
Chapter 24 I'll Take Care Of It

Xin, Yun and Shan all looked surprised under their masks.

In their impression, Senju Genma was not a kind-hearted person.

Senju Genjian turned around and stretched out his hand to them.


"Bring out your dry bread too!"

"I haven't even had a bite yet!"

"Isn't it enough for you to have military food pills? You haven't eaten the military food pills you brought with you, right?"

"But dry bread tastes better!"

"If the Bingliang Pills were delicious, I wouldn't ask you for dry bread!"

Senju Genma had no choice but to pick up Konan, who was chewing dry bread like a hamster, and put him in front of them.

"Look at how hungry this kid is. What's worse, I'll treat you to a barbecue at the head office after we return to the village, right?"

The three of them could only reluctantly take out their dry bread.

"Damn it, I'll give it to you. You must treat us to barbecue when you get back."

Konan was really hungry, so he picked up the dry bread in front of him and stuffed it into his mouth.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Konan quickly finished the dry bread and burped.

She looked at Senju Genjian's face, seemed to have thought of something, put her hand into her clothes, and then started groping.

Nobu's face changed drastically when he saw this, and he immediately wanted to take action, but Senju Genma grabbed his wrist.

Xin looked back at Senju Genjian. Senju Genjian didn't speak, but just shook his head.

I saw Konan taking out a yellow paper flower from behind, smiling and saying softly: "Thank you, this is a return gift."

Konan held the paper flowers with both hands and tried to continue: "Are you ninjas of Konoha?"

Everyone was shocked. Xin thought for a moment, took a step forward, and asked, "Are you going to kill this child?"

"I have seen a lot of war orphans, and their fate was very miserable. It might be better for these children to just kill her here..."

When Konan heard this, he immediately took a step back in fear.

Senju Xuanjian raised his hand and did not let Xin continue talking.

"Let me take care of this little guy!"

"Squad leader, how can this be done? Anything can happen on the battlefield. This child might be a spy trained by the Kingdom of Rain."

Shan said hurriedly, this is an ever-changing battlefield, there is no room for luck.

"Don't worry, I will take good care of her. Don't forget my abilities?"

Senju Genjian stretched out his hand, and a Wood Style seed appeared in his hand.

Yun Heshan was still a little worried.

"When we finish cleaning up the Rain Shinobi in this town, let's take this child back together!" After a long time, Shinobu still chose to believe Senju Genma, "But this child needs to be taken care of by you, Genma-sama, and we don't I'll take care of it."

"no problem!"

Senju Xuanjian nodded and did not blame the three of them.

After all, although he has lived in two lives, he still looks like a child. The three of them also worked hard, which is completely understandable.

Senju Genjian turned to look at Konan again, with a warm smile on his face: "I will take care of you from now on, what do you think? It doesn't matter even if you don't agree!"

Konan was silent for a long time and nodded slowly.

At this time, Konan was longing for a better future, but he didn't know that the gears of fate began to turn.


The Country of Rain, inside the Konoha troop camp.

Orochimaru, Jiraiya and Tsunade sat together, watching the two people in the middle in silence.

"Since the matter is a foregone conclusion, we can't send this child away!" Tsunade pinched Senju Genma's face and said angrily, "Keep her! I will take care of Senju Genma."

"Hey! Tsunade, don't be too doting on Genma. He dares to bring back a girl today and a wife tomorrow. Do you believe it or not?" However, Jiraiya did not say anything good to Tsunade. Down the steps.

He touched his chest.

He didn't peek at her taking a shower, so why are you so angry?

I will remember these six ribs for the rest of my life!

"You know what the heck, our Genjian is kind-hearted." Tsunade raised her eyebrows and asked, "If you don't agree, then tell me what to do?"

Tsunade's words made even Senju Genjian feel embarrassed.

He swore that he really wasn't that kind. If he met an ordinary child instead of Konan, he would just give him some food and then turn around and leave.

Jiraiya was silent. In fact, he couldn't bear to send this girl away. He just suddenly awakened his refutational personality just to refute Tsunade.

Looking at Konan's pitiful appearance, I really want to slap myself twice.

Orochimaru looked at the two of them and sighed.

He knew these two teammates very well and knew that they were all soft-hearted.

"It seems that the result is already obvious, then this girl will be taken care of by Genma and Tsunade from now on."

"Rope Tree, let's go!"

After Orochimaru finished speaking, he stood up immediately, and Naoki followed him like a follower.

With the permission of the commander-in-chief Orochimaru, Genma and Konan were very happy, and they skipped to the medical ninja station.

Staying with Konan, he seems to have really turned into a child.

At night, after finishing the war, Tsunade entered the tent and saw two little ones sitting on her bed.

Genma is feeding Konan.

"Tsunade-sister!" Genma and Konan shouted obediently at the same time when they saw Tsunade coming back.

"You brat, you only know how to cause trouble for me!" Tsunade looked unhappy. She took Genma into her arms, kneaded her hard, and whispered in her mouth: "You obviously don't treat me like this. intimate!"

Senju Genjian suddenly realized that he was jealous!

The three of them had dinner together, Tsunade left the tent, and then quickly returned, she retrieved the living tent for Konan.

Tsunade is one of the combat commanders, and the tent she lives in is large enough. Genma and she live together and there is still a lot of extra space. It can accommodate three people without any problem. But it is always inconvenient for three people to live together.

With Tsunade's status, getting a tent for Konan wouldn't be a big deal.

After getting the tent, Genma and Tsunade helped Konan tidy it up and held a simple welcome ceremony for her. Being on the battlefield, it is impossible to hold a grand ceremony.

"Okay, go in and sleep!" Tsunade patted Konan's little butt and sent her into the small tent separated by the wall from Tsunade's tent.

Senju Genjian sat on the bed, touched his chin, and said with uncertainty in his tone: "Did I see it wrong? Why did the clothes Konan wore just now look so similar to what I wore when I was a child?"

Tsunade scratched her head guiltily and said in an unnatural tone: "Did you remember it wrong?! Why do I need your clothes?"

"Sleep peacefully, I still have tasks to do tomorrow."