist him in command.

The three of them temporarily became Senju Genma's escort team.

"Captain, are you going?" Kato Dan asked worriedly.

Hanzo is a legendary ninja, which makes him have to worry.

"Of course, Tsunade is still there!" Senju Genma said firmly.

Kato Dan knew that he would only be held back when facing Hanzo, so he could only nod his head and said: "Okay, leave this place to us, you can go without any worries!"

Senju Xuanjian frowned slightly, always feeling that these words were a bit strange.

Should I add a sentence at the end: If you can't come back, your wife will be taken care of by me.

Senju Genma shook his head and rushed to the battlefield where Tsunade was.

Arriving at the center of the lake, Senju Xuanjian saw the trio of prostitutes, gamblers and drug addicts standing on the water supporting each other, looking very embarrassed.

Hanzo stood on top of the huge Sanshou Fish, looking down at the three of them.

"Well done! You can still hold up after inhaling my poison for such a long time. I admit you. From now on, I, Hanzo, will call you Sannin!"

"I, Hanzo, give you the name of Konoha Sannin!"

Orochimaru, Tsunade and Jiraiya were furious.

Granted? This is simply humiliating them!

"Sage Art·Wood Style·Deep Forest Creation!"

Senju Genma can't stand bullying his wife at all!

Senju Genma directly used Sage Jutsu Chakra, using Chakra as the source of life, quickly growing many trees from the ground, creating a forest covering the lake in an instant, turning the site into a terrain that was favorable to him.

Hanzo jumped onto the tree, feeling the Chakra that was constantly draining from his body, and said with a solemn gaze: "Are you Shiroyasha Senju Genma? The legendary Wood Style is indeed well-deserved! I recognize your name!"

Senju Genma has a new understanding of the ninja's level of chuuni. Even if he gives Sannin a nickname, he is still thinking about his own nickname at this time!

While he was thinking, Hanzo once again used his psychic technique to summon the Sanshou Fish below to him.

The sansho fish started to spit out mist again.

Senju Genjian protected Tsunade behind him, separated out Wood Clone and took the three people away, looking at Hanzo eager to try.

For this legendary ninja, Senju Genma also wanted to fight against him.

Based on Senju Genma's perception, he already knew that Hanzo's Chakra capacity was far inferior to his own.

But the strength of a ninja can never be seen solely by the amount of Chakra.

However, Senju Genma did not worry about his life safety.

He felt that he had a good chance of winning. Even if he lost, he would have the ability of Flying Thunder God to protect him, so he would have no problem running away.