
Chapter 12 Minato And Jiraiya

Three days later.

The Konoha Ninja School at night is so peaceful under the moonlight, forming a beautiful ink painting together with the clouds and moon in the sky.

Under the beautiful moonlight, Senju·Wood Clone·Genma left the campus with his younger brother Minato Namikaze, but was stopped by a strange uncle wearing a mask.

The strange uncle grabbed Namikaze Minato's wrist.

"Young man, I see that your bones are amazing. You are a unique ninja prodigy. I have a ninja secret book. I will give it to you if you are destined to do so!"

Senju Genjian crossed his arms and said contemptuously: "Jiraiya, why are you so crazy?"

Jiraiya stepped aside in an exaggerated manner, "You can also see this."

"Nonsense, you're just wearing a mask, no one can tell!" Senju Genjian said with disdain.

Namikaze Minato on the side suddenly realized, "Jiraiya?! Hokage-sama's disciple Jiraiya-sama!"

Jiraiya suddenly took off his mask and assumed a strange posture of standing on one foot and placing his hands one behind the other.

"There's nothing to hide.

I don't distinguish between east and west, north and south, the white-haired boy toad messenger, the handsome man who can shut up even a crying child, the invincible Mount Myōboku Toad Sage, Jiraiya-sama, that's me."

Jiraiya He shook his head and introduced himself plausibly.

"Idiot!" Senju Genma complained mercilessly.

Namikaze Minato on the side was stunned and stood motionless.

Perhaps it was because he suddenly discovered that the respected ninja in the village was a psychopath that his young heart was greatly hurt!

Seeing that the two of them didn't buy it, Jiraiya was a little embarrassed. He touched his nose, approached Senju Genma and said, "Genma, does that child have a master?"

Senju Xuanjian raised his eyebrows and asked: "You have a crush on him?"

Jiraiya nodded and said in a low voice: "Yes, I just passed by here, and when I saw that child, I felt particularly special. I have a hunch that he is likely to be the child of prophecy, or is related to the child of prophecy. "

"You really trust that toad?" Senju Xuanjian asked.

"Genma, respect Toad Sage. Without it, I wouldn't be who I am now. If I don't believe it, who else can I believe?" Jiraiya said hurriedly.

Senju Genjian spread his hands, "Minato doesn't have a master. As for whether he wants you as his master or not, that's his freedom. I don't care."

Jiraiya nodded and walked to Namikaze Minato.

"Kid, your name is Minato, right?"

Namikaze Minato nodded and replied: "Yes, my name is Namikaze Minato.

Jiraiya said bluntly: "You also know my identity. I want to accept you as a disciple. I wonder if you are willing?"

Namikaze Minato was still a little confused. After all, although the other party was a disciple of Lord Hokage, his behavior just now was indeed too weird.

Senju Genjian spoke at the right time: "I heard from Sister Tsunade that Jiraiya is a jerk."

Jiraiya's face turned red, and he said excitedly: "You have to compete with me at the end of the crane! Don't look at me like this, I became a Genin at the age of six, and I became a Jōnin at the age of fourteen."

Namikaze Minato thought for a long time, glanced at Senju Genma, then looked at Jiraiya and replied: "I am willing, sensei."

Although Jiraiya is a very strange person, he obviously knows Senju Genma, and Namikaze Minato believes in Senju Genma.

Moreover, Jiraiya is a disciple of the Third Hokage, a well-known outstanding ninja in the village, and his strength must not be weak. Learning from Jiraiya can bring him one step closer to his dream.

After receiving the affirmative answer, Jiraiya was in a good mood for a moment, and began to show off to Senju Genma:

"Genma, after following Tsunade for so many years, you probably haven't learned anything, right? Tsunade knows how to do medical treatment, Ninjutsu, and strange powers, but you can't learn anything. How about it, do you want me to teach Minato in the future? Can I teach you some Ninjutsu?"

Senju Genjian knew that Jiraiya was drifting, but he would not coddle Jiraiya.

He raised his hands, blue thunder and lightning appeared in his right hand, making a sound like a thousand birds chirping, and a blue ball of light appeared in his left hand.

"The name of the technique on the left hand is Rasengan. I developed it by imitating the Tailed Beast Jade of the tailed beast. The technique on the right hand is Raikiri. I have used this technique to cut off thunder and lightning. I don't know which one you want to suffer?"

"No need, it seems that Tsunade's teaching is good.

I'm in a good mood after accepting a disciple today.

How about I invite you to have barbecue? How about barbecue Q? That's an old restaurant.

I had it when I was a child.

It tastes very good. ."

Jiraiya shook his head repeatedly and chose to follow his heart.

Whether it's imitating the Tailed Beast Jade or cutting off lightning, it all sounds too dangerous.

If his information is correct, Senju Genma, who is not very young this year, has actually developed this kind of Ninjutsu that looks very dangerous.

What were you doing when you were this age?

It seems that he just became a Chūnin and then retreated from the battlefield.

Wait, now Senju Genma is just a ninja school student, not even a Genin!

Speaking of which, I seem to be much better than him!

Jiraiya successfully completed his own Hypnosis and took the two of them to the barbecue restaurant in a good mood.

Senju Genma has not left. Although it is just a Wood Clone, his consciousness can also be synchronized. When eating, just give him a number and taste it.

Although the three of them were far stronger than ordinary people, they went to the barbecue restaurant very slowly, taking a full hour.

Because the three of them met a bookstore called Shueisha on the way here.

Jiraiya saw that the bookstore was like a wild horse running wild, and he insisted on reading for a while before leaving.

The two of them couldn't defeat him, so they had no choice but to stay with him.

At this time, Shueisha had not yet published Love in Heaven, but there were still some books of the same type, which made Namikaze Minato and Jiraiya blush.

Senju Genma has no interest in that kind of book at all.

After all, it is easy to go from frugality to luxury, and it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality. Tsunade is there, just look at her.

The three of them entered the barbecue restaurant and met an acquaintance.


As soon as Senju Genma stepped into the barbecue restaurant, he found a boy with tawny hair saying hello to him.

"Noseki, Orochimaru, you are here too!" Senju Genma waved.

Orochimaru nodded slightly in greeting.

Orochimaru didn't mind that Senju Genma called him by his first name.

Senju Genjian has always been like this. In their porn, gambling and drug trio, they only call him Tsunade sister, and they always call him and Jiraiya by their first names.

Orochimaru is used to it.

"Who is this child?" Orochimaru looked at Namikaze Minato.

Jiraiya patted Namikaze Minato on the shoulder, laughed and said, "This is the disciple I just accepted, how do you think? Not bad, right?"

Orochimaru nodded and said in agreement: "I can't tell yet how talented this kid is, but he does look like a talented person, much better than you, a teacher."