
Chapter 25 Bai Yaksha

Two years later, the battlefield of the Kingdom of Rain.

"Hurry, run away, it's Bai Yaksha!"

"Damn it, this is simply an evil spirit!"

"Is this the legendary future ninja god? Is this the power that ninjas can have?"

On the battlefield, Rain Shinobi's screams kept coming.

A white-haired figure wearing a tight-fitting black combat uniform with red laminated armor and carrying a large scroll behind him was dancing wantonly on the battlefield.

He only used physical skills, but no one on the battlefield was his opponent.

The Rain Shinobi saw his figure one second, and flew upside down from the heads of the crowd the next second.

"Yaksha is an evil ghost, okay? I'm so handsome and handsome, but if you say there is a ghost, you really have never seen the world."

Senju Genma stepped on the head of a Rain Shinobi and curled his lips in displeasure.

At this time, Senju Genma has changed a lot from two years ago.

He has grown rapidly in the past two years, and his figure has become close to that of an adult. At 1.6 meters tall, he is only a little shorter than Tsunade. Although his face is still a bit immature, he can do many adult things.

"As expected of Master Genma, you are so awesome! Shiro Yaksha!"



At the edge of the battlefield, Konoha's ninjas accepted the title faster than Senju Genma and began to shout ShiroYasha's name excitedly.

For them, this is an affirmation of the strength of the village hero.

Senju Genjian looked confused.

It doesn't matter if Rain Shinobi shouts, what does it mean if his own people shout too? Backstabbing, right?!

Just when Senju Genma was complaining in his heart, he unexpectedly discovered that these Rain Shinobi not only did not escape, but instead came towards him.

It's simply lawless!

"Sage Art·Wood Style·The Art of Cutting!"

I saw Senju Genma shouting loudly, and multiple wooden thorns grew from his arms, and they were inserted into the enemy to perform a piercing attack.

After these long thorns penetrated Rain Shinobi's body, they continued to branch and grow, piercing his body from the inside.

An Amegakure Chūnin was so panicked that he rushed towards Senju Genjian as if he had lost his mind.

Senju Genjian grabbed his neck and lifted him up.

"Do you want to dance too?"

Senju Genjian threw him into the air and kicked him out.

Chūnin's body flew out together with the ninja behind him.

"Sage Art·Water Style·Waterfall Art!"

Senju Genma spit out a huge water ball from his mouth, and the surrounding Rain Shinobi troops were directly scattered.

The ninjas of Konoha seemed to be inspired by Senju Genma.

"Come on! Get these Rain Shinobi out!"

"Hey! We are in the Kingdom of Rain now, right?"

"Do you understand that we are maintaining the peace of the ninja world?! We do not bully civilians!"

"Master Xuanjian looks at me. I will be loyal to Master Xuanjian."

"Open the tower, give me your heart!"

"Master Xuanjian, I want to give you a child."

"Aren't you a man?"

"I want you to take care of it?!"

Senju Genjian stood in the middle of the battlefield, feeling the breeze, with his white hair flying in the air, his arms folded across his chest, looking scornful in all directions.

He has begun to drift.

I have to say, it feels good to be popular.

Of course, it would be better if no man wanted to give him a child.

"Genma-kun is really popular!" Orochimaru couldn't help but sigh as he looked at Senju Genma's heroic appearance galloping on the battlefield.

Tsunade stood on the big tree and looked into the distance with an infatuated expression.

Jiraiya was a little disappointed and whispered: "Indeed!"

In fact, he also liked Tsunade, but Tsunade was not interested in her.

Emotionally, Jiraiya is like a child.

He used to like to provoke Tsunade, but actually he wanted to attract Tsunade's attention more.

However, after spending the past two years on the battlefield with Tsunade and Senju Genma, he knew that he had no chance at all, unless Senju Genma died.

But he is a good old man, but he cannot kill his companions for personal love.

The careful and gentle Namikaze Minato noticed something strange about his teacher, but he had nothing to say.

With his best friend on one side and his teacher on the other, he could only say that he couldn't do anything.

Namikaze Minato graduated from the ninja school early a year ago, and then came to the battlefield with Jiraiya's consent.

He looked at Senju Genma on the battlefield with a little envy, because he also wanted to go to the battlefield, and he thought his strength was enough.

Namikaze Minato is indeed a genius. Although he still can't fly the Thunder God Jutsu, he figured out the Rasengan during his sparring with Senju Genma, and his current strength is comparable to that of Special Jōnin.

However, Jiraiya did not agree to his request, and just assigned him some simple tasks on the grounds that he was still a Genin.

In the battlefield, Senju Genma once again approached Rain Shinobi, like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, unable to stop him.

The ninjas of Konoha followed closely behind and fought fiercely with Rain Shinobi.

The overall strength of Konoha is stronger than Rain Shinobi. With Senju Genma taking the lead, Rain Shinobi is even more difficult to resist. Those who were killed threw away their armor and fled.

With the defeat of Rain Shinobi, this small-scale war quickly ended, and Senju Genma returned to the main force surrounded by everyone.

Tsunade was about to hug Senju Genma and reward her, but was interrupted by Orochimaru who spoke first, his eyes full of appreciation.

"Xiao Xuanjian, you did a good job!"

"I'm not young at all!" Senju Genjian immediately retorted.

Tsunade also began to nod, she could prove that Senju Genma is really not young.

Orochimaru just walked into the command room minding his own business and stopped caring about the two of them.

He knew that both Tsunade and Senju Genma had some problems with their brain circuits, and arguing with them would only bring him to the same channel as them.

He still has to direct the battle, and it's not enough to have his head full of strange crap.

In the tented command room, Orochimaru pointed to the map on the wall.

"So after this battle, we have eliminated all the strongholds on the periphery of Yuyin Village."

"The next combat goal is to target the headquarters of Yuyin Village."

"Jiraiya, you are in charge of the intelligence unit, tell me where Hanzo is now?"

Orochimaru only cares about Hanzo now, and Hanzo is the biggest variable in this war.

In his opinion, even if there are hidden troops in Yuyin Village, they are not as threatening as Hanzo alone.

Jiraiya coughed, stood up and said loudly: "According to intelligence, Hanzo appeared on the battlefield fighting Sunagakure Village a day ago. Based on the distance from the battlefield to the headquarters of Umagakure Village, he has to rush back, at least It takes two and a half days."

Orochimaru nodded after hearing this, he still recognized Jiraiya's ability.

He thought for a moment and began to issue orders: "In the next battle, we will launch a general attack directly from the north to Yuyin Village."

"Please remember that we are an army of peace. We will not take a single step from civilians. After breaking through Yuyin Village, restrain your troops!"

"Everyone, this battle will be won!"
