
Chapter 18 The Kingdom Of Rain

Senju Genma has a very good attitude and does not feel arrogant or arrogant at all, which Hatake likes very much.

Hatake Sakumo nodded and said: "From now on, I will be your ninja class. Since the situation is tense now, Master Hokage ordered me to act together with your class."

"Please introduce yourselves!"

"Hello, I'm the monitor, Xin."

"I am Yun."

"I am the mountain."

The unified reporting names are all code names. It is normal for Anbu to not know each other's real names.

"What about my code name?" Senju Genma tilted his head and looked at Hatake Sakumo.

"You can choose your own code name, or you can just use your own name. Like me, I just use my name."

After Hatake Sakumo finished speaking, he took out a scroll. A burst of white smoke dissipated, and a cat face mask, an Anbu combat uniform and a black cloak appeared.

Senju Genzhan took over the clothes and mask. He didn't bother to think of a new code name and said directly: "Then I'll use my name as a code name."

"I understand. I will go and report to you and pick up the mission. You can change your clothes first!" After Hatake Sakumo finished speaking, he turned and left the room.

Although the Anbu members are powerful, there are also Jōnin like Captain Nobu and Senju Genma who can defeat Jōnin head-on.

But because Senju Genma has just joined and has never joined the ninja class, the task Nobuban takes is not difficult.

They are all relatively simple tasks such as guarding prisoners in Konoha Prison, or conducting intelligence investigations outside the village or at the border.

Senju Genjian did not shirk this, and even did it very happily.

Even just some of Anbu's basic tasks have allowed him to accumulate a lot of experience not long after he became a ninja. Some lurking and tracking skills are very useful for the current Senju Genma.

Of course, Hatake Sakumo will not participate in these simple tasks. Only when they actually go to the battlefield will Hatake Sakumo and Senju Genma act together.

After getting along for a period of time, Senju Genjian and the other three team members got to know each other better.

Nobu, whose real name is Sarutobi Nobu, a Jōnin from the Sarutobi clan, was transferred to Anbu shortly before Senju Genma.

Yun, whose real name is Hyuga Yosuke, Special Jōnin, is a member of the Hyuga clan branch house.

Yama, whose real name is Murayama Akihiko, is a Special Jōnin who was born as a commoner.

A ninja clan behind the contemporary Hokage, a conservative clan, and a ninja born from a civilian background. Senju Genma didn't even bother to think deeply about the composition of this ninja class.

These team members were very kind to Senju Genma. They did not look down on him because of his young age, but helped him understand the war situation every day.

Not only that, Captain Sarutobi Nobu will also analyze the current situation of various countries for him from time to time, as well as possible battlefield changes in the future.

Senju Genjian did not reject everyone's kindness and fully absorbed what everyone taught him.

In this way, Senju Genma usually does tasks, and when he doesn't have work, he plays games with Mikoto and Kushina. The days pass by.

A year later, Senju Genma finally got the first mission to enter the battlefield of Rain Country.

Originally, Hiruzen Sarutobi was reluctant to let him go to the battlefield, but battle reports came from the front line. The troops of the three Orochimaru had penetrated deep into the Kingdom of Rain, and the war had come to an end.

Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't want to miss this opportunity to train Senju Genma, so he decided to send him out.

This time, Senju Genma's mission is to sneak into the Kingdom of Rain and detect Rain Shinobi's troop deployment.

Hatake Sakumo teased: "This must be Genma's first time on the battlefield, right?!"

"It doesn't matter. I have used Wood Clone on the battlefield before, and I have experience in killing Rain Shinobi." Senju Genma said with a proud face.

Hatake Sakumo patted his little head and said seriously: "It's just that Wood Clone went well. If something happens to you on the battlefield, we will suffer the same consequences!"

"Next we will enter the Kingdom of Rain. After completing the mission, we will report to the front line."

A trace of disappointment flashed in Senju Genjian's eyes. He hadn't seen Tsunade for a long time.

One of them is working on a mission in Anbu, and the other is staying on the front line to be busy with the war. They can only communicate remotely through live snakes when they have time.

Even so, Senju Genma didn't say much. Since he chose to accept the mission, he had to complete it well. Anyway, he would go to the front line sooner or later, and he would definitely meet Tsunade.

The five of them put on the hoods of their black cloaks and sneaked into the Kingdom of Rain through a secret route in the woods.

The Country of Rain is located at the junction of the soil, Konoha and Sand regions. The climate is in the rainy season all year round, and the rainwater flows into the inland lake surrounding the Rain Hidden Village.

After several people were attacking in the Kingdom of Rain for two and a half days, Senju Xuanjian frowned.

During this time, it kept raining wherever I went, and it never stopped.

Although Senju Genma likes rainy days, being exposed to rain all the time can still make people feel uncomfortable.

Moreover, this kind of weather makes it difficult for people to survive. Although there is sufficient water, there is a serious lack of sunlight, and crops cannot survive. Most of the food can only be imported.

This is also the reason why Hanzo wants to expand. The Country of Rain cannot be called wealthy. In such an environment, people cannot even solve the problem of food and clothing. There is no way to solve it. They can only seek land with a better environment.

Senju Genma plans to wait until the war is over and ask people to grow some mushrooms, bean sprouts and the like here, and sell them directly locally. He will definitely make a lot of money.

"Everyone, be careful, we are approaching the town of Rain Country!" Hatake Sakumo said.

Several people sneaked all the way, and after about half a day, they finally arrived at a town.

Along the way, we also met a lot of Rain Shinobi who were patrolling around, but they were able to avoid them all.

Looking around, it is better to say that it is a town than a steel castle.

The buildings in the town are mainly made of steel, and there are also quite a few stone materials. They are erected inside and outside by many large and small steel pipes, forming a unique landscape.

Hatake Sakumo thought for a moment and said: "This is the goal of our trip. According to the intelligence, Rain Shinobi's recent movements are a bit strange. He may be gathering troops here. The purpose of our trip is to find out the true and false status of the enemy." and troop deployment."

"Xuanjian, the two of us will conduct the infiltration investigation. Xin, the three of you will be responsible for the response outside."

"This mission is related to the next attack target of the main force. All members must be extremely careful and make sure no mistakes are made."

"Yes!" The others responded immediately.

Hatake Sakumo led Senju Genma into the town. The two of them just changed their clothes and didn't even use their transformation skills. The same hair color made them look like brothers.