
Chapter 23 Konan

Sunagakure Village, in Kazekage's office.

Third Generation Kazekage received the latest battlefield intelligence from Anbu.

The shadows of the Third Generation are a magical generation, and the shadows with the strongest titles all come from this generation, such as the strongest Hokage, the strongest Raikage, and the strongest Kazekage.

Third Generation Kazekage carefully checked the information. Most of this information came from the expatriate ninjas participating in the war, and a small part came from Anbu from Sunagakure Village.

Every time he read a piece of information, Third Generation's Kazekage's face became uglier.

Chiyo and Ebizō, the Kazekage advisers, knew something was up when they saw this.

Chiyo asked: "It seems that the situation on the battlefield is not good?"

"Damn Hanzo, he actually targeted our Sunagakure ninjas. Konoha's troops are obviously the strongest, but he appeared on the battlefield fighting our Sunagakure! Our frontline troops have begun to collapse!"

After reading the information, Third Generation Kazekage slapped the table hard, and flowing iron sand could be seen from his fingertips.

Although Sunagakure Village is located in the desert, it is the second most powerful ninja village among the five major countries. The Kingdom of Wind has the largest land and is second only to Konoha in the Kingdom of Fire in terms of the number of ninjas and economic strength.

As a result, Hanzo left Konoha, the strongest one and the biggest threat to Amegakure Village, not to fight, and Iwagakure, the best to deal with among the Three Kingdoms, did not fight, but he came to attack their Sunagakure Village. This was basically targeting him, Sunagakure. village.

In his opinion, although Hanzo is powerful, Sunagakure Village is also much stronger than Ame Hidden Village.

Since Hanzo dares to target Sunagakure Village like this, he must let him know how powerful Sunagakure Village is, otherwise no one will be afraid of their Sunagakure Village in the future.

"Chiyo, what do you think?" Third Generation Kazekage turned to look at his Kazekage advisor.

He is not a dictatorial person. In such a situation related to national affairs, it is better to ask advisors for their opinions and brainstorm ideas.

Chiyo said: "Let me support the front line!"

"The current situation on the battlefield is actually because the troops sent by our Sand Shinobi are relatively weak, so they are targeted by Hanzo."

"Konoha has sent three disciples of Sarutobi Hiruzen to take charge, and Iwa Ninja has also sent a veteran Kage-level powerhouse, Huang Shi."

"And our army is only supported by two children, Rasa and Garura. Although they have good talents, they are only Elite Jōnin and Jōnin after all, and they are far from Kage level!"

"Furthermore, Hanzo's poison is very powerful, and they don't have any way to deal with it. I also have some research on poisons, so I just happened to go and meet him!"

Third Generation Kazekage nodded, pondered for a moment and then said: "In that case, the battlefield of the Kingdom of Rain will be left to you!"

"This time when we face Sansho Hanzo, we suffered heavy losses on the front line. I can draw another thousand troops from the ninjas who protect the village, and you can take them to the front line."

Ebizō hesitated for a moment and then said: "But what about the Iwa Ninja? They have always been eyeing them, and they are very dirty. Iwa Ninja likes to play tricks the most. Will deploying a thousand ninjas allow them to take advantage of it?"

Third Generation head Kazekage waved his hand and replied: "Don't worry, the Iwa ninja are not only at war with Rain Shinobi, but also with Kumo ninja. With their current strength, they cannot threaten us!"


The battlefield of the Kingdom of Rain, in the ruins of the town.

Senju Genjian led his Anbu ninja squad through the streets.

Their mission this time is to clear out the Rain Shinobi hiding in the town.

As the saying goes, if you cut the grass without removing the root, it will grow again when the spring breeze blows.

If these fish that have slipped through the net are not cleaned up, they may cause trouble in the rear after the troops penetrate deeply into the Kingdom of Rain.

The four of them ran quickly through the town and saw many refugees who had lost their homes along the way.

"Squad leader, there are Rain Shinobi activities three hundred meters to the north, four of them!" Yun said quickly with veins popping out of his eyes.

Senju Genma nodded and led the ninja squad towards the three Rain Shinobi.

In a short time, the four of them arrived at their destination.

They stood on the houses and looked down.

They were a Chūnin and three Genin. They were coming out of a private house, holding money and some gold and silver jewelry in their hands.

Senju Xuanjian is already familiar with this. He has seen too many such people on the battlefield.

When a war breaks out, some people choose to defend their homeland, while others choose to make war fortune and make money from dead people just like them. Such people are more annoying than the enemy.

But Senju Genjian soon saw something strange to him.

A Genin walked out of the alley, pulling a child behind him.

Although the child was dressed in ragged clothes, he wore a helmet similar to a diving mask on his head.

It can be seen that this child is most likely a native child of the Kingdom of Rain, and he is wearing the characteristic clothing of the Kingdom of Rain.

The two were tugging and tugging as they walked, and it was obvious that the child did not want to go with this Amegakure Genin.

"You seem to have done nothing good!" Senju Xuanjian jumped in front of the four of them.

Rain Shinobi and the other four were startled when they heard this, and Shin and the other three also walked out of the shadows.

Anbu's strength is much higher than the four Rain Shinobi. Before Senju Genjian spoke up, Rain Shinobi didn't find any trace of them at all.

Rain Shinobi and the four of them tensed up and were on guard nervously.

They did not underestimate Senju Genma just because he was a child. After all, they had not noticed Senju Genma's existence just now.

"No need to wait, let's do it!"

Senju Xuanjian gave the order, and directly used the teleportation technique to step forward, and then used strange force to crush the neck of Genin who was holding the child.

Xin, Yun and Shan threw ninja tools together and killed the remaining three ninjas.

Holding the child's hand, Senju Genjian knew that the other person was probably a girl. Of course, it could also be a cute boy with a light body.

Senju Genma took off his cat face mask to make himself look more approachable.

"Little guy, what's your name?"

Seeing Senju Genma's face, the child who was frightened by the killing came back to her senses. She did not answer immediately, but took off her mask first.

What came into view was a girl with light blue-purple hair, a bun, light orange eyes, and a delicate face.

Senju Genjian felt a little familiar, but the hair colors and styles in the Hokage world were all kinds of weird, and this appearance was not uncommon, so he didn't recognize who it was.

"My name is Konan."

A flash of surprise flashed through Senju Genma's heart. He didn't expect that the first time he came out to lead a team, he would meet Konan, the "White Tiger" of the Akatsuki Organization.

And depending on the situation, she hasn't met Yahiko and Nagato yet.

Konan was a little scared and didn't understand why the handsome big brother in front of him was staring straight at him.


A growl came from his stomach, breaking the silence between the two of them.

Konan blushed, lowered his head and said, "I'm sorry, I'm too hungry!"

Senju Genjian touched her little head and said that he would not hurt her.

Konan also calmed down.

Senju Genjian looked at her scarred hands again, which were traces left when looking for food in the ruins, and then hurriedly took out two pieces of dry bread from her waist pocket.

Konan was indeed very hungry. He took the dry bread and ate it hungrily without caring about his image.

Senju Genjian showed a gentle smile on his face and arranged her hair and clothes while she was eating dry bread.