
Chapter 21 Goodbye Tsunade

"Genma, isn't it because you can't learn medical Ninjutsu? Why hasn't she woke up yet?" Hatake Sakumo looked at the unconscious Garura and asked.

Senju Genma squatted in front of Garura, checked her and said, "Medical Ninjutsu is just to help her recover from her injuries. She has consumed too much Chakra. She is recovering slowly and will wake up soon."

As soon as Senju Genma finished speaking, Garura slowly opened his eyes.

She found that she was completely weak, so she fumbled and took out a soldier's grain pill from her waist bag.

"Where am I? Who are you?"

Senju Xuanjian frowned slightly and said seriously: "Don't you remember? I am your husband!"

The four Hatake Sakumo and three Sand Shinobi standing behind him were covered with black lines.

I didn't expect this kid to kill people without blinking an eye, and to be so unreliable in his actions!

The three Sand Shinobi said hurriedly: "Lord Garura, are you okay?"

"I'm fine!"

After receiving Garura's answer, the three Sand Shinobi breathed a sigh of relief.

Garura is the owner of the Sand Release Blood Succession Limit in Sunagakure Village. If something happens, it will be in trouble!

Kaura swallowed the Bingliang Pill, his face began to turn rosy, and he stretched out his right hand to gently pinch Senju Genma's face.

"Do you think I look like an idiot?"

Senju Genma shook his head, looked at Garura with a pair of big watery eyes, and said cutely: "It doesn't look like that!"

After all, Kaura was still a teenager and his willpower was not strong enough. He unconsciously glanced at Senju Genma's face and whispered: "If you want to be my husband, at least wait until you grow up. "

Senju Xuanjian felt a little proud.

There's nothing I can do about it, I'm too handsome and cute, but I still have such troubles.

However, relying on his face to make a living is not what he expected. In fact, he has always wanted to rely on his strength to make a living.

Seeing the two people's faces getting closer, Hatake Sakumo coughed loudly, "Ahem! Since you are fine, let's go!"

"Xuanjian, let's go!"

Hatake Sakumo's words interrupted the atmosphere between the two of them at the right time, and Garuru looked away in embarrassment.

Senju Genma narrowed his eyes and stared at Hatake Sakumo with a sinister look.

Although there was no evidence, he felt that Hatake Sakumo must have deliberately ruined his good fortune.

Kakashi, don't blame me!

Hatake Sakumo looked at Senju Genma's face full of displeasure, and felt happy in his heart.

Jia Ruo nodded and said quickly: "That's right. In this case, let's say goodbye!"

She blushed and grabbed Senju Genma's hand and scratched his palm twice.

"I will never forget your life-saving grace, and I will keep today's events in mind."

After saying that, Garura jumped onto the tree, followed closely by the three Sand Shinobi.

Hatake Sakumo slapped Senju Genma hard on the head, and the smile on his face became stronger: "Okay, stop looking, we still have a mission! Let's go quickly!"

Senju Genjian gave him a vicious look and followed him with an annoyed look on his face.

After the five people sorted out the harvest from this trip, they searched the corpses of several Rain Shinobi to replenish their battle consumption.

Then they rushed towards the northern border of the Kingdom of Rain.

The Kingdom of Rain is too dangerous. If there is a problem with the intelligence and they encounter Hanzo, they will be in big trouble. It is safer to stay with the large army.

The five people walked through the rain for several days. During this period, they encountered many Sand Shinobi and Rain Shinobi, but they were able to avoid them all.

They are ninjas. When performing missions, they don't need to use Wushuang to kill all the enemies. They just need to complete the mission objectives.

With Hatake Sakumo's communication, the five people quickly entered the camp of Konoha troops.

After entering the camp, Senju Genjian's mind was no longer on the mission.

He found Orochimaru in the command room, inquired about the location of the medical unit, and hurried to the medical unit's station.

After entering the medical unit, Senju Genma truly felt the cruelty of the battlefield.

There were corpses and broken ninjas everywhere, and wailing and angry accusations could be heard everywhere.

Fear, pain, confusion, sadness, hatred, anger and madness all gathered here.

Although Senju Genjian had killed many people, scenes like this still made him feel uncomfortable.

"Why are you here?!" Tsunade's surprised voice came from behind Senju Genma.

Senju Genma quickly turned around, hugged Tsunade, and buried his head in her arms.

"Are you okay?!" Senju Genjian spoke slowly, with concern in his tone.

Senju Genma's caring words slowly calmed Tsunade's nervous heart.

A gentle smile appeared on her face, and she knelt down and gently stroked Senju Genma's hair.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. War is like this, you have to get used to it!"

She never thought of saying any beautiful words to Senju Genjian to cover up all this.

Beauty is just a momentary feeling, while truth is eternal, but truth will never be beautiful.

War is never beautiful, and learning to accept it is better than escaping from reality.

Senju Genma rubbed his face in Tsunade's arms like a wounded kitten.

Tsunade held him in her arms lovingly and buried her head in his neck.

Senju Genjian thought for a moment and then asked: "Sister Tsunade, can I stay here?"

"What did you say?!" Tsunade didn't expect Senju Genma to say such words, and she felt warm and worried at the same time.

This is not a safe place!

Tsunade quickly calmed down again and asked with a solemn expression: "Are you sure you want to do this?"

Senju Xuanjian nodded, "I want to stay with you and also want to train myself."

Tsunade was silent for a while and replied: "Okay, I will go and talk to Orochimaru. As for whether you can stay, it depends on the teacher."

She herself went to the battlefield at the age of six. The front line was indeed dangerous, but as long as she could survive the war, she would have no problem becoming a capable ninja.

Moreover, although the front line is not safe, Senju Genma still has to do a mission while staying in Anbu. Tsunade has also heard about this mission, which goes deep into the hinterland of the Land of Rain, which is very dangerous.

In this case, it is better to let him stay with you. Jiraiya and Orochimaru are also here, so they can get training and be safer at the same time.

Maybe no one from their porn, gambling, and drug trio would be a match for Hatake Sakumo, but any two of them could still defeat Hatake Sakumo together.


Early the next morning, in Tsunade's tent.

Senju Genma woke up from bed with Tsunade.

Senju Genjian finally came to the front line and finally warmed Tsunade's bed for the first time in a long time.

Leaving Tsunade's warm embrace, she got out of bed, got dressed and came outside the tent.

When I walked out of the tent door, I looked up and saw Hatake Sakumo walking towards the tent.

"It seems you had a good sleep last night!"

Senju Genjian asked in confusion: "Is there a new mission?"

Hatake Sakumo waved his hand and said: "No, Master Hokage has given a new order for you to stay here. Master Hokage has already communicated with Orochimaru, and I believe they will stay and help you from now on. From now on, you are the new squad leader of the Ren class."

Senju Genjian asked: "What about you?"