
Chapter 1 A Shameful System

Konoha 27th May 14th.

Among the Senju tribe, the new tribe member named Senju Xuanjian was lying on the bed with his eyes blank, looking at the Senju tribe emblem on the wall that looked like a simple drawing of a tree.

Although Xuanjian looks like a baby, to be precise, Xuanjian is twenty-two years old this year, because he is actually a time traveler.

He was quite happy at first, after all, traveling through time travel was just like being treated as a protagonist.

But after knowing which world he was in, he couldn't be happy anymore.

Just because this world is too dangerous, and the Senju clan is at risk of disappearing inexplicably.

Senju Genjian said that he was under a lot of pressure.

If given the choice, Senju Genma would rather choose to reincarnate himself.

Senju Xuanjian closed his eyes in despair, no longer looking at the disturbing clan emblem.


"Host Senju Genjian, open your eyes, I am the strongest ninja system."

Senju Genma opened his eyes excitedly.

As a time traveler, Cheat finally came, although it was a little late.

But it would be nice to be able to cheat, and this little time is nothing at all.

"System, you are finally here. I miss you so much."

A cold electronic voice sounded: "The system needs to adapt to the laws of the current world, so it takes time."

"Binding completed, current world, Hokage ninja."

"Issue a mission to unify the five major ninja villages and establish a ninja empire."

"Reward, Hokage world ownership, failure, system unbinding, time limit, none."

"Is this a mission? I'm not even ready!" Senju Xuanjian roared in his heart.

The system did not respond.

Senju Genjian quickly calmed down and asked: "Then do you have any benefits for newbies?"

If there is nothing at the beginning, Senju Genma plans to just lie down, since the mission has no time limit anyway.

The world of Hokage is a world based on bloodline. Strong bloodline means true strength.

There is no comparison between ordinary people and those who cheat.


"Congratulations to Host, you have received a gift package for newbies. Do you want to receive it?"

Senju Xuanjian was ecstatic, he was motivated only by cheating!

Not all Senju people are called Senju Hashirama.

Let him, an ordinary person, go to unify the ninja world. Isn't this asking for death?

"Congratulations to Host, you have obtained the immortal body (growth) and immortal eyes (growth)."

Senju Genjian felt that his thin baby body was full of strength. If he could look in the mirror, he would find a golden vertical mark on his forehead.

He couldn't help but laugh.

There has never been such a wonderful start, and this novice benefit is completely sufficient in Shippuden.

"Warning! Warning! Due to illegal operation, the compatibility of this system with this world has been reduced."

"Warning! Warning! The system self-destruction program has been initiated."







The system suddenly went silent.

"System? System?!!"

Senju Xuanjian shouted in his heart, but received no response.

Fortunately, the strength in his body was still there, so Senju Xuanjian breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's really gone. This system is too shameful. It can't even survive the first chapter."


Konoha year 33, spring.

Senju clan land, in the clan chief's mansion.

A white-haired boy asked a blond woman: "Sister Tsunade, what do you think Mito-sama asked us to do today? Has Mito-sama finally decided to let me learn those powerful Ninjutsu?"

The white-haired boy who spoke was Senju Genma, the contemporary young patriarch of the Senju clan. The blond woman accompanying him was Tsunade, the granddaughter of the famous First Hokage Senju Hashirama.

Senju Genjian is the young patriarch, wearing a white Japanese men's kimono, with a delicate profile and star-like eyes under his long silver hair.

After traveling to this world for six years, Senju Genjian has become accustomed to this world.

In this life, his family background is very good, and the word Senju is enough to explain everything.

Although the remaining members of the Senju clan continued to move away from their clan territory under the policies of Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, the family business remained.

And Senju Genma himself became the heir of the family, and was definitely the top son of a wealthy family in Konoha.

Of course, it would be better if the guy named Shimura Danzo in the village didn't stare at him all the time.

Senju Genjian's parents did not have much influence in the clan.

His father, a Jōnin, died in an accident while performing a mission, and his mother also died in childbirth after giving birth to him.

During that time, he relied on the clan's relief funds and the help of his clan members.

It wasn't until the third year that I accidentally injured myself while playing with other children, and the wound healed quickly.

After seeing him, the tribesmen shouted: "This boy is so young and so terrifying. His future achievements are limitless. Go and invite Mito-sama."

After hearing this, Uzumaki Mito, who was eating, spit out the food in his mouth and came to Senju Genma's house to pick him up directly.

Senju Genjian's self-healing ability reminded her of a person, First Hokage Senju Hashirama, who could also perform Muji healing.

Both of them are from the Senju clan, so Uzumaki Mito suspected that Senju Genma might have inherited the Wood Style.

Wood Style is the pride of the Senju family.

The former Senju Hashirama dominated the ninja world with his Wood Style Ninjutsu and was called the God of Ninja.

In order to test whether Senju Genma could use Wood Style, Uzumaki Mito gave him the Senju clan's Chakra refining method and some basic Wood Style Ninjutsu.

Senju Genma did not disappoint Uzumaki Mito. It only took him two and a half months to complete the Chakra refinement and perform low-level Wood Style Ninjutsu such as Wood Style·Wood Clone.

Uzumaki Mito was very happy and felt that with Senju Genma here, the Senju clan would be great again.

Uzumaki Mito began to personally raise Senju Genma, and loved him very much, giving him almost everything he asked for, and even made him the young clan leader.

Tsunade, who has a fiery personality, can only be bullied by him within the clan.

Every time Tsunade was bullied by him, she would burst into tears and her voice would become hoarse.

However, it was also because Senju Genma used Wood Style that he was attracted by Konoha's super villain, Shimura Danzo.

In Danzo's words: Wood Style's power is too dangerous. For the safety of the village, this power should be in my hands.

Fortunately, Mito Uzumaki was protecting him, otherwise Senju Genma would have been taken away by Danzo and used to mass-produce Wood Style ninjas.

Although it seems like such a good day, it is too harmful to the body!

"Of course not, grandma said, you are the treasure of the whole clan now, so you can't be careless. The most important thing now is to lay the foundation. Strong Ninjutsu will be given to you later." Tsunade shook her head.

"I heard what grandma said. It seems that she wants to introduce someone to us this time."

Tsunade looked at the cute Senju Genma and couldn't help but hold him on her lap and start touching him.

"No! Sister Tsunade." Senju Genma said in a reserved manner, but did not push away Tsunade's mischievous hand.

In his opinion, Tsunade is a typical good-looking and fun-loving person who will eventually be bullied to the point of crying.

"Oh, are you shy?"

Tsunade was a little lucky. The two were just of the same race, and their blood was separated by countless generations, so it was no problem, otherwise she would definitely be caught and sent to the Konoha Guard.

"How old are you? You're still shy. You have a good figure. You're pretty strong!"