
Chapter 100 Longdi Cave

Having completed their mission, Genma's class received permission from the Third Generation to head to Konoha's defense line.

Genma, who came outside the defense line, thought about it for a while, then changed into a suit of armor, walked leisurely, and arrived at the Orochimaru troop station.

After greeting familiar and unfamiliar ninjas from the same village along the way, Genma arrived outside Orochimaru's tent.

As the commander-in-chief of the troops and the only shadow-level strongman on the defense line here, Orochimaru's tent is much larger and more imposing than the others'.

Leaving Hong and the other two people outside the tent, he raised his hand to lift the tent door. Only then did Xuanjian realize that there was not even a single guard outside the tent.

Thinking back to seeing the disgraced ninjas along the way, I guess they must have just experienced a fierce battle.

At this time, a flowery loli stood in front of the door, stuck out her little head, looked at Xuanjian, and said in a brisk tone: "Ah, isn't this Mr. Xuanjian?"

Before Genma could answer, the tent door was completely opened. Orochimaru, who was standing behind the door, smiled and said, "Genma-kun, come in."

After sitting down, Genma glanced at Orochimaru, who was covered in wounds and bandages, then looked at the little Lolita and asked: "Orochimaru, why is Ichikishima-hime here?"

Orochimaru crossed his arms and looked helpless.

Ichikijima Hime floated to Genma's side, giggled, and said, "Of course I'm here to see Genma-sama!"

Genma looked at Ichikishimahime carefully, and finally his eyes fell on her sharp teeth and pink tongue.

Ichikishimahime is one of the top executives of Ryuji Cave and an elder-level confidant of the White Snake Sennin. Loli's appearance is just a disguise. In fact, she is an old monster who has lived for who knows how many years.

However, this loli posture always gave Xuanjian a sense of incongruity, so Xuanjian still preferred her real body.

Seeing the white phosphorus gradually appearing on Ichikishimahime's body, Genma thought of the little white snake that used to deliver messages to him.

"So, the White Snake Immortal has agreed to let me become the psychic of Longdi Cave?"

In the past, Genma and Orochimaru passed on information through Little White Snake. However, Xuanjian did not have a psychic contract with Ryūchi Cave, so it was quite inconvenient, so he wanted to simplify the process through psychic techniques.

This suggestion has been put forward for several years, but I didn't expect that there would be progress today.

Orochimaru kept staring at Ichikishima Hime, sticking out his tongue several times and licking his lips, his eyes revealing longing.

Naturally, he didn't have any special thoughts about Ichikishima Hime. What he longed for was Ryuji Cave Sage Jutsu.

If there had been Sage Jutsu from Ryuji Cave, he wouldn't have been so embarrassed against Third Raikage yesterday, with not even a single piece of skin on his body.

Genma also persuaded Orochimaru to learn Sage Jutsu, but Orochimaru refused.

After learning about the training method of Sage Jutsu in Ryūchi Cave, he felt that the success rate of physical training today was not high enough.

Genma believes that he can learn Sage Jutsu with his current body, but he always shirks it and wants to practice it after completing the art of reincarnation with a perfect body.

"Yes, it is said that the observers said good things in front of the White Snake Immortal, and then the White Snake Immortal agreed."

Orochimaru endured the pain in his body, walked to Genma, and took out the psychic scroll from Ryūchi Cave.

The observer was sent by the White Snake Immortal to observe Xuanjian when he proposed to become a psychic in Ryūchi Cave.

However, Xuanjian had never seen it, or even sensed it, which made Xuanjian doubt the true strength of the three holy places.

Xuanjian opened the scroll without any pretense, picked up a pen and signed his name on the scroll.

"Speaking of which, who is the observer? It's been so kind to me, so I have to thank it."

"Well...you have met her, more than once."

No way...

Xuanjian has not seen many snakes in Longdi Cave, and the one he has come into contact with the most is the little white snake.

I didn't expect such a cute little thing to be a close confidant of Immortal White Snake.

Now that I think about it, the little white snake does have a lot of natural energy in its body, which is comparable to Ichikishima Hime, and you can often see anthropomorphic expressions on the snake's face.

It's just that her appearance is cute, and her natural energy is far inferior to her own, so she subconsciously ignored her.

If you put it this way, it's not surprising that the little white snake said good things for itself. After all, I was very good to it. Every time it delivers information, I reward it well.

Genma stood up and took Orochimaru's hand, which glowed with green light.

Orochimaru suddenly felt a lot more relaxed. Genma's medical Ninjutsu was indeed much better than the medical class.

"If you just want me to become a psychic, Ichikishima-hime shouldn't have to come in person."

As an elder of Ryuji Cave and a close confidant of White Snake Sage, Ichikishimahime is just a psychic. She can just ask Orochimaru to sign the psychic scroll for him. There is no need for her to come in person.

"I just came to see you, it's no big deal."

Ichikishimahime transformed into her true form, stretched out her fangs and bit Genma's neck.

Because he didn't sense any danger, Xuanjian didn't resist.

Ichikishima Hime released his mouth and licked the blood on his mouth with his tongue.

"Damn it, Tuanjinji! How dare you..."

After saying that, Ichikishimahime dissipated into a burst of smoke and returned to Ryūchi Cave.

Genma didn't like thinking at all, and this confusing scene made him even more confused, so he could only look at Orochimaru for help.

Orochimaru spread his hands and said he didn't know anything.

Genma sighed: "She ran too fast. I also want to learn some Ryūchidō Sage Jutsu."

Nothing else mattered, what he wanted to learn most was inorganic reincarnation and distant shadow.

The former can give life to inorganic objects and control them, while the latter can absorb other people's cells and use other people's techniques.

However, it is said that Yiyuanying was created by Kabuto Yakushi, and he cannot learn it now even if he wants to.

When the pain completely disappeared, Orochimaru withdrew his hand and chuckled: "You have become a psychic of Ryuji Cave. There are many opportunities for you to learn Sage Jutsu of Ryuji Cave."

"That's right." Xuanjian nodded, "Tell me, what's going on with you?"

"Yesterday we were attacked by Kumo ninjas. I don't know what stimulated them, especially the Third Raikage. They were like mad dogs!" Orochimaru gritted his teeth. The Third Raikage put so much pressure on him that he almost died on the battlefield. .

Pure strength, speed and defense, designed to overcome all kinds of bells and whistles.

Orochimaru's snake Ninjutsu is completely useless against Third Raikage. Once the strongest Lightning Style armor is opened, Third Raikage stands still and lets his snakes bite him, and his snakes cannot break through the defense.

Fortunately, on Orochimaru's thirtieth birthday, Genma gave him a Kusanagi sword he obtained during the mission. Otherwise, with his current methods, except for poison, he would not be able to hurt Third Raikage at all.

However, this is just an ordinary Kusanagi sword. It looks like a double-edged sword and only has a sharp effect. It does not have the ability to expand and contract at will like Orochimaru's Kusanagi sword in the original work.