
Chapter 19 Attack

"There is indeed something wrong with Rain Shinobi. There are actually more than a thousand ninjas hiding here. I just don't know whether their target is Konoha or Sand Shinobi." Hatake Sakumo put away a scroll and pulled Senju Genma out of the town.

Don't underestimate these one thousand ninjas, this number is already quite a lot.

Although the troops in Ninja Village have higher combat effectiveness than ordinary people, their numbers have always been small.

The strongest of the five kingdoms, the Fire Country, only has about 25,000 ninjas, and the weakest Water Country only has about 15,000 ninjas, and may not even reach this number.

The Country of Rain is a small country.

Although under the leadership of Demigod Hanzo, the Rain Hidden Village is prospering and expanding, and its strength has begun to catch up with the big countries.

However, the country's strength is only 10,000 ninjas.

It still fights on three sides, with a support force of 1,000 people.

By no means less.

The reason why the Kingdom of Rain has not been destroyed is not only because Hanzo is powerful, but also because the value of the Kingdom of Rain is not high and it is not worth investing more troops.

War is about measuring gains. If fighting a war will result in losses, then there is no need to fight.

Senju Genjian sighed and said: "I didn't expect it to end like this. I thought I would meet the legendary ninja Hanzo!"

Hatake Sakumo struck him directly on the head with his knife, and Senju Genma could only cover his head in pain.

"Ouch! What are you doing!"

"Can you please stop saying such unlucky things? That is a man who is known as the invincible ninja. He is recognized by ninjas as the pinnacle of the world."

"Don't underestimate him. Even I am not 100% sure that I can escape unharmed after fighting him."

Perhaps because he was worried that Senju Genma would not take his words to heart, Hatake Sakumo's face was very solemn.

Only then did Senju Xuanjian put away his contempt.

In my previous life, I watched Hanzo's battles in anime and felt that Hanzo's combat power was average, but now I realized that I had forgotten something very important.

During the Fourth Ninja World War, Hanzo was in a state of reincarnation, and he was still in his old age. Due to the double weakening, his strength was far worse than in his heyday!

With his great reputation, he was able to single-handedly defeat the Sannin and Konoha ninja forces, and lead the weak Rain Country to compete with the three major nations at the same time. How could a strong man recognized by the ninjas of the world be so simple?

Thinking of this, Senju Xuanjian couldn't help but feel a little nervous. He didn't want to die before he grew up.

When Hatake Sakumo saw Senju Genma's appearance, he laughed angrily.

This guy is really bully!

But this is fine, only those with awe can live longer, and geniuses who die young are nothing!

Hatake Sakumo said with a smile: "Okay, don't think about it. According to intelligence, Hanzo is currently on the front battlefield, and we can't touch him."

"I don't even care about Hanzo, let's go!" Senju Xuanjian was relieved and resumed his arrogant attitude.

Hatake Sakumo looked at Senju Genma's little face, pinched it with his hands, and said through gritted teeth: "You guy, you can change your face very quickly! Do you know that you deserve a beating like this?"

Facing Hatake Sakumo's attack, Senju Genma didn't show any fear at all and immediately threatened:


Hatake Sakumo was stunned, he didn't expect Senju Genma to be so shameless.

But facing the threat from Senju Genma, he had nothing to do.

He knew Senju Genma's talent. Even if he gave birth to a son, it would be unrealistic to surpass Senju Genma.

As for having a daughter...

He looked at Senju Genma's handsome face and felt that the possibility of being married off was not low.

Hatake Sakumo could already imagine that one day in the future, the daughter he had cared for since childhood came home and suddenly said that he wanted to introduce his boyfriend to him. What caught his eyes was Senju Genma's face that needed a beating.

Senju Xuanjian hugged his daughter and asked himself arrogantly: Lao Deng, is it safe for my carriage to park downstairs?

Hatake Sakumo shuddered, that scene was really terrifying.

That kind of future is not the future he wants!

Senju Genma saw Hatake Sakumo gradually becoming ferocious, and said cautiously: "Let's go back quickly! I believe they will have to wait impatiently!"

Hatake Sakumo remained silent, nodded to himself, and led the way.

Senju Genma can feel that Hatake Sakumo is very dangerous now, with lions hidden in his eyes.

The two quickly returned to the meeting place.

"I feel someone is around us, very close, right in front of us." Senju Genma said suddenly.

"Yun!" Xin called softly.

"I know!" Yun responded immediately, his eyes turned blue-white, veins popped out around his eyes, and black marks appeared in his pupils.

Senju Genma also controls Chakra to expand his range of perception.

"To the west, there are seventeen people and four teams, six hundred meters away from us." Yun quickly said: "There is another four-man team approaching us from the northwest. They are almost there."

Hatake Sakumo said: "A team of seventeen people, does that mean there is likely to be an Elite Jōnin?"

"It can't be avoided, prepare to fight!"

"Shan, give me the thing!" Senju Xuanjian said solemnly.

Yama took off the large scroll from his back and handed it to Senju Genma.

This scroll was given to Senju Genjian by Uzumaki Mito. It contains the ninja tools collected by the Senju clan. It is said that Senju Hashirama used this scroll before.

Senju Xuanzang took the scroll and carried it on his back, and everyone dispersed and hid behind the tree.

Soon, a four-person team arrived here first, led by a teenage girl with shoulder-length sandy brown short hair.

It could be seen that the other three ninjas listened to her words.

They looked left and right, seemingly investigating their surroundings.

"That seems to be Sand Shinobi." Senju Genma saw their forehead protectors, which had an hourglass logo on them, which looked like an "i" outlined with lines.

"Sunagakure Village is currently fighting Rain Shinobi in the southwest of Rain Country. It seems that they are also worried that the troops here will threaten them, so they sent people to investigate." Hatake Sakumo said in a low voice.

While the two were talking, several shurikens attacked them.

They jumped out of the grass and came to the tree.

The girl raised her kunai and shouted: "Who?!"

Hatake Sakumo sighed and glanced at the remaining sand on his feet.

"Is it because of the sand on the ground? There is indeed a problem!"

"Kara, he seems to be a ninja of Konoha!" Sand Shinobi on the side saw clearly the forehead protectors of Senju Genma and Hatake Sakumo, came to Garura and whispered.

Sand Shinobi wanted to say something more, but Rain Shinobi was already surrounded from all sides.

"Let's get rid of those guys first!" Hatake Sakumo said to Garura. He had already seen that this girl was the backbone of the Sand Shinobi team.

At this time, the Fire Country and the Wind Country have not yet started a war. Since they have a common enemy, Rain Shinobi, temporary cooperation is acceptable.