
Chapter 20 It’S Not Me Who’S Wrong

"Okay." Garuruo looked around and responded.

"You really cherish words like gold!" Senju Xuanjian curled his lips and said.

"Hahaha! I'm really lucky. Not only did I meet the Sand Shinobi, but I also met the ninjas of Konoha. Killing you and returning home will be a great achievement. Master Hanzo will definitely reward me!"

The leader, Rain Shinobi, looked at the several ninjas in front of him and laughed very loudly.

We have an elite team of seventeen people on our side, but the opponent only has nine people in total, including two children. This is really a great achievement for nothing.

He didn't even realize who he was facing!

"Who?!" A panicked voice came from under Rain Shinobi's breathing mask, and he quickly hid aside.

I saw that Hatake Sakumo had already pulled out the ninja sword from his back. The blade was filled with white Chakra light. He used the teleportation technique to quickly come to Captain Rain Shinobi and slashed him with the sword.

Captain Rain Shinobi was so frightened that he broke out in cold sweat. He was an Elite Jōnin, and he was almost killed by the opponent with a knife just now.

He hurriedly shouted: "Come together and kill them!"

He has realized that the other party is not simple, and the current situation must make full use of his own numerical advantage.

The Rain Shinobi's eyes became fierce, and they all rushed towards Hatake Sakumo and the other nine people.

The scene instantly became chaotic, and the battlefield was divided into two parts. One part was the location of Konoha Anbu, and the other part was the location of Sand Shinobi.

Although the two sides are temporarily cooperating, no one can trust their back to the ninjas from other villages.

"Be careful, I'll deal with the other party's leader first."

Hatake Sakumo knows Senju Genma's strength. The two have worked together for a year, and he knows how strong the other side is.

There are ten people surrounding our side, one Elite Jōnin and two Jōnin, and the rest are Special Jōnin and Chūnin.

He safely left the four Senju Genjian men behind him and rushed towards the Rain Shinobi leader alone, killing him and leaving the other party without a leader.

Hatake Sakumo is very fast, and those Amegakure's Chūnin and Special Jōnin can't stop him at all.

A Jōnin immediately appeared next to the Rain Shinobi leader and joined him to resist Hatake Sakumo.

"The Art of Darkness!"

Senju Genjian rushes into the crowd and activates Genjutsu to deprive Rain Shinobi of his vision.

The Dark Walking Jutsu is a close and medium range Genjutsu with an effective range of about ten meters. In an instant, four Rain Shinobi were plunged into darkness.

Senju Genjian glanced at the four people who had slipped through the net outside the range of the Dark Act.

Judging from the amount of chakra, there are only four Special Jōnin and Chūnin. I believe they can completely solve it.

Senju Genma opened the scroll and summoned a huge shuriken and a Senju giant sword nearly as tall as a man.

"Shuriken Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

The giant shuriken with blue light shot at the four Rain Shinobi, and dozens of shurikens appeared in the air.

Although the three Chūnin and Special Jōnin responded, it was difficult to resist all these shurikens when they were deprived of vision. In addition, most Jōnin were squishy. As long as the shurikens hit, they would be killed on the spot. .

And Jōnin is indeed Jōnin, even if he is deprived of his vision, he can still resist the shuriken with his keen hearing and perception.

He picked up the scythe in his hand, took out a kunai from his waist bag, and waved it quickly in the air. Although his body kept retreating due to Senju Genma's huge strength, the shurikens were blocked by him one by one.

"Untie!" Yugakure Jōnin also realized that he had been hit by Genjutsu, and formed a Yin Seal to untie Genjutsu.

After finding that it was useless, he raised the kunai and stabbed himself. The pain disrupted the flow of Chakra and broke the illusion.

Senju Xuanjian's eyes moved slightly. He didn't expect that he would meet a ruthless person who dared to stab him today.

It can only be said that there is no simple thing that can become a Jōnin ninja.

"Water Style·Water body!"

Amegakure Jōnin used water to condense a clone. The water clone is different from the Shadow Clone in that it only has 10% of the power of the original body.

I saw one of them put the sickle to his waist, and the other quickly formed the seal.


"Water Style·Water Dragon Bullet Technique!"

In the rainy environment of the Land of Rain, both water body and water dragon bombs have been greatly improved.

However, Rain Shinobi is not the only one who uses Water Style.

"Water Style·Heavenly Cry!"

Senju Genma spat out a water needle from his mouth and shot it at the water body using Iai.

The water body raised the scythe to block it and was repelled.

Genjian then used the teleportation technique to avoid the water dragon bullet, and Taking the opportunity, he separated a Wood Clone and entangled with the water body, and rushed towards Amegakure Jōnin.

Facing the rapidly approaching Senju Genma, Amegakure Jōnin also gave up using Ninjutsu and raised his sickle to compete with him in Taijutsu.

Amegakure Jōnin's sword skills are indeed not bad, and he should have received the true inheritance of Hanzo, but the sickle is not good enough compared with the Senju giant sword.

After fighting for several rounds, it was crushed to pieces.

Faced with Amegakure Jōnin who lost his weapon, Genma With just a few swings of the sword in his hand, his head was cut off.

Before he could stop, a petite figure flew over his head. Genma jumped lightly and grabbed Garura's collar.

"Are you OK?"

Looking at Garura, the sand armor on her body had begun to break.

It can be seen that fighting two Jōnin at the same time is still too much pressure for her. After all, the water environment of the Rain Country is not conducive to her sand escape.

"I'm fine!" Garuruo gritted his teeth and replied.

"Water Style·Wave!"

A Jōnin from the Hidden Rain Village transformed the Chakra condensed in his body into water, and then sprayed a high-pressure water column on the ground to form a wave of water to attack the two people.

"Wood Style·Wood Locking Wall!"

A row of wooden pillars curved from the ground to form an arch wall to protect them in front of the two people. The water waves crashed on it without leaving any trace.

Another Jōnin threw a scythe and used chains and trees to attack Senju Genma from a weird angle.

Senju Genma raised the Senju giant sword to block, and at the same time injected Chakra into the sword body, and the sword glowed blue.

The two Jōnin also saw the tragic situation of their predecessors and would not make the same mistake. They hurriedly distanced themselves to avoid close combat and released Ninjutsu from a distance.

Genjian would not stand and be beaten like this, so he started shooting shurikens and kunai at the two of them to interfere.

The two Jōnin picked up their sickles to block, interrupting Ninjutsu. Unlike Genma, they all needed to form seals to use Ninjutsu.

The two Amegakure Jōnin looked solemnly and stood on the spot facing off against Genma, being cautious.

"How is that possible?" With a cry of surprise, Genma suddenly appeared next to a Jōnin and cut him in half. At his feet was a shuriken engraved with a strange technique.

"Flying Thunder God Slash!" Genma said coldly.

Jōnin, who was still alive, did not panic, but jumped to the tree behind him to find a safe place.

Genjian would not let him go so easily: "Water Style·Water Continuous Bomb!"

A bullet-like water cannon shot out of his hand and fired at Jōnin.

"Water Style·Water Barrier!"

Jōnin quickly formed a seal and raised a water wall from bottom to top to protect himself, but this also made him lose the ability to move!

"Water Style·Water Barrier Technique!" Genma used the instantaneous body technique to come to him, and a large amount of water wrapped Jōnin in it together with his Water Barrier. The Water Barrier quickly dissipated, and Jōnin began to have difficulty breathing.

Genma noticed early on that this Jōnin was different from most Rain Shinobi in that he did not wear a respirator. Watching Rain Shinobi slowly lose his ability to move, Genma released the water prison technique and beheaded him with the Senju giant sword.

After taking care of the two Jōnin, he turned around and found Hatake Sakumo and Nobuban standing aside and looking at him.

"Have you solved it?"

Hatake Sakumo spread his hands and said with a smile: "Of course!"

"Then you didn't come to help me earlier, and you're still here watching the show?!" Senju Xuanjian said angrily.

"The main purpose of this mission is to train you, so what's the point of helping you?" Hatake Sakumo's expression was dull and he didn't take Senju Genma's words to heart at all.

Senju Genjian didn't believe his nonsense.

You must be resenting me for threatening your son. Just wait for me. Your son's beating will definitely be inevitable.

Kakashi, it's not me who's wrong, it's your father!