
Chapter 17 Entering Anbu

Senju Genma returned to the rope tree and looked back at the area where Orochimaru was.

Although Rain Shinobi has two Jōnin, Orochimaru can handle them very easily.

Orochimaru was fine at all, but the two Amegakure Jōnin were already scarred.

"Wind Escape·Great Breakthrough!"

I saw Orochimaru forming a seal with one hand, spitting out strong wind from his mouth, and blew the two Rain Shinobi away.

"Wind Release: Wind Cut Technique!"

Orochimaru used the teleportation technique to quickly get close to the two of them, gathered the extremely fast rotating wind in his hand as a sword, and slashed at the two Rain Shinobi.

A deep wound was cut on the back of the two Rain Shinobi, and their bodies fell to the ground.

Orochimaru checked the two bodies, and then quickly came to Senju Genma and Naoki.

"Are you guys okay?"

"We're fine!"

After Senju Genjian finished speaking, he slapped Noshu on the head.

"Hey! You've come to your senses! You were in a daze on the battlefield, do you want to die?!"

Shengshu came back to his senses and responded hurriedly: "Oh! I'm fine!"

"You guys are really awesome!"

Senju Genjian said angrily: "With this lesson, you have to be more careful in the future! Let's go back!"

Nao Shu lowered his head, not daring to look at Senju Genjian.

It was indeed too dangerous just now. Without Senju Genma, he would definitely be dead with so many detonating talismans.

He replied angrily: "I know."

Orochimaru asked: "Do you still have enough Chakra?"

Senju Xuanjian patted his chest: "Don't worry, it's totally fine!"


Seven days later.

Senju Xuanjian got up early and left the clan area, preparing to wait for someone to pick him up.

Because he has received an order to report to Anbu.

As soon as the appointed time arrived, a figure wearing a fox mask, black tights, and a white overalls appeared in front of him.

"Captain Tiger asked me to pick you up, come with me!"

Senju Genma recognized the other party's identity at a glance.

Although the other party wore a mask to hide his true appearance, the white ponytail hair and the dagger on his back allowed Senju Genma to recognize his identity.

Hatake Sakumo, once participated in the mission to protect Senju Genma and Uzumaki Kushina.

Anbu, whose full name is the Assassination Tactics Special Forces, was established by Second Hokage Senju Tobirama, and the troops are directly commanded by Hokage.

There are a total of seventy Anbu in Konoha, including a captain and a deputy captain. The current captain and deputy captain are Tora and Ushio, both Anbu personnel who have been working during the Second Hokage.

It has four squadrons, each with seventeen people.

There is a squad leader, with four squads under his jurisdiction. Each squad is composed of four ninjas, divided into one squad leader and three squad members.

Hatake Sakumo is now one of the four squad leaders.

The Anbu training department "Root" established by Shimura Danzo is essentially equivalent to a detachment of Anbu, with Danzo leading four classes and a total of seventeen people.

Although Danzo has absolute control over the root, the root actually belongs to Anbu and is a subordinate department of Anbu.

"I didn't expect you to be here! It seems that Hokage-sama also attaches great importance to my safety!" Senju Genma nodded.

"It seems you know my identity."

A trace of curiosity flashed across Hatake Sakumo's face under the mask.

As the captain of the Anbu squad, his identity is kept secret. The other party is so confident in his strength that he must have recognized his identity.

Who told Senju Genma? Could it be Lord Hokage?

This is not right. Anbu is a unit directly under the Hokage. How could he reveal his information casually?

He suddenly remembered that there was a female yellow haired girl in the ninja class he had been in. She also liked to go crazy with Senju Genma when performing tasks.

At this time, Tsunade, who was far away on the battlefield in the Land of Rain, seemed to have something in her heart: "Aqiu! Who is missing me? Is Genma missing me?"

"Sister, can you concentrate, I'm still bleeding!" Naoshu said while lying on the hospital bed.

Tsunade patted him on the head and said, "Why are you so careless? I think you are not suitable to be a ninja at all. You should go back to the village!"

Naoki said stubbornly: "How can this be done? I want to be a Hokage man."

His eyes returned to the Senju clan outside the Hidden Leaf Village.

Senju Genjian said seriously: "Actually, I have always been interested in you!"

Hatake Sakumo replied slowly: "Well... although you are good-looking, yes! But I'm really not interested in men, and I'm already married! So I'm sorry!"

Senju Genma was speechless. He didn't expect Hatake Sakumo to have funny attributes. However, as a ninja who developed the secret teleportation technique of Konoha - Millennium Kill, having funny attributes seems to be acceptable.

"Where did you think you were going? I just heard that the Hatake family's sword skills are very good, so I wanted to know more about it."

Hatake Sakumo breathed a sigh of relief and patted his chest: "That's good, but I'm afraid I can't teach you the sword skills. This is passed down from our ancestors and is not passed on to outsiders."

The two chatted and started walking through the woods and buildings in the village.

Under the leadership of Hatake Sakumo, Senju Genma came to a B&B building next to the Hokage Building.

Senju Genma's mouth twitched. He knew this building. He sometimes slept here with Uchiha Mikoto.

Don't get me wrong, I was just tired from playing in the street and it was too late, so I just found a place to sleep together.

The two of them went to the basement of the building together.

"Anbu is one of the most important organizations in Konoha. We have set up Barriers outside the base. I will teach you how to remove the barrier seal later."

Hatake Sakumo said, making twelve seals on the floor, and then a passage appeared on the ground.

After opening the Barriers, Hatake Sakumo walked into the passage with Senju Genma.

The two of them walked in twists and turns in the passage for a long time, and finally saw the light of the fire, and their sight became wider.

Hatake Sakumo unlocked another Barriers, and the two continued to go deeper, and soon came to a small room.

In the room, there were four Anbu members wearing masks.

"This is Senju Genma. You don't need to introduce me too much, right?" Hatake Sakumo pointed to Senju Genma beside him.

Of course they knew exactly who Senju Genma was. He had performed protection missions countless times.

Not to mention, Senju Genma recently used Second Hokage's Flying Thunder God Jutsu and his own A-level Ninjutsu to defeat the veteran Jōnin of the Sarutobi clan, which can be said to be famous among the Jōnin group in the village.

Although Anbu is a genius among his peers, he has to admit that he is not as good as Senju Genma.

"Hello, my name is Senju Genma, and I am a newly promoted Jōnin." Senju Genma said.

Everyone was a little surprised. They thought that the genius who defeated Jōnin at such a young age would be rebellious, but they didn't expect him to be so easy-going.