
Chapter 14 Separation

Immediately after Konohagakure Village launched a war against Amegakure Village, Sunagakure Village, Kumogakure Village, and Iwagakure Village all received the news.

Sand Hidden Village and Iwagakure Village followed closely, launching a war against Amegakure Village and starting war mobilization.

After the First Ninja World War, in the past fifteen years of development, various countries are no longer satisfied with the status quo, and various small-scale armed conflicts continue.

In the past, they were worried that the Fire Country was too powerful, so they did not dare to launch a large-scale war. Now that Konoha is taking the lead in attacking Amegakure Village, they must come out to get a share of the pie.

Since Yuyin Village is separated from Yuyin Village by the Kingdom of Fire, Kingdom of Tang, and Kingdom of Moon, they did not choose to join the war, but instead stayed put and waited for the opportunity.

As for Kirigakure Village, it was because of the closed-door policy that they did not receive the news immediately.


The gate of Konoha Hidden Village.

On the eve of the war, the entire village was enveloped in a tense atmosphere.

Every ordinary villager and ninja is guessing and thinking, wondering what kind of catastrophe this war will be.

Senju Genjian looked around and could still see ninjas saying goodbye to their families, and single people looking around blankly.

They can't control their present, and they can't predict their future. They can only choose to wait in confusion.

War always brings fear, pain, displacement, suffering, disaster...

At least, being confused can make them temporarily forget these negative perceptions of the battlefield.

They are a temporary medical ninja force formed by Konoha, and their leader is Tsunade.

At this time, Konoha's medical ninja system was not perfect enough, so it was slow to form a team.

Orochimaru and Jiraiya have already led the main force to rush to the battlefield early. They want to catch the Hidden Rain Village by surprise.

Senju Genma carefully arranged Tsunade's clothes. The setting sun lengthened the shadows of the two of them, but they were connected together after all.

"It's true that you are about to go to the battlefield and you are still so careless. This is your waist bag. I brought it for you. I have packed all the ninja tools in it."

Senju Genma thoughtfully tied Tsunade's waist bag and adjusted her Jōnin vest.

Tsunade just looked at him blankly and said nothing.

Senju Genjian smiled and straightened her collar.

"I know, if I get up tomorrow, I won't be able to see you."

"But don't worry, we will see each other soon, but the scene may not be beautiful at that time."

Tsunade didn't understand what he meant. In her opinion, the next time the two met, it should be the most beautiful scene.

"I'll look forward to seeing you next time."

She slowly bent down and kissed Senju Genjian on the forehead.

She doesn't like war, and she doesn't want to participate in it, but she can't do it.

There was no coercion, she was held hostage voluntarily, and she was held hostage by the little figure in front of her, and by the companions she spent day and night with in the village.

Senju Genjian looked at her and waved goodbye to her.

She just avoided Senju Genjian's gaze, turned around handsomely, and waved her hand for him to go back.

Tsunade settled her personal matters and accepted her responsibilities.

The ninjas left near the gate one after another.

The time to gather is coming soon. They will gather in the woods ten miles west of the village, and then rush to the battlefield under the leadership of Tsunade.

And in front of them, waiting for them is the reincarnation of life and death.

They don't know what the outcome will be, they just know what to do.

Senju Genjian will not laugh at their stupidity and become pawns of the powerful without knowing it. He only wants to praise their courage when facing life and death.

Senju Genma doesn't dislike people who are willing to give their lives to protect something or someone.

He did not return to his clan, but returned to the ninja school.

In this campus, the war seems to have nothing to do with them. Everything is still so orderly, but there is less of the usual hustle and bustle.

Senju Genma came to the teachers' office and found Kato Taka who was relaxing in the office with his eyes closed.

The two didn't speak much. Kato Taka handed the Konoha ninja forehead protector engraved with abstract leaf patterns to Senju Genma.


One month later, Konoha Arena.

Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen and Uzumaki Mito, the head of the Senju clan, sit high on a high platform, surrounded by more than a dozen Jōnin and dozens of Chūnin.

There are currently more than 300 Jōnin staying in the village, but only these twelve Jōnin can spare the time to come and watch the battle.

They represent the ninja clan and civilian ninjas respectively to witness the birth of the first new Jōnin in the war.

The main reason why they took time out of their busy schedules to come here is because this ninja who might become Jōnin is a famous owner of Wood Style Ninjutsu in Konoha.

Wood Style is not only the pride of the Senju clan, but also the pride of Konoha.

Most of the Konoha Jōnin of this generation grew up listening to the stories of the legendary Wood Style Ninja, the God of Ninja, and First Hokage Senju Hashirama.

They wanted to see what the future would be like for this new Wood Style Ninja and if he could become a future Ninja God.

There are two ways to advance as a ninja in Konoha.

The first path, during peacetime, goes to school obediently in a ninja school, becomes a Genin after graduation, takes the Chūnin exam, becomes a Chūnin after passing it, and finally becomes a Jōnin under the promotion of Hokage.

The second way is during the war, if the ninja school is strong enough or the village lacks ninjas, graduate early and become a Genin. After the strength is enough, there is no need to take the Chūnin exam to become a Chūnin, and finally be promoted to a Jōnin by the Hokage.

Senju Genma took the initiative to graduate from the ninja school early and then join the war.

There were many reasons why he wanted to go to war.

Although he really didn't want to admit it, he did have some feelings for this place after living here for so many years. Except for a few people, most people were very good to him and even wished to enshrine him as their ancestor.

But most importantly, he wanted to train himself.

He didn't want to become like Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, a pseudo-strong man who had no abilities and strength but couldn't display his due fighting ability.

If Uchiha Madara had the power of Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, she would definitely be able to hang Naruto and Sasuke up and beat them.

Uzumaki Mito also agreed with Senju Genma's idea.

She has never objected to her children having experience.

The former self, Hashirama, Tobirama and Uchiha Madara, and the current Sarutobi Hiruzen were all trained on the battlefield.

Her most beloved granddaughter, Tsunade, also went to war at the age of six.

Sarutobi Hiruzen had a general understanding of Senju Genma's strength, and also intended to train Genma to become one of his successors, so he planned to directly let Genma join the war as Jōnin.

He is not worried that Senju Genma will make too great a contribution in this war and threaten him.

Senju Genma is not old now. Even if he defeats Hidden Rain Village, he will not immediately become a Hokage. If he is found to have lost control in the future, it will be the same if he uses some means to damage his reputation.