
Chapter 11 The Storm Is Coming

In Konoha Village, Senju Genma cooperated with Kushina and Mikoto, two little girls, to pull Tsunade out of the casino with a blushing face.

Because Senju Genma completed the training in Sage Mode, he was pulled out of the clan by Tsunade and Kushina and went out to play together.

For the three of them, this is also the spice of life.

Ninjas are keen on training for strength, but training is also boring.

It happened that Ninja School was on holiday right now, so at Senju Genma's suggestion, the three of them also brought Uchiha Mikoto with them.

Senju Genjian stood at the entrance of the casino and took out a stack of 100,000 banknotes in his hand.

"Now it seems that the casino is not a scary place! I won millions in one visit, which is faster than robbery."

Don't get me wrong, Tsunade didn't win this money, nor could she.

"Brother Genma is so awesome!" Uzumaki Kushina said jumping up and down.

"Indeed, I almost thought I was going to lose my pocket money just now, but fortunately Xuanjian is here."

Uchiha Mikoto breathed a long sigh of relief. Thinking of the scene when she almost lost all her pocket money to Tsunade, she felt a little scared.

Tsunade was already squatting on the ground and hugging Senju Genma tightly, and said with a cry: "It's so unfair. It's obviously the same gambling table, but I keep losing and you keep winning."

Under Senju Genma's disgusted gaze, Tsunade kept rubbing against Senju Genma's body, and even took the opportunity to lick Senju Genma's face.

Senju Genjian wiped the saliva from his face, pinched Tsunade's face with his white hands and said: "You still have the nerve to say that you have never lost in gambling.

The nickname "Fat Sheep" is not for nothing.

If it weren't for you in front of me this time, I lost millions of taels, but I can make tens of millions of taels at least."

Facing Senju Genma's face-squeezing attack, Tsunade looked like she was enjoying herself and said in a cute way: "Teacher Genma, please teach me the art of gambling."

"It can't be taught. I don't know how to gamble at all. Winning money depends on luck." Senju Xuanjian said with his hands spread.

He really didn't know how to gamble, and he didn't use cheating methods in the casino. He just sat there in Tsunade's place, and then he started winning money inexplicably.

The four of them were fooling around and wandering aimlessly on the street, but suddenly they discovered something very interesting.

I saw a young man with white hair lying outside the bathhouse, sneaking his head out as if to peek.

"Does it look good?!" Senju Genjian stood next to Jiraiya and asked in a cold tone.

Senju Genma did not deny that Jiraiya was a good person, but Jiraiya's hobby of peeping into bathhouses really made him dislike it.

As the saying goes, a gentleman is lustful but not lewd.

If you like it, just go find someone to fall in love with!

Peeping like a pervert, no matter how you look at it, it is too obscene and obscene.

"It looks good." Jiraiya replied stupidly.

But soon, he came back to his senses, looked at Senju Genma next to him, and said with an embarrassed look:

"It turns out to be Xuanjian! When did you come? How about we watch it together?"

Jiraiya knew Senju Genma.

After all, Tsunade loves Senju Genma very much and always talks about him.

Moreover, the porn, gambling, and drug trio sometimes get together to have a meal when they have nothing to do, and Tsunade likes to take Genma with her.

So Orochimaru and Jiraiya both knew Senju Genma.

"You are truly worthy of being the representative of Huang among the trio of pornographic, gambling and drug addicts. You should worry about yourself first!" Senju Xuanjian said with a smile.

Because Jiraiya, Tsunade and Orochimaru don't have the title of Sannin yet, Senju Genma calls them the porn, gambling and drug trio for convenience, and they are now used to this title.

"worry about what..."

Before Jiraiya could finish speaking, he felt a chill rising from his back.

He turned his head and found that Tsunade had raised her fist.

"Tsunade, please listen to my explanation~~"

Tsunade didn't want to listen to his nonsense, so she punched him in the chest.

He flew out, his chest was already dented, and he broke a big tree and a wall before stopping.

Senju Genma opened his big watery eyes and looked at Tsunade worriedly.

"Sister Tsunade, after all, Jiraiya is also Lord Hokage's disciple. You hurt Jiraiya so badly. Lord Hokage won't be angry, right? Lord Hokage won't punish my sister, right? Lord Hokage is so scary! It's not like that. I, I only feel sorry for my sister!"

Tsunade felt her heart melting and hurriedly picked up Senju Genma.

"Don't be afraid Xuanjian. If this guy does such a scandal, the teacher will have no shame to stand up for him."

Senju Genjian leaned in Tsunade's arms and whispered: "Why don't you help him heal his injuries! It will also save him less trouble."

Tsunade couldn't help but take a deep breath on Senju Genma's hair, showing a happy expression on her face.

As expected of the child I raised, not only is he cute and handsome, but he also feels sorry for himself.

"This guy deserves to be like this. I controlled my strength. It just looks scary and won't kill anyone. And I don't want to treat him. I just send him to the hospital."


"Unrecognized ceiling."

In Konoha Hospital, Jiraiya slowly woke up with a bandage on his chest, looking at the ceiling with confusion in his eyes.

Beside the hospital bed, a woman who looked like a nurse asked: "Jiraiya-sama, are you awake?!"

Jiraiya asked in a hoarse voice: "Where am I?"

"This is Konoha Hospital. You have been in a coma for three days." The nurse said, taking a glass of water and handing it to Jiraiya.

Jiraiya moved his arm to catch the water, but he grimaced in pain.

"Hiss! Three days?! Tsunade is really cruel!"

"Tsunade has shown mercy, otherwise you wouldn't have broken six ribs!"

Jiraiya's familiar voice came from the door of the ward.

Jiraiya saw the person coming clearly, grinned and said, "Orochimaru, why are you here?"

Orochimaru smiled and replied: "I heard that on the first day you returned to the village, you disgraced the teacher and had your ribs broken by Tsunade, so the teacher asked me to come and see you."

"Tell me, didn't you go on a trip? What are you doing back here?"

Jiraiya raised his eyebrows and asked doubtfully, "Teacher didn't tell you?"

Orochimaru shook his head, "No."

Jiraiya looked at the nurse and said in a deep voice: "You go out first!"

The nurse nodded, turned and left the ward.

"The teacher asked me to come back. It's not peaceful recently. The Kingdom of Rain and the Kingdom of Wind are both ready to make a move, and the war is about to begin."

Orochimaru sighed and said in a low tone: "As expected."

He had already made a guess in his mind.

Since the First Ninja War, the economic development of various countries has been extremely unbalanced, and the economic gap has widened.

From the intelligence point of view, on the grounds of "increasing the right to fairness", militant factions in various countries are on the rise, and the idea of ​​​​expansion by force to plunder resources has become mainstream in various countries.

Looking at the history of the Hokage world, we can find that in fact, except for the fourth ninja war, which was against a common enemy, the other ninja wars ultimately broke out because of the imbalance of resource distribution.