
Chapter 15 Passing The Assessment

Inside the Konoha Arena.

Senju Genma and a Jōnin from the village enter the venue.

Since Senju Genma is to become a Jōnin, regardless of other abilities, his strength still needs to be proven.

Senju Genjian's examiner is a Jōnin from the Sarutobi clan, Sarutobi Hiyori.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was very happy, talking and laughing with Uzumaki Mito beside him.

After knowing that Senju Genma has the blood limit of Wood Style, he has been paying attention to Senju Genma, and even intends to train him as one of the candidates for the Fourth Hokage.

However, Senju Genma took the initiative to participate in the war, which he liked even more.

Isn't this how he came here?

When he was young, he participated in the village's foreign wars with his passionate ginseng. Finally, when he was guarding Senju Tobirama, he chose to stay behind and was chosen as the Hokage instead.

Sarutobi Hiruzen felt that if it was Senju Genma who was on the battlefield at that time, he would have made the same choice as him.

On the seat below Sarutobi Hiruzen, a black-haired man in black clothes was also staring closely at Senju Genma.

He is the contemporary leader of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Haruto.

He is not here to blame Senju Genjian for kidnapping the little girl from the clan.

Intermarriage outside the clan is very common among the Uchiha clan, and there are even many records of marriages in the family tree.

The Senju clan is very popular in the village. Although they have a long-standing feud with the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Haruto doesn't care at all.

What he is thinking about now is how to ease the relationship between the family and the village and make the village accept the family.

This is also a common thought among the elders in the family.

If Uchiha Mikoto and Senju Genma can be combined, he can wake up from his dreams with a smile.

The only thing that worries him is his son Uchiha Fugaku.

Fugaku has liked Mikoto since he was a child.

He turned his head and looked at his son.

Uchiha Haruto is the leader of the Uchiha clan, and Fugaku is also a Chūnin now, so there is no problem in bringing him to watch the battle.

Seeing his son's well-behaved appearance, Uchiha nodded, feeling very pleased.

Putting the interests of the family first and not being swayed by personal emotions is a qualified family heir.

In fact, Fugaku was just forced by the pressure from his father and family and did not dare to resist, but chose to obey and accept.

"Let's begin!" Sarutobi Hiruzen's voice came from above.

Senju Genma and Sarutobi Hiyori both nodded to where Sarutobi Hiruzen was, and they looked at each other forming a seal of opposition.

"The assessment begins!" The referee Sarutobi Isshin in the audience gave the command at the right time.

As soon as the referee finished speaking, Senju Genma and Sarutobi Hiyori on the stage entered the state.

The first one to take action was Sarutobi Hiyori. In two or three seconds, he fired more than a dozen shurikens at them.

Clang Clang Clang!

Senju Genma also threw shurikens to intercept, and took out a three-pronged kunai to knock down the shurikens that slipped through the net.

Seeing Hiyori Sarutobi's ninja throwing, Senju Genma couldn't help but feel a shiver in his heart.

This was his first serious battle with a Jōnin-level ninja. He had also sparred with Tsunade, but Tsunade always subconsciously held back.

Sarutobi Hiyori is worthy of being a veteran Jōnin of the same generation as Sarutobi Hiruzen. The angle and strength of the ninja throw this time were perfect, as if every shuriken was aimed at killing him.

Of course, he was sure that if he couldn't stop it, the Elite Jōnin-level referees off the field would come to save him.

That greedy guy Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't bear to let him die.

Senju Genjian put away his frivolous mentality, found the opportunity, took out the shuriken from his waist bag and shot at Hiyori Sarutobi.

Sarutobi Hiyori also threw his shuriken to block.

Clang Clang Clang!

The arena was filled with the clang of shurikens.

"Fire Style·Ashes Burning!"

Taking advantage of the gap when the shuriken was intercepted again, Sarutobi Hiyori chose to open the stalemate.

I saw Sarutobi Hiyori quickly forming a seal, spitting out a ball of high-temperature soot from his mouth, which instantly covered a large area in front of Senju Genma, and surrounded Senju Genma.

Senju Genjian shot the kunai in his hand at Uhiyori. He did not form a seal with his free hands, but lightly patted them.

"Water Style·Water Barrier!"

Senju Genma spits a waterfall-like volume of water forward from his mouth, forming a wall of water that rotates in a circle around him.

Sarutobi Hiyori's ashes fell to the ground, and there was a biting movement on his mouth. The smoke was ignited, and a chain explosion soon occurred.

The venue immediately burst into flames.

When the explosion ended, the place where Senju Genma stood was covered in white steam.

Sarutobi Hiyori stared ahead cautiously. He did not have the blood inheritance limit like Byakugan and Sharingan, nor was he a perceptive ninja. In this case, he could only rely on his naked eyes and reflexes for defense.

"Fire Style: The Art of Fire!" Sarutobi Hiyori spit out fierce flames from his mouth, and the fire spread into the steam.

"What's going on? Is Master Genjian's Water Barrier just an illusion? Didn't he put down the ashes at all? Why is there no movement?" Many people looked at the cloud curiously, wondering why Senju Xuanjian didn't react at all.

Suddenly, someone in the crowd exclaimed: "Look, how did Master Xuanjian get there?"

"It's the Flying Thunder God Technique, the Flying Thunder God Technique of Master Tobirama! As expected of Master Genma, this is a Ninjutsu that no one except Second Hokage has been able to learn until now!" Another ninja said excitedly.

The continuous exclamations of the people on the sidelines did not affect Senju Genma who had arrived not far from Sarutobi Hiyori.

He raised his right hand, and a blue Chakra ball appeared in his hand and attacked Sarutobi Sunmen.

Sarutobi Hiyori felt the powerful destructive power contained in Rasengan, but he had no time to react.

The Chakra ball stopped in front of Sarutobi Hiyori and then quickly disappeared.

It was just an assessment, Senju Xuanjian never thought of killing him.

"I lost!" Sarutobi Hiyori breathed a sigh of relief and admitted his defeat.

Senju Xuanjian nodded, took two steps back, and the two of them formed a seal of reconciliation.

Although he was a little unhappy, Senju Xuanjian knew that it was impossible for him to use all his means in such an occasion.

After the assessment, Hiruzen Sarutobi retained Senju Genma and Uzumaki Mito.

Hiruzen Sarutobi, who was holding a pipe in his mouth, looked at the young man in front of him, and then said sincerely: "Genma, I didn't expect you to have grown so big in a blink of an eye. Now you are an outstanding ninja and the future of Konoha. Congratulations, you have become a Jōnin."

He paused, thought for a moment, and continued: "I hope you can join Anbu and protect the village."

Looking at Senju Genma in front of him, Sarutobi Hiruzen really liked him more and more.

Let Senju Genjian join Anbu to protect and train him.

The missions Anbu performs are all very dangerous, but is there any place on the battlefield that is not dangerous?

The minimum standard to enter Anbu is Special Jōnin. Under the same danger, it is always better to stay with the strong ones.