
Chapter 13 War

Now that he has found an acquaintance, Jiraiya has no intention of avoiding him. At this time, Orochimaru is still a very nice person.

The five people simply sat together.

Jiraiya took Orochimaru, his old comrade, to chat with him, and by the way, he pulled Minato Namikaze to let him know about himself and Orochimaru, his uncle.

Senju Genjian looked at Nao Shu and asked seriously: "Nao Shu, you rarely return to your clan now. Do you know how much Sister Tsunade misses you?"

Naoki was also a little embarrassed. He reached out and grabbed his hair and said, "There's nothing you can do about it. The difficulty of this mission is indeed a bit high. Teacher Orochimaru still has to take care of me, so I came back late. Please beg my sister for me." ! "

Naoki shuddered unconsciously when he thought of Tsunade.

Tsunade is very gentle towards Senju Genma, but she is gentle only when she treats Senju Genma, and she is very rough with others.

Senju Genma said angrily: "Don't come here, this has happened so many times. Go back and explain to Sister Tsunade yourself."

He was silent for a while and continued: "Is this mission really dangerous?"

Naoki nodded, "Yes, Teacher Orochimaru is injured."

Senju Genjian said: "Give me your hand."

Naoki obediently stretched out his hand, and Senju Genma stretched out his hand to hold it.

Naoshu felt a warm current flowing through his hands.

"what have you done?"

"Nothing, I'm just helping you update the version of the Wood Clone seed."


"Shut up!"


Shengshu lowered his head and did not dare to speak.

Obviously Shengshu is older and Shengshu should be the elder brother, but the relationship between the two seems to be reversed.


The next day, in the Konoha Hokage Building, in the Hokage office, a white-haired ninja wearing a green vest and carrying a Short Sword appeared in front of Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"Lord Hokage, this is information from the border post."

Sarutobi Hiruzen picked up the information on the table, looked at it carefully for more than ten minutes, frowned and asked, "Is the information true?"

Hatake Sakumo lowered his head and replied: "Anbu has verified it, it is absolutely true."

Sarutobi Hiruzen slapped his hands on the table and said angrily: "Call a Jōnin meeting."

Following Hiruzen Sarutobi's order, in less than two and a half hours, all Jōnin in the village gathered at the Hokage Building.

"What's the matter with you calling us to a meeting in such a hurry?" Shimura Danzo, who was in a cold war with Sarutobi Hiruzen, asked displeasedly.

"All our ninjas in Amegakure Village have lost contact. Not only that, Amegakure Village is still gathering troops towards the border of the Land of Fire." Sarutobi Hiruzen said in a deep voice with a sad look on his face.

Knowing that Jōnin was among the ninjas who had lost contact, he felt like he was so heartbroken that he couldn't breathe.

"Hanzo must have done it to get rid of the spy we planted in Amegakure Village!" Mito Kadoen, a Hokage consultant, immediately gave his analysis, and you could hear the suppressed anger in his voice.

The Jōnin in the audience also immediately launched a heated discussion.

"Hanzo, is that the legendary ninja Hanzo?"

"What a legendary ninja, I, Konoha, will not admit it. We, Konoha, have the strongest Hokage who surpasses the God of Ninja!"

"f**king Hanzo! Dare to kill our Konoha ninjas?"

"They must be made to pay with blood."

"The small Yuyin Village can be destroyed with a single hand, and it can even turn the world upside down."

Koharu, who is also a consultant to the Hokage, also said coldly: "We in Konoha are the number one ninja village in the ninja world. We also won the first ninja war. The Land of Rain cannot even be called a big country. The small Yuyin Village dares to provoke us, we must make them pay the price!"

They are all high-level officials of Konoha Hidden Village, and their interests are the same at the national and village levels. The Hidden Leaf Village blatantly kills Konoha ninjas and gathers troops. It is obviously a slap in their faces and will threaten them. Benefit.

"The majesty and security of Konoha cannot be provoked, so I will lead the troops to attack the Hidden Rain Village." Shimura Danzo stared at Sarutobi Hiruzen with burning eyes.

Shimura Danzo decided to join the battle himself for two reasons.

First, it is because he is a representative of Konoha's main war faction and advocates the use of tough methods to safeguard Konoha's interests. If he does not stand up now, it may reduce the main war party's support for him.

The second is to prepare for the election for Fourth Hokage. If you want to become Hokage, you must gain the support of the ninjas, so military exploits and reputation are essential.

In Danzo's view, although Hanzo is powerful, Amegakure Village is a weak village.

Unless Hanzo has the strength of Senju Hashirama, the strength gap between Amegakure Village and Konohagakure Village cannot be bridged by him alone.

Yes, this is a must-win war for Konoha, both in terms of military exploits and reputation.

"Ahem!" Hiruzen Sarutobi coughed, and everyone calmed down and looked at him.

After all, he is the Hokage, and in his prime, he has absolute say in Konoha!

"Let the war begin! We in Konoha are not afraid of any challenge, let alone the mere Amegakure Village." Hiruzen Sarutobi's eyes were sharp, showing the true demeanor of a "Ninja hero".

Maybe one day he will become weak, and one day he will become hesitant, but definitely not today!

Sarutobi Hiruzen continued: "We are going to send troops to Amegakure Village. As for the candidates to lead the troops, we will discuss it later, that's all!"

After the meeting, Hiruzen Sarutobi stood up and walked out of the conference room.

Before leaving, he glanced at Shimura Danzo without saying a word.

Of course he understood what Shimura Danzo meant.

But there are so many people in his Hokage lineage, and there is not enough cake to share. How can we give it to Shimura Danzo?

Shimura Danzo said nothing, and the look from Sarutobi Hiruzen already told him that he had no chance.

This made his angry expression become ferocious.

The surrounding Jōnin saw this and hurriedly took a detour.

The root is Konoha's plague god, and they don't want to mess with it.

Under the order of "Ninja" Hiruzen Sarutobi, a war leadership group with Hokage as the core leader was established, and Konoha quickly turned into a war machine.

Ninjas inside and outside the village received the order, and some began to rush to the battlefield, while others returned to the village to guard.

It is worth mentioning that the Uchiha clan was very active in mobilizing troops for this war and wanted to send troops to the front line.

Their purpose is the same as Danzo's, military exploits and reputation.

The top leaders of the Uchiha clan are not a bunch of fools. They know very well that the family has been suppressed since Second Hokage Senju Tobirama came to power.

Their lineage did not choose to leave with Uchiha Madara in the first place, just to survive stably in the village. Being squeezed out by the village obviously went against their original intention.

So they want to ease relations with the village by establishing meritorious service in the war.

Not surprisingly, Sarutobi Hiruzen rejected their request.


Regarding Hanzo, neither the original nor the formula book said that Hanzo was a demigod, but Hanzo was indeed a ninja at the top of the ninja world at that time.