
Chapter 26 The Decisive Battle With Rain Of Fire

After the meeting, Senju Genma and Tsunade returned to the tent together.

As soon as they entered the tent door, the two saw Konan waiting for them at the door.

Seeing that his brother and sister were back safe and sound, Konan opened his arms to Genma.

Senju Genjian also responded positively, rushing up to Konan as soon as he opened his arms, and the two of them got together naturally.

With the experience of being with Kushina and Mikoto, Senju Genma also has some experience in development.

The most important thing is to have a face that can captivate people, and then cultivate the relationship naturally, and with the passage of time, it will reach the point where you are in me, and I am in you.

As long as the character of the face owner is not too bad, there will basically be no problems.

Tsunade stood aside, feeling unhappy as she watched the two people sticking together unscrupulously.

Fortunately, the two of them were very cute, so Tsunade's heart was quickly melted, and she quickly hugged the two of them into her arms, making weird smiles like "hehehe" from time to time.

Konan rubbed his face against Senju Genjian's chest. Senju Genjian had already taken off his armor. Konan took a deep breath and timidly said: "Brother Genjian, war is really scary! I'm fine. I'm worried about you!"

Seeing Konan's frightened look, Senju Xuanjian also felt distressed: "It's okay, don't worry, the war will be over soon, and peace will come soon!"

The decisive battle was about to take place, and not only Genma, but even the battle-hardened Tsunade felt a little nervous.

Perhaps in order to relieve this tension, Senju Genma chatted a lot with Tsunade and Konan.

From the possible situations of this decisive battle to the development after returning to the village, from the future of Senju Genma to the future of the Senju clan, etc.

At night, after Senju Genjian put the two girls to sleep, he summoned a small live dragon.

After chatting with Tsunade and Konan for a long time, Senju Genma still remembered that three people at home were thinking about him!

In the Senju tribe, Mito, Kushina and Mikoto gathered together, and Uzumaki Mito also summoned a living dragon.

Not long after Senju Genma stayed on the battlefield, Uchiha Mikoto, a Genin, wanted to go to the battlefield to find Genma.

After knowing Mikoto's thoughts, Uchiha thought for a long time and decided to send her to the Senju clan.

Mikoto did not refuse, and Uzumaki Mito was also happy to see the result.

Although the Senju tribe has some objections to this approach, Uzumaki Mito is happy to see this kind of thing that can promote unity in the village.

What's more, Genma and Mikoto have a good relationship, and Uzumaki Mito is also willing to help Genma check things out.

"Mito-sama, Kushina, Mikoto, I miss you so much after not seeing you for a few days." Senju Genma expressed his thoughts as soon as he got in touch.

After staying on the battlefield for two years, Senju Xuanjian also used the art of counter-spirituality to return to the village to visit the three of them.

But there are not many opportunities. The last time I went back to the village was seven days ago.

The three of them were originally worried about Senju Genma's safety because they couldn't see him for a few days, but now they got in touch through the live snake, not to mention how happy they were.

"Mito-sama, there is nothing wrong with your health!" Senju Genma clearly felt that Uzumaki Mito's body was not as good as before after a brief meeting a few days ago, which made him have to worry.

The living creature repeated Uzumaki Mito's words, with concern in his tone: "Don't worry, I still have some time!"

Senju Xuanjian lowered his eyebrows and clenched his fists involuntarily, but what he blurted out was: "Really? Then I'll be relieved!"


Early the next morning.

After Konoha's troops made pre-war mobilization in Orochimaru, they all set off towards the Hidden Rain Village.

After a night's rest, Konoha's ninjas have all returned to their best condition, and they are all full of momentum.

The trio of prostitutes, gamblers and drug addicts were the first to set off, leading the vanguard.

As the troops continued to approach Yuyin Village, everyone quickly discovered that something was wrong.

Although the outer strongholds of Yuyin Village have been wiped out, there are definitely remaining troops in Yuyin Village.

Now they were approaching Yuyin Village with such great fanfare. They only encountered some patrols but did not receive any strong obstruction. It was obvious that something was wrong.

"There is a trap!" Someone in the army suddenly shouted loudly.

I saw many detonating symbols suddenly appearing from the ground and climbing onto the legs of the ninjas.

Bang bang bang!

Several explosions sounded, flames shot into the sky, and screams continued from the crowd.

The troops fell into chaos for a while.

"What the hell is this?!" The horrified screams of the ninjas came from the front of the army.

Purple mist began to spread in front of the troops, and the ninjas became paralyzed and fell to the ground after inhaling the mist.

Orochimaru's forehead was dripping with cold sweat, and he had already guessed why it was like this.

"I can only think of one person who can use the detonating flame formation to this extent and is so good at using poison."

"Jiraiya, isn't Hanzo at the Sand Shinobi battlefield?"

Facing Orochimaru's questioning, Jiraiya's face was very ugly. He did not expect that things would turn out like this.

"Perhaps the intelligence is wrong."

"Don't worry so much, let the troops retreat first, we will be responsible for breaking up the rear!" Tsunade said quickly.

Orochimaru nodded and immediately began to issue orders for the troops to retreat.

Of course, Hanzo would not just watch Konoha's troops run away. He immediately summoned the Sansho Fish to appear on the battlefield and spit poisonous mist, while he rushed into Konoha's troops alone.

Hanzo is resistant to poison because of the Sansho fish poison sac implanted in his body. With the cooperation of the Sansho fish poisonous mist, the paralyzed Konoha ninjas are like lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

He knew that Amegakure Village could not defeat Konoha, and the defeat of Amegakure Village was an inevitable result.

But what he has to do now is to make Konoha see his threat and strive to prevent Amegakure Village from losing too many benefits after the war.

The three Orochimaru also saw Hanzo appearing on the battlefield, and together they used the teleportation technique to quickly enter the battlefield to block it.

Jiraiya came up behind Hanzo and quickly formed a seal with his hands, "Fire Style·Big Flame Bullet!"

The next second, Jiraiya's mouth was filled with oil. He opened his mouth to spit out the oil and used Fire Style to burn it.

"Too slow!" Hanzo said disdainfully, forming a seal with one hand and turning himself into a puddle of water to avoid the attack of the big flame bomb.

When Jiraiya was looking for Hanzo's location, Hanzo had already come behind him and raised his scythe high.

"Be careful!" Orochimaru shouted not far behind Jiraiya, "Latent Shadow Snake Hands!"

Several large snakes emerged from Orochimaru's sleeves and attacked Hanzo's location.

Jiraiya and Tsunade also reacted.

Jiraiya was seen quickly forming seals with his hands, and his long silver hair covered his body and hardened for defense.

Ninja Technique: Needle Jizo!

Tsunade jumped up high and punched Hanzo with a strangely powerful punch.