
Chapter 16 Danger Perception

Faced with Sarutobi Hiruzen's personal recruitment, Senju Genma did not hesitate at all and immediately agreed.

After receiving Senju Genma's affirmative reply, Sarutobi Hiruzen felt very happy.

He now truly regards Senju Genma as one of his own.

Danzo! How can you fight with me now that you have Senju Genma? I am far better than you, so just stay under me for the rest of your life!

"By the way, this is a letter sent from Tsunade."

Sarutobi Hiruzen said, taking out a letter from his arms.

Seemingly to comfort Senju Genma, he said: "Orochimaru and the others personally led thousands of athletes to conquer Hanzo, and the success reports continued.

Wherever our troops went, the people wholeheartedly welcomed them.

It can be said that they took full advantage of the time.

They were full of vitality and all things.

The realm of competition is still before our eyes."

"No matter what, the troops are marching very smoothly. You don't have to worry about Tsunade's safety. She is very well now!"

Senju Genjian nodded movedly, took the letter and said loudly: "Best regards, Hokage-sama!"

Hiruzen Sarutobi was very grateful for Senju Genma's praise.

"Okay, you go back today! I will inform Hu that you will officially join Anbu after a while. The village will also release some war missions. Don't worry, you will see each other soon."

Seeing Senju Genma and Sarutobi Hiruzen getting along harmoniously, Uzumaki Mito showed a kind smile.

Konoha will definitely have a bright future!

Under the watchful eyes of Sarutobi Hiruzen, Uzumaki Mito pulled Senju Genma out of Konoha Arena.


The battlefield of the Kingdom of Rain.

As soon as Konoha's main force entered the area of ​​influence of the Amegakure Village, they encountered the intercepting force of the Amegakure Village.

Fortunately, Demigod Hanzo did not appear. The troops in the Hidden Rain Village were no match for the Konoha Ninjas and were quickly repelled by the Konoha Ninjas.

"Be careful!" Orochimaru called softly as he followed the rope tree.

Even though he said that, he didn't stop Naoki from chasing Rain Shinobi.

Orochimaru has already experienced a war. In his opinion, this war is just a training for the rope tree.

After the baptism of this war, Shen Shu will soon become a truly strong man.

Shengshu said confidently: "Don't worry, teacher, I'll be fine. These guys are no match for us."

The two of them tracked the remaining troops of the Hidden Rain Village together, and Konoha's main force was quickly left behind by them.

The two chased for a while, and Orochimaru suddenly stopped on a tree and frowned.

"Be careful, Rope Tree, something's not right here, it's too quiet!"

The rope tree looked back at Orochimaru and landed smoothly on the ground.

He raised his head and saw a scene that frightened him.

Surrounded by wires are wires covered with detonating symbols.

"Rope tree!" Orochimaru shouted.

"I told you a long time ago to be careful! Otherwise, if something happens, Tsunade will definitely beat you up."

Several branches grew out from behind the rope tree, and then quickly intertwined to form the appearance of Senju Genma.


Senju Genjian did not respond to him, but clapped his hands.

"Wood Style·Wood Expulsion Technique!"

A wooden shield shaped like a fanged ghost face protruded from the ground on both sides of the rope tree's feet, shrouding the rope tree.

The surrounding detonating symbols were detonated, and a violent explosion occurred with more than ten detonating symbols.

At this time, Orochimaru looked ugly and growled: "How could this happen? Damn it! Damn it!!"

"Orochimaru, don't be too sentimental just yet, it's not over yet!"

Senju Genma's voice came from the smoke, and hope ignited in Orochimaru's eyes again.

When the smoke cleared, a huge ghost face appeared in front of Orochimaru.

The mask splits in half and opens in the middle, revealing Senju Genma and Nawaki.

"Xuanjian? Why are you here?"

"I should have said that, right? I put the seeds of Wood Clone on the rope tree." Senju Xuanma said with his arms crossed.

Orochimaru suddenly frowned: "But how did you know that the rope tree was in danger?"

As expected of a future scientist, he quickly discovered the key point of the problem. Although he has not yet started scientific research and development, his thirst for knowledge is not low at all.

"I have the ability to sense danger." Senju Xuanjian explained with his hands on his hips.

"Danger perception?" Orochimaru muttered to himself, he was still a little confused.

Obviously, most people don't have this ability.

However, the battlefield was not a suitable place for him to get to the bottom of things.

While he was thinking, the ninjas from Yuyin Village who were running away quietly surrounded him again.

Senju Genjian patted his shoulder and said, "Think about it later! We have plenty of opportunities to communicate well."

Orochimaru lowered his head and met his eyes.

Orochimaru's eyes were a little strange, as if he wanted to strip Senju Genma naked, and the atmosphere between the two became a little subtle for a while.

Senju Genjian didn't know how to describe it, he could only say he was a little anxious.

However, Senju Genjian is very self-aware. Although he knows that he is handsome, he has always only attracted women, and no man has ever done anything extraordinary to him.

He believes that this atmosphere is just his illusion, and Orochimaru will not change his orientation.

After the three of them finished chatting, the seven Rain Shinobi jumped directly to the surrounding trees.

"Boss, that one seems to be Konoha's Elite Jōnin Orochimaru, a disciple of Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen!"

The leader, Rain Shinobi, said coldly: "What the hell, who is not a Jōnin anymore? I am Elite Jōnin, you are Jōnin, seven of us versus three of them, the advantage is mine."

"Thank you, Lord Kazama!" Rain Shinobi said flatteringly.

Senju Genma and Orochimaru sandwiched the rope tree between them and spoke quickly: "Two Jōnin, five Chūnin."

"I'm just a Wood Clone. Leave those Chūnin to me and Jōnin to you. How about that?"

Naoki was at a loss, and Orochimaru responded: "Can you do it?"

"No problem! No matter what, I am still a Jōnin now!" Senju Genma said with certainty.

"Okay, just hold on." Orochimaru nodded.

He didn't say anything like "Don't die". It was just a Wood Clone. It wouldn't be a big problem if he died. As long as he could delay the time and prevent these ninjas from hurting the rope tree, he would definitely win.

Orochimaru used the teleportation technique to reach the tree and attack the two Jōnin.

Senju Genjian also rushed towards the five Chūnin.

The five Chūnin did not let Senju Genma get closer, and threw shurikens and kunai to stop him.

"Wood Style·Tree Wall Barrier!"

Senju Genjian didn't even bother to slap his hands. A shield made of multiple wooden vines stood in front of him, blocking all the ninja tools.

"Genjutsu·Dark Walking Jutsu!"

The five Chūnin were instantly deprived of their light, and their eyes turned into pitch black.

"Water Style·Water Breaking Wave!" Senju Genma spits out a straight line of ultra-high pressure water column from his mouth, like a sharp blade.


"How can it be repaired?"



"Elegant Butterfly!"

As the screams rang out, the darkness in front of the five Chūnin dissipated. Their bodies and the surrounding trees had been cut into two pieces. The broken bodies fell down and blood flowed all over the ground.