
Chapter 22 What A Cute Kid

"I have other tasks." After Hatake Sakumo said, he used the teleportation technique to turn into a black shadow and leave.

Soon, Tsunade, who was neatly dressed, also walked out of the tent.

"Who were you talking to just now?"

Senju Xuanjian turned around, and the two of them were tired of each other.

Tsunade felt that after being separated from Senju Genma for more than a year, she really liked Senju Genma more and more.

If Senju Genma's body hadn't been fully developed yet, Tsunade would have eaten Senju Genma last night.

Fortunately, Senju Genma's mouth and fingers were trained very well by her. Although she couldn't take the last step, she still gave Tsunade temporary satisfaction.

"It's Captain Sakumo. He brought the Hokage-sama's order, let me stay on the battlefield, and made me the squad leader of the Anbu ninja class." Pushing away Tsunade's bright red lips kissing his face, Senju Xuan He wiped the saliva from his face in disgust.

Senju Genma's disgusted look actually inspired Tsunade's desire to win, and a pair of jade hands began to play tricks on Senju Genma's body.

"The teacher really values ​​you. He made you the squad leader so quickly. In a few years, will he make you the captain?"

"Tsunade, I feel relieved to see you are still so perverted!"

Not far from the tent, Orochimaru pulled the rope tree towards the two of them.

The strange thing is that Shengshu kept covering his eyes and kept muttering: "I didn't see anything, sister, don't kill me."

Orochimaru had a smile on his face.

In fact, he didn't understand how Tsunade became like this.

It was clear that Tsunade was quite normal when she was young, but after meeting Senju Genma, she went further and further down the path of perversion.

Is the charm of Xuanjian so great?

Orochimaru looked at Senju Genma and couldn't help but sigh.

Okay! I'm really charming. Just one glance can make people fall in love with me. No wonder I'm so popular in the village. I don't know what would happen if my gender were changed.

"If you don't go to the front line to direct the battle, how come you have time to come to us? Could it be that you have an itchy skin and want me to repair it?"

Tsunade noticed the way Orochimaru looked at Senju Genma, and she felt a little disgusted and clenched her fists. , gritted his teeth and said.

Orochimaru shook his head hurriedly and said: "How could it be? I'm here to inform Genma that he will go to the battlefield tomorrow. I have something else to do, so I will leave first."

At this stage, the prostitution, gambling and drug trio are actually about the same strength.

It's just that Tsunade, Orochimaru and Jiraiya grew up together, and neither Orochimaru nor Jiraiya would actually make a move against Tsunade.

But Tsunade never takes action lightly.

Orochimaru didn't want to be like Jiraiya, with six broken ribs.

"Then you have to take good care of Xuanjian. If I know that you dare to bully him..."

Tsunade didn't finish her words, but the fist she waved clearly expressed her meaning.

Orochimaru nodded repeatedly and left the medical unit station with Naoki, who was temporarily blind.

Senju Genjian looked at Orochimaru, who behaved somewhat cutely, and it was hard to imagine that he would become a madman with many evil deeds in the future.

"Hehe!" Tsunade suddenly let out a strange laugh, "The troublesome guy is finally gone, Kogenma, hehehe!"

Tsunade carried Genma back to the tent.


Inside the mountain cemetery.

The white-haired Uchiha Madara sat on a seat made of trees holding a scythe, listening to the white Zetsu himself reporting to him on the situation of the Ninja World War, surrounded by a bunch of white Zetsu watching.

"It's another war, ah! Hashirama, do you see it? Your method won't work!"

"A descendant of the Senju clan? He has white hair and uses Tobirama's Ninjutsu. He is such a nasty brat!"

"And damn Tobirama, if it weren't for him, maybe Hashirama and I..."

Seeing that Uchiha Madara didn't want to talk anymore, Bai Zetsu continued: "Not only that, that kid also used Wood Style."

Uchiha Madara showed rare mood swings and her pupils began to dilate.

"are you sure?"

"Yes, it's the Wood Style·Wood Locking Wall Jutsu. I saw it clearly. And according to the intelligence, Rain Shinobi saw him using the Wood Style at the beginning of the war, but we hadn't started observing the battlefield at that time. "

A happy smile appeared on Uchiha Madara's face, "Wood Style, you are really missed. Hashirama, you can be regarded as a successor, Senju Genma? A good name, what a cute child!"

Uchiha Madara laughed heartily for a long time, but he soon remembered something.

"By the way, have you found the suitable Uchiha tribesman?"

This is related to his great plan to achieve permanent peace in the ninja world, the "Eye of the Moon Project", and cannot be ignored.

The Eye of the Moon plan is Uchiha Madara's plan to make herself Ten Tails Jinchūriki, reach the Six Paths level and start reincarnation by Sharingan, release Infinite Tsukuyomi, control everyone in the world, and achieve eternal peace in the illusion.

He doesn't have much life left, so he must find someone who is talented and easy to fool to take over his plan, and finally resurrect him to complete the plan.

"Not yet, we haven't found any Uchiha people who meet the requirements." Bai Jue responded immediately.

"Really? Then keep looking! Black Zetsu, you go with them too!" Uchiha Madara also knew that the right candidate was not so easy to find, so she could only wave her hand for White Zetsu to step aside.

"Yes!" A ball of dark liquid flowed from Uchiha Madara's cuffs to the ground, and quickly climbed up the body of Bai Zetsu.

Black and White Zetsu's body sank into the ground and left the mountain cemetery with other White Zetsus.

"Wood Style, Senju Genma, it's really interesting!" Uchiha Madara began to murmur, with an obvious smile on his face.

After all, he is an old man in his 60s and almost 70s. Even Shura, the former ninja world, has begun to like to miss the past.

He quickly thought of the figure that haunted him.



Soon, Black Zetsu, who possessed White Zetsu, used the art of Mayfly to arrive at the battlefield of the Kingdom of Rain.

At this time, Senju Genma was standing among the troops preparing to set off.

"Is that Senju Genma?" Black Zetsu asked his own question.

Bai Jue replied affirmatively: "Yes, it's him."

"Strange? I always feel like I have seen him somewhere before, and there is an indescribable feeling of familiarity." Hei Jue whispered in a doubtful tone.

After saying that, he shook his head again, throwing this unrealistic thought out of his mind.

"It must be an illusion. If I had seen him, I would definitely remember it. I should have never seen him before!"

"Let's go and continue looking for suitable Uchiha people."

This is the closest he has come to resurrecting his mother in the thousands of years he has spent. He also attaches great importance to Uchiha Madara's plan, and he must not miss this opportunity.